🌹 Rose Giving It Must Be Roses

Elliot Briar

| '54 Grad | Ollivander's Asst. |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Demi (Alice))
Sexual Orientation
Demi (Alice)
10 1/2 Inch Alder Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
6/2036 (27)
Yellow Rose for @Maggi Watties

There was always bound to be a few names each year that Elliot didn't recognize for his deliveries. He remembered how nervous that used to make it, and he didn't know if this year it was the awareness of his head boy badge, or the fact that he was just too busy getting things organized to worry, but Elliot was less and less flustered about having to stop and ask strangers for help.

He'd managed to glean Maggi Watties was a Gryffindor and might be outside, so he'd been picking his way along the lawn, asking groups of students if they'd seen her. "Excuse me, hi. I'm looking for Maggi Watties? Any one?" He called out, holding up his rose basket hopefully.
As disappointing as she usually found Hogwarts, Maggi was loving everything about today. The whole school was buzzing with excitement, and the atmosphere almost reminded her of backstage excitement. It was enough to have her in high spirits, which she had decided to work off in the sunshine. She was working on her tumbling in the hopes of impressing Elara, though she was quickly distracted by the sound of her own name. "THAT'S ME!!!" Maggi yelped, jumping up in excitement and rushing towards the boy who had said her name, face falling slightly as she realised it was the Head Boy. Was he bringing her a rose, or was she in trouble?
Elliot didn't consider himself anything even close to intimidating, but he supposed the head boy badge did a lot of the heavy lifting in that regard, especially with the younger students. Maggi's change in demeanor still threw him for a moment, but Elliot just raised his rose basket sheepishly and hoped that did most of the work for him.

"Uh, hey. Happy Valentine's, Maggi. This if for you," he said, retrieving the yellow rose and its note for her.

Keep practicing those circus skills! - Elara[/class]
Maggi relaxed immediately when the older boy held up his rose basket, bouncing slightly in excitement. "Thank you!" She said brightly, remembering her manners as she accepted the rose, looking quickly at the attached message. Her grin brightened as she read it, and she made a mental note to thank Elara later.
Elliot was glad that Maggi was happy with her rose. After his last delivery he was a bit more wary of accidentally being the bearer of bad news, but her reaction was far more in line with what Elliot loved most about rose deliveries. "You're welcome, have a good one," he said, giving Maggi a little wave goodbye so he could carry on with his deliveries.

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