Introducing me

Hemi Te Rua

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Curved 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Hi there!

My name is Ruth, I'm new here and I've already put my Sorting Application in. I thought I better not wait as they might close soon!

Looking forward to roleplaying and just thought I'd write a quick message to let everyone know haha.

Hello again!
Hi Ruth :woot:
I'm Phoebe - Let me know if you have any problems :) There are a million people here to help! ^^
Come and joins us in Green Eggs and SPAM! too :D
Hey Ruth!

It's a good thing that you did put your sorting form in, because they do close very soon! I'm Teigan, nice to meet you. Just a bit about myself, I'm 21 and I'm from Australia. We love having new faces around here and so please feel free to message anyone if you need help. Phoebe has already linked you to the place we all go to hang out and discuss whatever is happening in our day, but allow me to link you to the site documentation where you can see the History of Hogwarts New Zealand (aka the site plot), the board rules and also the board staff: one of which is always around to answer questions. We are all very friendly and I for one love having a chat, so if you ever want to talk, or see about a role-play, feel free to hit me up!

Thanks guys everyone is so friendly here, it's great!

Thanks for showing me Green Eggs and Spam, I'm loving it.

G'day Teigan, I'm also in Australia... but I'm English and moving home in a few months. Thanks for highlighting the places to go on the site, it's really helpful. I also thought Sorting was about to close because they opened in August and I didn't want to wait to miss out.
No troubles at all, Ruth! Anything for a fellow Aussie :r See I knew you were one of us, it's a gift ;)
Welcome to HNZ, Ruth. I hope that you enjoy your time here on the site. :)
Welcome to HNZ Ruth!
I'm Emzies, I'm from Scotland, if you have any questions, or concerns feel free to PM me.
Hope you enjoy your time here!
-fistbumps a fellow Ruth-
Thanks everyone!

I've only been here a day and I swear I'm already addicted to this site. I get easily addicted to anything even remotely Harry Potter related :D
Trust me, it's not that hard :r
Hey Ruth! Welcome to HNZ :wub: My name is Kaye and I'm fairly new here too but, as you said, everyone here is really nice so it's really easy to ask questions :D Feel free to PM me if you ever want to RP because I'm always up for one of those :) I'm also from Australia as well so g'day mate I guess ;)
Hello hello hello! ^_^
You can call me Tenilee and it's awesome to see you're enjoying yourself! I too have a Gryffindor first year, so I might hit you up on a roleplay if you're up for it :p Hope you continue enjoying yourself, and hope to see you around, Ruth! :hug:
Dexter Lesley said:
Hello hello hello! ^_^
You can call me Tenilee and it's awesome to see you're enjoying yourself! I too have a Gryffindor first year, so I might hit you up on a roleplay if you're up for it :p Hope you continue enjoying yourself, and hope to see you around, Ruth! :hug:
Oh I always want to roleplay. Who is your first year?
Hi Ruth! Welcome to the site :party: Hope to see you around! We should have a RP some time, I have a first year Gryffindor ;)
Hello ruth. welcome to hnz.
yay. we have another pome on the site. :p
it is nice to meet you. I am mia and you can probably tell i too am english/australian. but i'm from WA.
glad to see you are already addicted. it is a thing with this place. once you are in you can not get out. but really why would you. ;)
anyway if you have any questions please feel free to shoot them my way.
hope to see you around
Hemi Te Rua said:
Dexter Lesley said:
Hello hello hello! ^_^
You can call me Tenilee and it's awesome to see you're enjoying yourself! I too have a Gryffindor first year, so I might hit you up on a roleplay if you're up for it :p Hope you continue enjoying yourself, and hope to see you around, Ruth! :hug:
Oh I always want to roleplay. Who is your first year?
Valentin Grimm. Totally busted in on your open rp with a mate. :r :teehee:

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