I've known some better days

Evelyn Manning

Owner of EVELYN Fashionbrand & Model Agency ⭐
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 11 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Evelyn noticed her feeling a bit down today. She wasn't completly herself and that had a reason. Her clothes were not gonna change, when she was down or happy or angry her clothes were always on fleek. The blonde left the Common room, because she wasn't in the mood for cozy stuff and especially she left because she would not see Lucas. Evelyn wanted things to be normal, but Lucas was avoiding her and she could understand what the reason was for his behavior. But she didn't wanted this, she never wanted their friendship to be ruined by such a thing as Lucas who says he likes her, more than friends. Evelyn understood what liking somebody ment, and so she came to the conclusion that she didn't liked Lucas the way he did. But now everything was stupid and she got the feeling that she lost him for a very long time. Evelyn really wanted to talk with somebody about it, but Aaron was no option he was so on the side of Lucas, and Amber was no where to be found. So now she was just walking through the halls, not really a plan of where she was going.

The blonde decided to take a break, because she walked a bit too fast. Evelyn could mostly find the right words, but seeing Lucas and the way he avoided her was just painfull. But she was glad with her truth, it would be far worser if she had lied to him just to keep him happy. The blonde found a empty spot at a window bench and decided to rest for a bit.
Professor Haden wiped his nose on his sleeve as he walked back from the staff room to his office. He was enjoying the school this semester, the weirdness from the last had gone away and every day he looked forward to seeing the young Professor Styx. He enjoyed talking with her, the moments they shared within the school. It felt nicer than anything had ever really in his life. He had never been particularly good at relationships, making them or managing to keep them, but he was happy with whatever it was that they had. The man noticed as he was walking back to his office and particularly close to his office one of his younger student sitting by the window looking less than happy about whatever life had thrown her way. Misha loved teaching but he didn't think he was particularly good at helping students and he didn't much enjoy it either. But, he felt a small sense of duty towards her to make sure she was alright, "Miss Evelyn, everything okay there?" he asked in a polite and friendly tone, the one he usually used when he was talking to his students. He didn't do it often and he really hated giving students into trouble but he didn't think he could just walk by ignoring them. That wouldn't be very professor-ly of him and if he ever hoped to one day move up in his work he needed to be better with students.
The blonde looked around the hallway, she never really had felt like this before. She had mixed feelings, she was sad about Lucas avoiding her but also a bit angry because things weren't going as she wanted them to be. And she was used to getting everything that she wanted or dreamed off. Why had Lucas had to be like this, did he want her to lie to him about having feelings for him? Evelyn didn't knew where she had to go to, and that was kinda strange because she had made many friends in her time at Hogwarts. But most of them were in her same house, in Gryffindor. And she just didn't want to see Lucas his face right now, because the anger was high now. When she heard a familliar voice she looked to the direction of where it was coming from. She looked in the face of her favorite Professor. He must have noticed her sitting alone here, and not having her happy face as usual. '' Oh- Hello Misha.'' the blonde said with a smile, because seeing him was always fun. She put her legs above eachother and sighted for a moment. '' Well not really, I've known some better days.'' Evelyn said a bit sad. She was a open person, and would discuss her problems or feelings with Misha, but she had to thought about what Misha would think of her. Perhaps he didn't have time or the mood to listen at students problems. But on the other hand this was a change to talk to Misha, and she wasn't gonna turn it down.
Misha could tell as the girl looked up at him that something wasn't right, and internally he was cursing himself for stopping, but it was clear one of his students was having a hard time, so maybe as a good professor he should try to make her feel better, or just give her a space to talk, "That's not good, would you like to come to my office for some tea? We can go over some charms while we're at it, you're really excelling in the class but there's always room for practice," he offered, he didn't think she'd really want to talk about it, and Misha didn't feel comfortable hearing about his student's personal lives in that way unless they chose to tell him, so the best thing he could do was have her join him in his office and have a bit of tea, and go over some of the work they'd been doing during the term. The man was sure it wouldn't fix the girl's problem but he would give her an outlet to forget about it and also do a bit of revision while she was at it. If she wasn't interested then Misha would be perfectly happy, but as a professor it was part of his job to ensure that students were kept in line and doing okay. He wouldn't go out of his way to get involved, but in this occasion perhaps it was better than leaving her, and if there was an issue that she brought up that was serious then he would've done the right thing.
The blonde was a bit nervous about how Misha would react. He seemed like the professor where his door was always open for you, but she guessed that she wasn't the only girl that wanted to make use of that. But this time she could really use it, she didn't liked to hold her emotions she was always honest and she would rather tell her lifestory to somebody than lie about her life. But she never had spoke on this school about her relation with her mother, it wasn't like she didn't want to but she never really spoke much about her mother. She pushed away the thoughts about her mom, because she rather liked to talk about her relation with her father that was amazing. She smiled sweet to Misha, it was very nice of him to invite her and perhaps talking about charms was something that could cheer her up. Deep down she knew everything was gonna be fine with her and Lucas, he didn't had to act this way he should have been glad that she was honest to him about not liking him that way he liked her.'' I would really like that, thank you Misha that is so kind of you.'' The blonde got a bright smile as usual when he said to her that she was excelling in charms, he noticed her and she knew she was good at Charms, but this was the conclusion from her professor. Evelyn was willing to talk about her thoughts about Lucas, and perhaps she could ask some advise later but a chat with her favorite professor was nicer if it was postive. She had pictured it in her mind how it would be, and what they were speaking about, and now it was about to happen. She stood up and took her designers bag on her arm and was about to follow Misha.
The charms professor was careful in to not show that he was a little surprised that she did actually want to come to his office for tea, but he would never rescind the offer, he gave the girl a warm smile and nodded. The man waved for her to follow him, he wasn't sure what to make her do, theory was always boring to him and he assumed it probably would be for her too, so it would be a simple manner of practicing the spells that he had taught the second years over the last semester. He doubted he could teach her anything new, though he hadn't been lying in saying that Evelyn was excelling in the class, she was clearly a smart girl who was very capable. "We can go over some of the spells from this semester?" he offered as he opened the door to his office for her, "How do you take your tea?" Misha wasn't even sure if younger students even drank tea but he didn't have any juice, though it wouldn't be hard to get some from the house-elves but he was happier not to use the service since he had everything he needed in his office, everything he could need for making any tea or coffee was readily available in his office.
Evelyn was glad with everything right now, if they would talk about the weather it would be okay too. Talking to Misha was just really what she wanted and well a bit dreamed of. He seemed so nice and was different than a lot of other Professors. She followed him when he waved at her that she could do so and they didn't have to walk very long, perhaps that was why they had run into eachother. Misha suggested to go over some spells from this semester and Evelyn was happy with that, she could show what she got and he could give some feedback that she would become even better perhaps. She spoke with Kingsley about her future and she had said something about advanced charms, perhaps the blonde could show Misha that she really wanted to achieve that. '' Yes, that will take my mind of from well something that isn't important right now.'' The blonde decided to push her negative emotions away for Lucas and focused on showing herself. The blonde smiled when Misha asked how she wanted her tea. She loved drinking tea, it was better than all those sugar boms of juices. '' I would love some green tea, please.'' she didn't knew how many tea bags he had, but she wanted something tasty and at home they had several flavours so she was used to that.

She walked further into his office and went for the closest chair and settled down. '' Misha about Charms, I spoke with Professor Kingsley about my future and she said something about Advanced Charms, and I'm interested can you help me?'' Evelyn was glad they would talk and perhaps practice some charms, because she had such an interest for it and had several questions that she ofcourse couldn't ask today. But if she could made use of her talents she wanted to bring the best out of it and out of herself.
The charms professor nodded and began preparing the tea, it was a good thing that his father always sent him an abundance of tea and therefore had green tea. He took the tea cups out of his cupboard, the silly ones he'd bought that when you put hot water into them they revealed a message, in this case Charms spells. He busied himself with making the tea as she asked the question, and he turned around a little surprised by it, Evelyn was still in her younger years she had plenty of time to think about advanced charms, but he would be more than willing to help her with them, with the guidance towards the lessons. He finished making the tea and handed her one of the mugs, the one that reveal the spell Expecto Patronum and his that revealed the spell Accio. The professor took a small sip as he sat himself down, "What is it you want to do?" he first asked, "Advanced charms is essentially the NEWT course, and you are doing really well already and if you just continue at it, you'll get into the class no problem,"

Misha told her, though perhaps the girl was looking for more, "I don't usually offer extra tutoring, charms mostly just requires a lot of practice, theory is less important unless you really intend to study the theory further, perhaps to create your own spells," The professor continued, he would be happy to help her in any way that she wanted, he was always happy when students took an interest in his class, of course, what charms professor wouldn't.
Evelyn hoped that Misha would give her more compliments because she got all happy about it. She took one of the mugs and smiled at her favorite professor.
'' Thanks.'' she responded and felt the warmth from the tea at her hands. It was nice to have one right now, it would do her better. He asked what she wanted to do and that was a good question. Evelyn wanted to do something in the Fashion industry and she was almost sure of it, already on young age she was always busy with clothes and dressing up as a princess and putting her mothers clothes. With the last thing her mother wasn't really pleased with. Not really with anything that Evelyn did, but that didn't matter right now. '' I want to do something with Fashion, to create my own brand or something like that. But I like the Ministry of Magic too.'' Her father was supporting her for the last job, because he worked on the Norwegian Ministry of Magic himself. And it was a good job and something with a lot of influence. But Evelyn didn't want to dissapoint her father right now, she was still so young but had some plans for herself too. But all could change in the upcoming years. Evelyn smiled and got proud when Misha told her she was doing a great job and that she would get into the class with no problem. So that motivated her to keep this good grades.

She nodded as Misha spoke about Charms. Evelyn wasn't really into the theory that much, she liked to practice the spells more. But she thought of Charms as interesting, but didn't want to create own spells. But if he could help her on her way to Advanced charms that would be amazing. '' I prefer practical stuff more than theory. But I like Charms, and if things will keep going as it is right now, I'm confident about the results. '' Evelyn didn't thought that next year her grades would be worser she was trying to be the very best.
The professor nodded, and continued to listen to the girl, it was certainly interesting the two strains of charms she could look down, he didn't see too much about how charms could really work with fashion but largely he thought that could be due to the fact he didn't often deal with fashion and charms, the professor momentarily wondered if he should try to bring a little more of that in to the classes, so show the lengths that charms could go to, "For the ministry there are a lot of ways that charms would be useful, there is The Committee on Experimental Charms," he said, "As for fashion, for magical fashion shows it could be a practical element, charming the clothes to do something for the show of it," He wondered, "I'll have to get back to you on the latter, admittedly I haven't spent that much time thinking about charms and fashion," The man took a sip of his tea as he thought about it. As just a regular teacher with few responsibilities outside of just taking a class, so he didn't usually have to think about what charms would do for the future of the kids he taught.

Misha nodded at her, "You are very good at charms," he definitely thought that she was good at it, "We do a lot more practical in charms, and if you intended to either experimental charms or with fashion, practical charms is a lot better for it," the ability to cast magic would be great, it would be better for her to know how to do all the spell. "Just keep at it, you'll do just fine," The professor encouraged, he took a sip of his tea and gave the girl a smile, hoping she would feel encouraged by that.

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