Closed Is this the right address?

Crispin Applewhite

intrepid explorer; curious
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Knotted 8 Inch Flexible Dogwood Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
*letters between Crispin and "Shiori"
Hey Shiori!

Not sure if this is the right address or not, but I thought I would write you since I think it's been enough time since our... harrowing and unexpected escape from the clutches of evil (please don't tell anyone what really happened, I don't need anyone to know about it!!) Anyway, I kind of just wanted to say thanks, you know for helping me back there. You didn't have to, Ezra wouldn't have hurt you, but I know you couldn't have known that and so you still trying to stand up to him despite that was really cool. I wouldn't have thought anyone would try and do that for me and you didn't even know me, you still don't know me, so I wanted to try and change that. I guess this is sort of an introductory letter? A get to know me, if you will, you know? Anyway, please write me back (or don't, I don't know what your vibe is) and... yeah, I mean, I hope I hear from you!

~ Crispin A.

@Jericah Edogawa
Pretty boy!

You did get the right address and you’re right, we should never, ever speak of that encounter again. It was nice, but that story should probably not see the light of day. You think Mr. Ezra was bad? My mother is much much worse. And we were in it together weren’t we? You were defending me pretty passionately then. Didn’t think I told you but that was really sweet. Unneeded but sweet. And I think introductions are a good start. School starts up in Mahoutokoro in a couple of weeks so your letter actually came just in time. (So that’ll be my little nugget for you this get to know exchange) Also, the package I’ve sent with this letter is an English-Japanese dictionary, I’ve even bookmarked where you’d find my name. (Ha! Get it?)

~J. Shiori E.
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J. Shiori E.

I'm glad the owl was able to find you, I don't really know what I would have done if my letter had ended up back in the ether. School hasn't returned yet, so I'm still in New Zealand but we will be heading back to the Bulgarian mountains soon. It gets really cold there so our uniforms have great lining to make them warm. We don't have houses or anything though, we're broken up into smaller groups, is it the same for you? OF course I was going to defend you, even if it was my dad, you didn't know that, it must have been weird for you right?

This book is really helpful, I'm going to start learning some words and look up some names. You were right about yours, and I'm going to start practicing characters so I can write your name properly, if that's okay with you? You'll see my little get to know you is that I live in New Zealand but I don't go to school there. But I'm sure you knew that already.

Write back!

~Crispin aka. Pretty Boy (that's weird)
Hey Pretty Boy!

#1: Love that you're owning that.

#2: You go to Durmstrang don't you.

Well, if I'd given you the wrong address then that would mean either you were not that cute or I meant you harm. Now that we've established that I didn't give you the wrong address, let us just be thankful instead that it was not any of my siblings that saw the letter come in or I would have never heard the end of it. Especially if it had been my twin who had found it. He could be quite insufferable that he actually managed to wreck a family dinner.

Something similar to yours, I've never paid much attention to how the school's divided up. I'm more focused on trying to be in different classes from Ru (that's my twin) and being in Quidditch.

Mr. Ezra arriving was more surprising than anything really. You recognized him pretty quick so I wasn't worried worried. Just maybe a little worried that you were being pushed against the wall or so. It's cool that all your western drama's resolved now though (I hope it has stayed resolved and you're still calling Mr. Ezra dad and sharing him with your brother and all that whatnot).

I think it's sweet, let me see when you're eventually confident enough to write my name. And send over a dictionary if you're hiding a secret language somewhere in that head of yours so I can return the favor. And feel free to figure out all the get to knows I've included in this letter

Say hi to Mr. Ezra for me!

~ Shiori
Zennon's owl is silly, he's not sending any letters

Classes start this week, and I think I'm losing my mind. Everything is riding on this year and I genuinely think it's going to drive me crazy.

Maybe I'm just over thinking it, which is definitely a possibility, but I'm almost positive I haven't learn anything they're trying to teach us in classes (yes I do go to Durmstrang, I thought I'd mentioned that!) and I have no idea what I want to do with my life, so I don't even know if I'm taking any of the right classes. My mum says I need to relax and whatever happens will happen, but she kind of gave up after she had me, her parents threw her out, so she didn't have a lot to fall back on - not like what I have. Still though, I wouldn't want to be a disappointment to anyone, least of all myself.

I am rather relieved to hear you don't mean me any harm though, I'm sure Ezra is also really glad about that. Though I think he's already probably looked into you and knows everything about your family, he just won't tell me, so I have to figure it all out on my own. He's kinda scary like that.

Your brother wrecked a family dinner? How'd he do that? Sounds horrible. I don't think any of my family have ever been in a room together for more than a half hour at any one time, certainly not recently. Everyone sort of has their own lives now, so they just sort of almost drift around each other like balloons on the wind. It's okay though, I guess that's just a western thing?

I'll keep practicing your name, I don't want to get it wrong.

Pretty Boy,

Is it NEWTs that's worrying you? If that's what's worrying you, you need to calm the f**k down because panicking is definitely not going to help. You've been preparing for NEWTs your whole Durmstrang
(no, you did not explicitly mention that) life. Just review your classes and it'll be fine.

If you don't know what to do with your life, may I suggest figuring out what you don't want to do? I don't know much about your parents, but I don't think any good parent would ever think you're a disappointment. They'd probably be disappointed with a couple of bad decisions, but that wouldn't label you enough to be a disappointment. I think Mr. Ezra cares about you and he's not going to consider you a disappointment just 'cause you haven't gotten it all figured out at 18.

And I'm not sure if that's mildly terrifying. Maybe a little amazing if he had managed to figure out my full background from just "Shiori" and "not from around here". Then again, he probably knows by now what I've put in my letter. If he's as stalk skilled as you say he is then "J. Shiori E." from Mahoutokuro was definitely a lot of information to go on. Maybe I should write him a letter too.

I've told you this before in person but it might have been quite a bit to digest. One of my cousins has two dads
(best not mention that to him though, he gets testy about it). Anyway, his adoptive dad is married to his mom, and his biological dad is married to his adoptive dad's sister. My twin made a comment regarding our cousin's birth circumstances. And I don't know if family dinners are an Asian thing or not. My mom's not really Asian.

Wish you luck in writing my name! Send my letter to Mr. Ezra without peeking. I will know.
~ Shiori

Hi Mr. Ezra,

Would appreciate it if you could keep my first name from Crispin. You know. The one that starts with J.

You can tell him anything else you want him to know though! He may or may not have implied that you're a stalker underground mafia? skilled.

P.S. May want to tell him that some things should not be put in letter, even if it's just implied!
P.P.S. Might be a bit hypocritical but how else was I supposed to let you know?
~ J. Shiori E.
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Zennon's bird really needs a compass I think.

It's hard not to worry about NEWTS when it's literally my life I have to think about. I don't even know what I want to do when I graduate and now we're already in the first week of lessons! I mean for the most part a lot of it is just review, but they're introducing some new concepts and I just... never mind, it's got nothing to do with you and I don't really think you can do anything from there anyway. I've only taken the core classes anyway, none of the extra curricular because I found them to be mostly boring. All the dark art classes are interesting though to be fair, but it's not like that's a career. I just want to do something that I'll enjoy and sometimes I don't know what that is.

Do you have your life figured out, because if you do that would be incredibly helpful. It would be nice to know it's something that people can figure out you know??

You writing to Ezra is a little weird but I gave it to him, he just smiled and shook his head? I'm not sure what that means but I guess it's a good thing? Probably, I hope it's a good thing. Sorry to hear about your twin, was his funeral nice? I assume he's had a funeral since that sounds like the kind of thing someone might curse someone over...

Anyway, I may not have as much time to write to you, but please know I will. You're fun to talk to, and all the boys are jealous that I'm getting letters from a girl. I told them you're hot but I don't think they believed me. Do you think we could meet up over the break? Maybe? You don't have to meet them, but if we met up and they saw you maybe they'd shut up.

Pretty boy,

I really like you, which is why I'm telling you this: Some. Things. Should. NOT. Be. Put. In. Letters.

Fun fact: Mahoutokuro is very much against the dark arts. Any interest in the field is heavily discouraged.

The core classes would take you a long way, I think, even if they're the only ones you're taking. I would send you my notes if they would help, but I'm not sure if we're even studying the same things. That is not an invitation for you to send a curriculum by the way, don't get any ideas. Anyways, I'm pretty sure you can get into a number of prospective careers with what you're taking. And while your most interesting classes might not be central to a career, I believe they will be useful in some others.

As for life figured out, I think I want to go pro on Quidditch, you know? I'm not sure which team yet. I'm just sure it wouldn't be with the Toyohashi Tengu. Too much of my family there, and I'm pretty sure Ru is planning to try out to be a beater there. If not that, maybe a Potions mastery?

I guess Mr. Ezra and I have an understanding. Don't worry about it. He'll tell you when he feels like it. Probably.

Well, Mom really went all out on him after my cousins left. Jai (that's my multi-dad cousin) was just shocked after one of his little sisters (she's like 9) asked if he really was their brother. Ru didn't get cursed, though I'm pretty sure Mikael (also Jai's younger brother) would have tried if he wasn't 15. So, no funeral, but I doubt Ru would be allowed to any family reunions for a bit. I don't think it would have been a nice funeral anyway, considering it would have been Mom that murders him.

I think a meet over break could be arranged. I'd have to tell my parents I'm staying with a friend, but I think I can manage a trip. Tell me in advance so I can get my fingers on a portkey. And you have amusing classmates, I'll happily meet them to shut them up for you.

I don't want to burn your letters again so careful what you put,

P.S. I don't know if it justifies how you've been describing me to them, but show them the photo I included.
P.P.S. I think you're hot too if the "Pretty Boy" nickname wasn't enough of a clue for you.

I don't know, I think you might be overreacting, but I don't want to sound like I'm being obtuse, so I'm going to listen to you. Still, I don't think all of the secrecy is necessary, who's going to read OUR letters to each other, that's silly. We're two people who know nothing.

Still - you're vastly smarter than I.

I guess I'll figure out what I want to do eventually, I love charms, so I could maybe work with that, but I also really like Herbology?? Which maybe sounds strange as they're two very different subjects. I don't know if there is a way to combine them into one interest or field, but if there is I would love to find it. We're already half way through the first semester and I feel like I haven't made any proper decisions about anything. I know I'll get there eventually but it feels so daunting to have all of these decisions sitting on my shoulders and I'm supposed to graduate this year. I dunno, it's just a lot.

I think you would do well in either of those fields, I don't know a lot about your academics, but it takes a lot of dedication for both and I can really tell you have that in spades. If not the Tengu, maybe a New Zealand team? Or perhaps an Australian one? There's bound to be something for you and I'm sure you have a lot to offer any team. And if your family is there, does that make you related to Corey, Tiziano and Yukiko Edogawa? I've seen them play, they're really fierce. If you're half as good as them you'll be amazing.

Does Ru joining as a beater mean you are a beater as well? I might have pegged you for a chaser, but I can see beater too. Which would mean... ah - Yukiko, she's a beater too. And you don't want to be her alternate I assume? That makes sense.

I showed the boys the photo, it's in my dorm. I have it hidden away in my trunk so they can't keep commenting on it, but I would love for you to come and see me over the break, I'll be at my dad's shop Quality Quidditch Supplies, in Obsidian Harbour, I work there now because apparently he doesn't like free-loaders and family is family.

I don't think I'll ever get used to that.

またね(mata ne),
Pretty Boy,

There's always better safe than sorry, besides I didn't want to risk it in case anyone goes through my things if people get curious. I'm not exactly one who regularly gets letters until you, you know. They're already wondering about you.

I think all of magic goes together, and if you like two different fields, I say go for it. It's not strange to use charms on plants. There are spells related to Herbology, like there are ones for Potions. And I get what you mean about the semester. It feels like this year's going way faster than the ones before. I believe you'll find your way, but I hope you don't burn yourself out over it. I'll be busy soon too as I need to start doing some work to catch up to Ru for a project in Charms. I looked over his work, and it seems like he's almost done with his project. But still write. I like hearing from you.

I might try for the Australian team if I do go the Quidditch route. I hear they're always looking for beaters (and yeah, you're right I'm a beater, 10 points to you!). There's at least family too in New Zealand, so my parents probably won't be too fussed about me moving. My mom won't love it but dad will handle it, I hope. But yeah, Ru is also a beater. And excuse you, what makes you think I'll be the alternate and not Ru? Anyways, Ru and I are good together as beaters, but we're also disasters on a team together. Even more so if only one of us would be playing.

Wow. I didn't really think they were famous enough to be known by you. Or like famous at all. Like. AT ALL. Corey and Yukiko are my brother and sister. Tiziano is a cousin. And are you sure they're famous? Corey-can't-remember-I'm-married-Corey Edogawa? Yuki-disaster-in-the-kitchen-Yukiko Edogawa? Tizi-stealer-of-socks-and-jackets-Tiziano Edogawa? Those three?

Now you gotta tell me what the boys are saying about me for you to hide my photo. And Mr. Ezra owns Quality Quidditch Supplies in Obsidian Harbour? Are you kidding me? Wow. I'll be there. Going to New Zealand would be easy, I already have a portkey for that. How does day after Christmas sound?

Shiori Edogawa
Translation: You are so cute

I'm slowly learning more of the hiragana, I don't want to start looking at the kanji until I have that down. It's been fun trying to figure out what words in books say. One of my buddies changes random words in our textbooks and I have to read it and use the context to figure out the word, and I have the alphabet attached to all of my books too so I can go through it constantly, it's been a bit of a fun change to my day that I wasn't expecting. Sorry about the letters, I'll definitely be a lot more careful, sorry people are paying more attention to you now, should I write less?

I know you don't actually want that, but this might be the last letter I can send you until Christmas. I have a lot to catch up on unfortunately and it's been a bit harder to keep up than I thought, since I'm only now just starting to really get with the program of what I want to learn, maybe charms and herbology isn't a terrible thing to pursue, I've managed to keep a baby venomous tentacular from creeping out of it's pot, but don't tell my professor, he probably doesn't know, that's a lie he definitely does.

I definitely need the year to slow down, it's really going to suck not being able to write you as often, but that's just how things go I guess.

I won't burn myself out, I might burn something down though, seriously, NEWTs year is no joke, I might have been joking about it really but it's gotten to the point where I think it's supposed to try and break a student rather than test them. You know? I hope you don't feel the pressure too, but you probably do, I think we all do and I think it's worse the smarter you are, because then you know how easy it is to go wrong! No pressure, I'm sure you'll do great though. You have to do great, one of us has to be the smart one.

Also, we both know you'd be the alternate, because you've already suggested you're looking at other options, I bet your brother isn't and they'll pick that up, they're good at that, they might think you're not invested enough so they'd pick him over you, I could be wrong though I've never played Quidditch, it's never really been my thing but I think I would love to watch you fly. Wind in your hair, are you kidding? I know you'd look stunning, since you already do. Wow, should I be flirting in this letter to you? Please tell me to stop.

Did you forget your siblings are on a NATIONAL TEAM, anyone who's paid particular attention would know, but even casual fans like me knows them. It's easier to pick it up when people talk about them being legacies or that it's a family unit. Mostly it wouldn't have stood out, but the name Edogawa is pretty infamous, sorry. It's kind of funny now to sort of know something about someone famous, also congrats to your brother? How does someone forget they are married? Maybe he took a couple bludgers to the head? Though I imagine that would have been tough because I've seen your sister Yukiko block and she's good. Coming from someone who doesn't know anything about Quidditch mind you, well, beyond the basics.

I might be able to get you a deal on one of the new brooms. We have a couple of really nice new brooms that have just come in, not that my dad does deals very often, but I think he'd make an exception for you, just don't tell anyone I said that and don't tell him I said that either!

I'll see you the day after Christmas then.

PS. I only got some of what that says, but I think I get the gist. You're cute too.

*Translations: see you soon and his name in katakana Kurisupin
Pretty boy,

You’re so cute. I don’t blame you for sticking to hiragana. It takes us years to study kanji so don’t get too hung up if it’s difficult. Sounds like you have some pretty cool friends. Say hi for me would you? And I don’t really care if they pay more attention to me, Ru would take it up in no time since he’s the fun twin.

I would say don’t you dare write less but I can understand. The end of the semester has crept up on us faster than I initially expected. And I’m happy that you found something for you to do. I wish you all the luck with that baby tentacular, I’m sure you’re going to need it despite being a prodigy in Herbology. I’ll write you when the break starts and I’ll see you the day after Christmas. It’s not a terribly long wait. Can you believe it’s almost December?

If you burn something down, be sure to write and include pictures! I won’t believe it unless I see it. But I get it. I suppose that’s why they say it’s Nastily Exhausting. Still sucks. And fine, I’ll be the smart one, but I also want to be the trophy wife, so I guess you’ll have to work hard. Just kidding.

Baby, I’ve been trying to flirt with you since the day we met so why would I tell you to stop? And who knows, maybe you’ll see me in a game one day. And I know they’re in a national team, but they’re also just my stinking siblings you know? I grew up around Yuki’s stinking laundry and Corey’s failed attempts to boil water. Besides, we play family Quidditch in the backyard on breaks? There’s enough of us for two teams of five you know. Corey makes a disastrous keeper. And Yuki. Well, let’s just say good thing bludgers are pretty big, otherwise she’d never see them.

You sure it’s Mr. Ezra making the exception? I see what you’re doing here. Trying to lure me with brooms. I’ll definitely be coming down the day after Christmas.

江戸川 栞
Translation: I can’t wait, Edogawa Shiori

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