Kittie Lynn Lafay

Kittie Lynn Lafay

Well-Known Member
Full Name: Kittie Lynn Lafay
- Birth Date: October 29
- Current Age: 11 Years old
- Basic Appearance: Long black hair with pink tips, Black eyes, 5'2", slim, pale with a red birth mark on her shoulder.
- Parents:
~Mother- Luna Miazaki, witch from Japan
~Father- Alec Lafay, Muggle from France.
- Siblings, if any: Her little brother, Carion Lafay
- Pets, if any: None at the moment
- Area of Residence: Tokyo, Japan
- Blood status: Half blood

(If your character is a sorted student:)
- Hogwarts House (And why):
- Best school subjects (And why):
- Worst school subjects (And why):

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? Her patronus would be a white tiger because of their uniqueness
- What would their Boggart be? Her boggart would be a knife because she's a hemophiliac
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one)- A artic fox because they travle alone
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised?- Her parents not fighting
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? The first Christmas when her parents stopped fighting for one day

- Write an example role play by your character:
The day was sunny as Kittie made her way back from school. She was happy the day had finally ended (though she didn't like home much better). Unfourtunantly a boy had followed her. Kittie had not realized what was going on until a rock hit her.
"Freak," The boy yelled at her.
She took a deep breath, she couldn't risk loosing her cool. 'I wish he would go away,' She though to herself.
A sharp scream from above made her look up, it was the boy. He had somehow ended up in the tree in front of her, almost like magic.
"Kittie!" Her mothers voice rang through her daydream. "Get down here."
Sleeply she made her way down stairs. reaching the bottom a letter was thrust into her hands.
"What is it?" She asked as her mom sat back down.
"Your new school." Her dad said plainly.
Kittie couldn't beleive her eyes, the daydream played through her head and it all made sense, why he ended up in the tree. The letter was from a school called Hogwarts New Zealand. It, obviously by the name, was in New Zealand. She knew it would be good for her to get out of the house so she packed immeadiantly. She would be leaving to New Zealand to await the school year to start.
Hi Kittie, and welcome to HNZ

When you answered "What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one)" You said an artic fox because they travel alone. Does this mean you prefer to be left alone and is not looking forward to making new friends?

Also so you mention that your parents fight a lot, are you happy that you are getting to move away to New Zealand and maybe not somewhere closer.

Good development so far, looking forward to reading your role play.
She smiled,"Well i mean i never really made any friends so i am solitary, but i would like to meat some. and yes i'm very glad that my parents sent me to a far away school, i couldn't take much more of the yelling, and this way they can get away from each other."
and now i have the roleplay done, feel free to read it
I'm going to ask my questions out of character, though free to reply in or out of character.

You say you (your character) has black hair with pink tips. I am assuming the pink tips are dyed, is her black hair also?

Is there reason that her birthmark is red? Does it signify anything? Is the birthmark usually visible, or is it covered by clothing/hair?

Is there a reason others seem to call her a freak? Does she exhibit any strange qualities or habits (aside from being solitary)?

If and when your character opens up to somebody, how does she behave?

Your character's parents seem to have quite the dysfunctional relationship, what may have caused this? Are they staying together for your character's sake, or other reasons?
You say your character has black hair with pink tips. I am assuming the pink tips are dyed, is her black hair also?

Is there reason that her birthmark is red? Does it signify anything? Is the birthmark usually visible, or is it covered by clothing/hair?

Is there a reason others seem to call her a freak? Does she exhibit any strange qualities or habits (aside from being solitary)?

If and when your character opens up to somebody, how does she behave?

Your character's parents seem to have quite the dysfunctional relationship, what may have caused this? Are they staying together for your character's sake, or other reasons?

wow you gave me alot to think about with the questions. i'll go in order.

the pink tips in Kitties hair are indeed dyed but the black hair comes form her moms side so no it is not.
her birthmark is just red it was like that when she was born, and it signify's her place in the family on her mothers side, they each have the same birthmark all the way down the line. And the birthmark is hardly ever seen, because of the quarter moon shape, Kittie thinks it's weird so it's usually covered by clothing and hair.
Kittie is considered a freak because not only does she act different but her clothing is stange. most people in her community like bright colors and she is drawn more to black or darker colors.
When kittie opens up to someone she's very talkitive and loves to hug her friends. She will be shy if others are around but other then that she is a jnice, sweet, and sensitive girl.
An last but not least her family, yes it is disfunctional. When her mother met her father she had no intentions of telling him until they got married which screwed it up. he got mad that she was but since wizarding family's can't divorce they're stuck together. They are staying together to raise Kittie. They don't think that Kittie could handle being any different then what she is.

Thanks for asking though ^^
I believe that it is not stated in the canon that Wizarding Families cannot divorce, so that door is still open for you ;)

I'll try some in character questions
Which house do you look forward to being placed in?

Why do you feel you fit into said house?

Which wizarding school did your mother attend? If it was Hogwarts, which house was she in?

Can you give five adjectives to describe your mother and then five to describe your father?
yay more q and a
Which house do you look forward to being placed in?

Why do you feel you fit into said house?

Which wizarding school did your mother attend? If it was Hogwarts, which house was she in?

Can you give five adjectives to describe your mother and then five to describe your father?
Giggles, "Well i hope to get into Ravinclaw. and i think i'd fit in because back at my old school i was a top student." She takes a breth. "My mother attended Beuabaxtons. and five adjectives to descibe my mother; Nice, cool, different, sensitive, and pretty." Sighs. "And my father? Um, closed minded, mean, inflexible (to change as in), caring in a tough love sort of way, and sleezy. i don't like him that much :("
Out of Character Comment: Though a fine role play I feel the need to remind you that your narrative should be in the past tense to be more like.
Kittie giggled, "Well I hope to get into Ravenclaw. and I think I'd fit in because back at my old school I was a top student." She took a breath . "My mother attended Beuabaxtons. and five adjectives to describe my mother; Nice, cool, different, sensitive, and pretty." She sighed "And my father? Um, closed minded, mean, inflexible (to change as in), caring in a tough love sort of way, and sleezy. I don't like him that much"
Then just remember to look out to capitalize ' I ' :)

Are there any memories that make you dislike your father?

What are your parents employed as?

Do you know why you were named Kittie? It seems rather informal, a nickname even.
OOC: thanks
Are there any memories that make you dislike your father?

What are your parents employed as?

Do you know why you were named Kittie? It seems rather informal, a nickname even.
"Yes," She said, "I rember one night when my father and mother were arguing he hit her. though i knew it has happened before this was the first time i saw it happen. he said volger things about the wizarding world and i haven't liked him sense." She bit her lip as it thinking. "As for employment, they both have muggle jobs. My mom is an artits and my dad is a doctor. Then my name" She giggled. "Kittie was my already planned name, my mom loved cats and still does so she chose the first name and my dad chose the second."
Awesome ^_^ I'll leave you alone for now ;) Just remember to try to watch out for proper spelling etc.
Firefox spell checks as you type
But if you're partial to Internet Explorer and are using Internet Explorer 7 then Internet Explorer 7 Pro is a free add-on which will check spelling for you :) I myself use them both for different reasons ;)
do you know if you are a decendent to Morgan Le Fay
I think Kittie's left :p

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