It's been a while, but I'm back!

Sarah Keith

Mum of two | Reconnected ♥
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Yew Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
Hey guys!

So, I know it's been a while, at least two years since I've been active, but I don't think I've actually roleplayed for over three years. I'm sorry!

Long story short, I got accepted into university! I studied a Bachelor of Arts Pathway to Teaching (Secondary), completed it last year and I'm now in my second semester of my Masters. I start prac in two weeks! :party:

But I've missed all of you! :hug: And Teigan keeps telling me what's been happening on HNZ, making me miss all of you even more.

So, because uni's not too hectic at the moment, and I've missed all of you so much, I've decided to come back! Slowly, but I'm officially back. I'm back with just the one character so far. (This one), and I'd really love some roleplays because it's been such a long time that I'm rusty. So please go easy on me!

I love you all!

Mel :wub:
:hug: You know I done missed you!
I actually wondered what happened to you like the other day. xD
Welcome back!
Professor Aeon Summers said:
I actually wondered what happened to you like the other day. xD
Welcome back!
Oh, that's nice to know! I was worried everyone might've forgotten about me.

Thanks Jesse! <3
I think we must have kept missing each other since I've been on and off over the years but anyway hope we get to rp at some point.
Matthew Cosgrove said:
I think we must have kept missing each other since I've been on and off over the years but anyway hope we get to rp at some point.
We must've!

Well, it's nice to meet you now. :) Hopefully we do! I'm looking forward to getting back into it.
Congratulations on your degree and good luck with your Masters work!

Welcome back to HNZ!!
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
Congratulations on your degree and good luck with your Masters work!

Welcome back to HNZ!!
Thanks Cyndi! :hug:
Professor Aeon Summers said:
Sarah Keith said:
Professor Aeon Summers said:
I actually wondered what happened to you like the other day. xD
Welcome back!
Oh, that's nice to know! I was worried everyone might've forgotten about me.

Thanks Jesse! <3
How could I forget? You stole my character's last name. :r

I'm kidding :p
Do we need to have this argument again? Honestly, I had no idea!

Although it does look better on Alyss. :p

Although, weren't we going to have them discover they were cousins at one point? Whatever happened to that? Lol.
Sarah Keith said:
it does look better on Alyss. :p

Although, weren't we going to have them discover they were cousins at one point? Whatever happened to that? Lol.
Her name does sound more elegant xD

And someone never responded to that PM
It was me. I forgot all about it. D:
Welcome back :D
Jesse: I knew it! xD Nah, I'm just glad for once it wasn't me. :p You should ask Teigs some timehow many times our rp's and plans fell through because of me... :r

Annaleise: Thank you! :)

Claire: Thank you! :hug: I remember you too, lol! Congratulations to you for being made GM by the way! :party:
Welcome Back!
Welcome back Mel! Congrats on uni, I hope you have fun with your prac!
Riley Sparkles said:
Welcome back Mel! Congrats on uni, I hope you have fun with your prac!
Thanks Donna! :hug:

I'm still waiting to find out where I'm placed, lol. I was meant to find out today, but apparently some of us haven't been placed yet because there were more people than they planned for.

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