Kandee's place

"It's Citron Green Tea. I didn't think you would like Oolong and Jasmine." She said with a shrug. Oolong tea was an acquired taste. She smiled at him slightly. "Why do you enjoy making me mad?"
"Don't feel so special I enjoy making everyone made." He smirked. "The tea is very good thought, I might have to pick some up later." He was enjoying this all to much.
She rolled her eyes and walked past him into the living room. There was no TV, but she could pretend to do something while she was in there. She took another sip of her tea, this one not burning so much, and looked around the room.
Alex watched Kandee go back into the living room. He remained in the kitchen. "So what have you done all these years I've been gone." He looked at her curiously.
"Well, i finnished school; could have become a teacher, skipped that to elope with a boy who dumped me shortly after, then i picked up my dignity and moved here to become a photographer for a girl who left country because her over bearing mother couldn't bare to loose her. And you?" She said this all quickly, she hadn't had much luck with anything.
Alex smiled, "Sounds like fun." He answered "Well been arrested a few times, had two near death expeariences, graduated, failed at becoming a buisness man." He stopped. "The list go's on. He finished his tea in one gulp and put the cup in the sink. he sat down next to her in the living room. "You've done better than me."
"Sure," She shrugged as he sat down next to her. "i suppose i have, but most people have." She said meanly. It was normal for him to be mean, but she wondered what would happen if she got him mad. She smirked a bit. "After all that bum down the road still has a better house then you."
Alex exhaled loudly, "You should see it it's gotten a lot better since you last saw it, and its not my house anymore, I sold it when I left Germany so technecly I don't own a house." He finished.
"Wasn't that my point, bum." She said, looking through a book she had found nonchalantly. She hadn't ever played the mean girl. It was kind of fun; she had to admit it.
Alex rolled his eye's. "I bet I still have more money in the bank than you though." He grinned. "The police really pay well when your experianced." He smiled at her attempt at the mean one but, it all rolled off his back.
"Mmhmm, whatever Blondie." She said leafing through the book more. Why hadn't she ever read this book before? she didn't even recognize it.
Alex smiled "Beastly, that's a good book." He had read it a few years back, but really there was not many books he hadn't read. "Have you read it yet?"
"Nope." She said setting it down and tapping he knees. it was too bad that he didn't get mad like she did. it would be more interesting.
"You should read it, it is actually interesting." He smiled most of the books he read were educational. "It's not that long either so it shouldn't take you to long." He smiled.
She rolled her eyes and stood up to stretch. "I see... Well you got your drink; if theirs anything else you wanted then okay. If not, maybe you should go." She felt tired; she didn't want to fall asleep while he was there.
Alex stood up, "That would be for the best I suppose. I think I might go see Kari after all." He walked out calmly without a goodbye the way it should have been after that comment.
She sighed. "Darn it. Wait!" She exclaimed following him out the door. "You really don't have anything... anything else?"
"Only if this counts." He said kissing her lightly. He loved when things went his way. She was just so predictable.
she could feel her heart jump as he kissed her lightly. She never got tired of his kisses, nothing had changed about them; except maybe his lips got softer. She smiled and pulled away a little. "That definitely counts." Seh smiled at him. "So you really gonna go?"
"Only if you want me to, I would rather stay here than Adrianna's." HE hoped he could stay. He thought deep in his heart that he loved this one.
She smiled and nodded. "Well how about a tour then?" She asked taking his hand, which was much bigger then her own. seh smiled up at him; she was also shorter then him too.
He looked down at her as she held his hand. "A tour sounds great." He kissed her forehead lightly. He shampoo smelled wonderful. They walked back into the house and the warm air hit him.
She smiled and pulled him up the winding oak stair case. She stopped and looked down the hallway, pointing at a closed door. "This is Cloe's room. Absolutely off limits; or so she says." She then pointed right across from it. "This is the bathroom." She then pointed to the end of the hall. "That's my bedroom, but we don't have to see it."
Alex smiled "It can't be that bad can it?" He never kept much in his room besides his books and clothes and a few pictures.
"Well if you want to then..." She led him down the hallway, and made a huge countdown before opening the door revealing her bedroom. It wasn't much; but she called it her Sanctuary. "I mean it's okay bu, that's all i have."

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