Just This One

Max Goose

Laid-back | Unfocused | Distracted
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
08/2046 (13)
I've been notoriously bad at writing these and the fact that my room is currently hotter than it has ever been thanks to this heatwave isn't helping much either, but at least it's just this one character!


Max Goose
1st Year | Not the Brightest

Max is a sweet boy. He's protective, easy-going and can be as stubborn as a mule once he has figured out how he wants something to be done. I don't think that he is very mean or inconsiderate, but oftentimes his stubbornness, or even competitiveness, can lead to him not thinking about other people as much as he probably should have. He loves sports and played football before his parents got divorced. He's also a big fan of the Wollongong Warriors Quidditch team. The fact that his parents got divorced and are in the middle of settling things doesn't sit well with him and has him all over the place. Especially academically. He's showing quite the lack of intellect but only because he's not really in the best of places with his parents divorcing and all. He isn't paying much attention in classes and often lives in his own fantasies. Unconsciously, he also hopes that being dumb might somehow bring his parents back together because: ''they need to make him smart'' (he absolutely thinks that it is his fault that they're splitting up). Despite his 'lack of intellect', Max is quite the strategic thinker and very detail-oriented and not at all as dumb as he seems to be (or even wants to be).

I'm open to literally anything you can throw my way. Friends, enemies, fellow Quidditch lovers or Quidditch players! (he'll eventually want to try out as Keeper for the Gryffindor Quidditch team) I'm not really looking for romance at the moment but I can see him having a crush on an older student. Max is going to be my only student until he graduates so I want to do as much with him as I can!

Feel free to add me on Discord if you want to talk plots! Steven#6789​
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Steven hiiiii!!!

I think I have two characters to offer to you! Feel free to decline either or both! :D

Max + Conan - I can either offer my firstie, Conan - Conan is the younger sibling of my two other characters in Hogwarts, Molly and Nolan. Conan is a bit shy but is very talkative and excitable once he's warmed up to you a lot more. Conan is obsessed with shells and whatnot but isn't really interested in sports. They could be friends maybe? Maybe Max could try and convince Conan into Quidditch or something? I dunno just throwing something out there hehe!

Max + Josh - The other character I would like to offer is my second year, Joshua. I think he and Max are similar in a way. Josh is obsessed with sports and I'm having him try out for the Quidditch team this year, even though there is an unlikely chance he'll get in. Josh isn't the smartest cookie, he's very soft-headed and oblivious to things, but is always excited!

Let me know what you think! :D
Hey Steven!! ^_^

I have Seraphiel here, who could be a good match for Max! He's pretty charismatic and social, not always the smartest himself either. I think he'd enjoy Quidditch, but might not be coordinated enough to make the team himself :lol:

Anyway he wants to make a bunch of friends, and also I was gonna offer him as a friend for Conan once he got sorted too @Samantha Jacobs so if you guys fancied a group topic I'd be keeen!! :3
Hi Steven!

I can offer my first year student Charlotte, who has just been sorted into Gryffindor, so I think it would be quite logical that they could already meet on the 1st September, going to the common room and sharing classes. She'd love to have someone to talk about Quidditch teams and similar things. Charlotte is not shy and will be easy to get to know.

Like you, I will only use this account as a student and focus entirely on Charlotte RPing as much as possible. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this combination!
Steven hiiiii!!!

I think I have two characters to offer to you! Feel free to decline either or both! :D

Max + Conan - I can either offer my firstie, Conan - Conan is the younger sibling of my two other characters in Hogwarts, Molly and Nolan. Conan is a bit shy but is very talkative and excitable once he's warmed up to you a lot more. Conan is obsessed with shells and whatnot but isn't really interested in sports. They could be friends maybe? Maybe Max could try and convince Conan into Quidditch or something? I dunno just throwing something out there hehe!

Max + Josh - The other character I would like to offer is my second year, Joshua. I think he and Max are similar in a way. Josh is obsessed with sports and I'm having him try out for the Quidditch team this year, even though there is an unlikely chance he'll get in. Josh isn't the smartest cookie, he's very soft-headed and oblivious to things, but is always excited!

Let me know what you think! :D

Max & Conan: I think they have already met once in a sandbox at Tākarokaro Park. I think they can still be friends regardless of whether Conan is interested in sports or not. He could even get Max into collecting shells with him!

Max & Josh: I can absolutely see Josh and Max becoming friends and have them bond over their obsession with sports and Quidditch. He might even pester Josh about his Quidditch tryout because Max is very much interested in joining the team as well even though he is a first year.

Hey Steven!! ^_^

I have Seraphiel here, who could be a good match for Max! He's pretty charismatic and social, not always the smartest himself either. I think he'd enjoy Quidditch, but might not be coordinated enough to make the team himself :lol:

Anyway he wants to make a bunch of friends, and also I was gonna offer him as a friend for Conan once he got sorted too @Samantha Jacobs so if you guys fancied a group topic I'd be keeen!! :3
Hey Claire!

Max & Seraphiel & Conan: I'm totally up for a group topic! :D

Hi Steven!

I can offer my first year student Charlotte, who has just been sorted into Gryffindor, so I think it would be quite logical that they could already meet on the 1st September, going to the common room and sharing classes. She'd love to have someone to talk about Quidditch teams and similar things. Charlotte is not shy and will be easy to get to know.

Like you, I will only use this account as a student and focus entirely on Charlotte RPing as much as possible. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this combination!
Hi Liga!

Max & Charlotte: It makes sense that they would already know each other, yes! He's really easy-going so chatting with people about whatever won't be a problem for him at all. I'd say let's just start something and see what'll come from it!

Max & Conan: I think they have already met once in a sandbox at Tākarokaro Park. I think they can still be friends regardless of whether Conan is interested in sports or not. He could even get Max into collecting shells with him!

Max & Josh: I can absolutely see Josh and Max becoming friends and have them bond over their obsession with sports and Quidditch. He might even pester Josh about his Quidditch tryout because Max is very much interested in joining the team as well even though he is a first year.
Oh yesss! That's right they met at the park (I forgot about that oops) I agree with both hehe! I can start one and you can start the other? (no rush hehe)

@Monty Pendleton and yessss!! I'm totally up for a group thread with the firsties as well!
*jumps in the party* Hello! I come offering my firstie, Dahlia. She doesn't know much about Quidditch yet but is keen to learn. She's not super smart but she's reasonably perceptive, 11 year old non-worldly ways aside. She also might laugh at his name but try very hard not to :r could be sort of friends maybe? She's a bit of a nerd deep down and isn't the type to be intentionally rude unless provoked. Just, y'know, typical not knowing better.

he's also welcome to join the pile of people getting a crush on my 4th year, Renata, since she plays for Hufflepuff. She's the sweetest and would be very gentle in letting him down :lol:
Oh yesss! That's right they met at the park (I forgot about that oops) I agree with both hehe! I can start one and you can start the other? (no rush hehe)

@Monty Pendleton and yessss!! I'm totally up for a group thread with the firsties as well!
I do have a topic already that you could join with either Conan or Josh. It's at the North Tower!

*jumps in the party* Hello! I come offering my firstie, Dahlia. She doesn't know much about Quidditch yet but is keen to learn. She's not super smart but she's reasonably perceptive, 11 year old non-worldly ways aside. She also might laugh at his name but try very hard not to :r could be sort of friends maybe? She's a bit of a nerd deep down and isn't the type to be intentionally rude unless provoked. Just, y'know, typical not knowing better.

he's also welcome to join the pile of people getting a crush on my 4th year, Renata, since she plays for Hufflepuff. She's the sweetest and would be very gentle in letting him down :lol:
I've been expecting people to have a laugh at his name so I'm totally down for that :p He'd happily teach her all about Quidditch (even though he only knows how to play keeper bc that's what he played in the Muggle world). If she manages to not laugh at his name right in his face, I bet they can be friends!

I could totally see him getting a crush on an older Quidditch player so Renata would definitely work on that front! Poor him when she has to let him down
I do have a topic already that you could join with either Conan or Josh. It's at the North Tower!
Ooooo! I'll have Conan join in at some point hehe! I can do a Josh and Max thread a little later around about the time try-outs end maybe?
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Sounds like plan!

Small I start the group topic, then?
(@Monty Pendleton)
If you wouldn’t mind that would be awesome, thank you so much!!!
Alternatively I could join the tower topic as well if you wanted but I don’t mind either way ^_^
I'm fine with starting a separate one!

I hope this works!
@Samantha Jacobs @Monty Pendleton
Also since Max is Australian too Dahlia will immediately clock the accent and go "we're friends now" =)) i don't want to overcrowd both of us with threads but i can start something sometime in the next week or two if you'd like?

Can do a quidditch thread of Renata offering to practice with Max (she plays chaser...technically it was beater but she vibed with chaser much more) later on in the semester too if you'd like? Feel free to PM me or bother me for my discord if you'd like lol I am a bit scattered atm but we'll get there lol
Oh, yeah, totally, he would immediately be friends with her! I'm also okay with waiting a week or two!
I'm also cool with waiting till later into the semester to do Renata and Max's thread :)
Hi Steven!

Here to add my firstie to the pile. Leah's parent's are also going through a pretty messy divorce which is why she's ended up in New Zealand in the first place. She is kind of relieved about the whole thing which might be interesting to explore since Max seems to feel very differently about his situation. She is also a big quidditch fan although she's partial to the Hollyhead Harpies. In general I think they could be good friends and maybe friendly rivals because she can be quite bossy. Let me know what you think!
Hi Kadi!

I think that they could definitely work as good friends and/or friendly rivals! I could see the friendly rivalry happen purely based on which Quidditch teams they support. He's a pretty big Wollongong Warriors supporter, so the only good team in his mind would be them (the other teams all suck anyway :r). I don't think he's going to mention his parents' divorce anytime soon but might bring it up once he knows her a bit better. Otherwise, he's cool and chill with pretty much anyone!
Hey Steven!

Max seems like a cutie and I think he could get along with Anisha quite a bit, they already interacted a bit over profile posts. It could be an interesting dynamic because Anisha is pretty intelligent and will try her best academically, she also loves to read. She could help him or maybe there could be some conflict later on?

I also have Ezra in first year who also loves Quidditch, so maybe we could throw them together later too.

Also I recently had my graduate Lucas join the Woolongong Warriors, maybe there's something we can do there?
Hey Daphne!

I agree that there could be an interesting dynamic between Anisha and Max, especially if she's going to try her best academically. At this point in time, Max is likely going to do the bare minimum in terms of homework and actually paying attention in classes, so I could see them clash over that potentially. He would probably tease her about it a little but it wouldn't be more than that.

I'm 100% down for Max to meet anyone who loves Quidditch, so yes, we should definitely throw them together later!

If he would ever come in contact with Lucas, or any other Warriors players for that matter, my best guess is that he will lose his cool and be a fanboy, which could be a fun interaction for sure!
We could throw Anisha and Max together first? See how they get along? I like the other two ideas too, but maybe for later? We could have Max meet Lucas during a Brightstone weekend or something, maybe?

I'd be able to start something for Max and Anisha if you want?
Yeah, I'm cool with doing Anisha and Max now and the other two later.

Also if you could, that'd be awesome!
Hi Kadi!

I think that they could definitely work as good friends and/or friendly rivals! I could see the friendly rivalry happen purely based on which Quidditch teams they support. He's a pretty big Wollongong Warriors supporter, so the only good team in his mind would be them (the other teams all suck anyway :r). I don't think he's going to mention his parents' divorce anytime soon but might bring it up once he knows her a bit better. Otherwise, he's cool and chill with pretty much anyone!
Whoops, nearly missed this! She is going to try fairly hard at school so maybe that is something they can banter over at first. I can start something if you'd like? Unless you have something else in mind?
They can banter over that for sure! I wouldn't mind you starting something but I could also do it if you want :)

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