Closed I'm Not Only Here to Dance

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Noelle Maxwell

ᴅᴀᴅᴀ 5-7 🔱 ᴘʟᴜᴍ'ꜱ ᴅᴀᴅ
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Curly 8 1/2 Inch Sturdy Silver Lime Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
Noelle straightened his suit before grabbing the small box on his bedside table. His heart was up to his throat. This evening was a very important one for him. Hopefully, it would not go to waste. Nevertheless, he would try his luck and leave everything in Willow's hand. He quickly dashed his way down to wait for his girlfriend outside the Great Hall.
The Hufflepuff got there first and even greeted some of his friends that were also making their way inside the Great Hall. He even saw Alexis going inside. His sort-of relative looked stunning in her long white dress. The Puff could not believe he had a short crush on her. Smiling, he glanced up the stairs again, hoping he could get a glimpse of his girl as she made her way down.
Willow could not believe it. why did her period have to come today of all days? not only was it the yule ball but she had decided to wear a white dress and there was no way she was changing her mind now. at least it had come earlier in the day so she could take precautions. so with double protection in place, there was no way she was getting blood on her skirt tonight she gave herself a final look in the mirror and made her way out of the dorm carrying her shoes down several flights of stairs before putting them on on the first floor before she descended to the entrance hall. She could see Noelle standing near the door to the great hall looking absolutely charming in all black, It was funny how they never intentionally coordinated their outfits for the dance but they always seemed to wear matching or contrasting colours.
She smiled as she caught his eye as she decended and she felt butterflies in her stomach. as she stood just a little bit taller and walked with just a little more confidence. the smile still playing on her lips as she reached him. "Hello Boyfriend." she said putting her arms around him and kissing him.
Noelle caught sight of his favorite girl as she came down the stairs. A bright smile was already plastered on his face the moment his gaze landed on her. Willow gave him a sweet kiss to which he replied enthusiastically,wrapping his arm around her waist. "Hey, girlfriend.", he whispered. "You look beautiful tonight. More beautiful."
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Willow felt noelle kiss her back. was this really their second ball together. it felt like they had been to many more. then again theyh ad been together for valentines dances and halloween feasts. but the yule ball was certainly the fanciest occasion in the school callender. 'they split apart and as noelle grrted her she put her arm around him and couldnt help but smile at his compliment. it was hard not to. she loved him. "and you are looking very smart yourself" she said he was dressed all in black. "should we make a move inside?" she asked. though the door to the hall she could see the lights and decorations transforming the hall into a literal magical wonderland. she was looking forward to another perfect ball with Noelle.
Noelle grinned as he offered his arm to Willow. "We shall." He led the way inside, astounded by the transformation of the hall. Six years and each year it was even grander. "Dance or food?", he winked. He knew his girlfriend was independent and the Puff had learned to ask her input on things.
Willow loosened her grip on her boyfriend so that she could take his arm as he led them into the hall.
she looked around and the decorations did not disappoint. it was all beautiful blue whites and sparkle.
"what would you want to do boyfriend?" she said squeezing his hand. he always gave her the option of what to do but for once it should be his turn. besides both sounded like good options to her. she knew she would enjoy anyhting so long as she was with him.
Noelle was surprised that Willow would go with the flow. Smirking, he led her to the drinks. He smoothly filled two glasses of their drinks and offered one to his girlfriend. "A drink for my girl." He needed the drink too. To calm his nerves. The ring box was pushing against his leg through his pants.
willow followed noelle to the drinks table and watched as he poured them both a drink. she took hers and took a sip. the cool liquid feeling fresh against her tongue refreshing after the warmth of the evening. she took a couple more mouthfuls enjoying the sweetness of the drink. She kissed her boyfriend on the cheek. "Thank you" she said wondering what he wanted to do next, eat, dance or just sit with the drinks and watch people and hang out.
Noelle had finished his drink when Willow kissed him on the cheek. Setting his glass and held out a hand, "A dance, my sweet?", he asked. He wanted to dance with her before asking the question. He pondered whether to do it on the dance floor or when they found a table later on.
Willow finished her drink and put the glass down.She took her boyfriend's hand "Just what i was thinking," she said. and they made their way onto the dancefloor. the song playing was an upbeat one she spun around and started to dance bringing Noelle into the spin with her.
Noelle laughed as they made to the dance floor just as an upbeat song played. Not exactly what his idea of dancing but he went along with her. He was even enjoying t, even more with his girlfriend. He even playfully bust some funny moves for them to do. If @Yvette Maxwell or any Maxwell saw him now, they would really say he was a dork.
Willow smiled as she enjoyed the music. slow dancing was fun but there was something freeing about forgetting everything else except those around you and the music and dancing to some upbeat music. She may have looked like a fool but she didn't mind all that mattered was just her Noelle and the music. she looked around to see who else was around and saw Lindon dancing next to maze he seemed to be saying something and she wondered if they knew each other or if it was just something incidental. but she didn't dwell on the thought too long before she had even finished making the thought she was back in a world where it was just her and Noelle and the music.
Noelle was almost out of breath and was glad the music was over. "That was fun!", he held her hand, pulling her close to him. "Will, I have -", he was cut short by another song. Thankfully, it was a slow one. He grinned. "May I have the honor of this dance, milady?"
as the song came to an end willow felt Noelle's arms draw her closer to him. she leaned towards him putting her arms around him as he started to say something think better of it then ask if she wanted the dance. She kissed him in reply "Of course you can have the dance, I wouldn't have it any other way" she said as they started to dance. she could feel his chest next to hers their hearts both beating rapidly against each other from the dancing a stark contrast to the new beat, they started to slow as the couple moved in sync with each other in time to the new tempo.
Noelle smiled as he moved Willow to the melody. Everything just seemed to stop when he was with her. Kissing her on the gorehead, he began talking. "Will? I... I may have not known you for long. But I felt strongly for you." He kept her in his embrace as they swayed to the slow song. "You are a special girl, independent, headstrong and amazing. And I am honored to be your boyfriend despite my cheesiness and dorkiness.", he continued. Remembering the letter, he decided to tell her. "I actually wrote to your father. About you. Us.", he admitted.
Willow felt like Noelle was distracted by something. the kiss on the forehead was the sort of kiss you gave when were thinking of something else but wanted to reassure the other person that things were okay. as he started to speak she listened. what he was saying didn't feel right. sure he said that kind of thing often. but never all together and not when they were meant to be having a good time dancing. then it clicked. it was the wort of thing that you said when you were about to break up with someone. it's not you, it's me. was he breaking up with her? she frowned slightly thinking back to try and think if there were any signs. as he continued and spoke about her dad her frown turned to a look of confusion. "Dad. what's dad got to do with anything?" she asked. was he breaking up with her because her parents were werewolves. she knew his family was strict and proper. maybe they had some Prejudice against werewolves and while she did love him if she had to choose between him or her family she knew what her choice would be. and she could not blame him from making the same choice.
Noelle could sense confusion from his girlfriend. He did not want that so he pulled back and smiled when he was right. "You can wipe that frown, pretty girl. I'm not breaking up with you.", he grinned as he cupped her cheeks. Taking her hand, the Puff twirled her before taking her in his embrace. "I am saying that it is proper to introduce myself to your parents in writing before I present myself to them personally." He gazed into her eyes, gauging her reaction to all this.
Noelle's reassurance didn't do much to ease her confusion. she made herself smile when eh said that he wasn't breaking up with her. the smile becoming less forced and more genuine as he cuped her face in his hand before spinning her. but it was too late she was distracted from the dancing wondering what he was trying to say. if he wasn't trying to break up with her it still left the reason for the talk a mystery. and why had he written to her dad? that made no sense even as he explained it, it made less sense. "but you met them. at aunt madly wedding. and I am sure you have seen them many times since, when we have hung out over the holidays." she said still just as confused as before maybe even more so, but also a little less worried with where the conversation was going.
Noelle smiled despite the nervousness he was feeling. Willow was even more confused. "Do you want to sit down and talk?", he offered. He knew there was no avoiding the topic anymore. He placed a hand on the ring box, making sure it was still there. He gently led the way to a nearby table, grateful that it was empty and a bit separated from the others. Pulling a chair for his girlfriend to sit, he moved the ring box from his pocket to the one in his jacket.
there was definitely something going on. despite it being the ball and dancing being his suggestion her boyfriend definitely seemed more and more distracted. as he suggested that they sit down and talk she nodded giving his hand a reassuring squeeze, whatever the problem was, whatever he wanted to admit to her she was sure she would be able to deal with it. they owuld find a way to work around it. she felt someone bump into her almost as a reminder that hte dance floor was not the best place for a serious conversation. "whatever has you all worked up lets go and talk about it so we can find a way to sort it out" she said. as they reached the table she took the seat he offered to her before pulling the other seat out so that he could sit. from here they had a good view of the hall all the people dancing and eating but it was private enough that they would be able to talk and not be overheard. "what's up" she asked looking at him having totally missed seeing him move something between pockets.
Noelle gave her hand a kiss before rubbing his thumbs on it. Her hand had become his favorite hand to hold. "Girlfriend, what would you say....", he began as he gazed into her eyes. " would you feel about talking about our future?" he asked. He wanted to know her plans. He did not care whether they involved him or not. He loved her enough to support her on her goals.
Noelles nervousness was starting to make willow feel nervouse too. as if she could feel his tension. as he asked about their future she shrugged. she was not the kind of person to plan for the future other than the main points. her plan was to graduate and get a job in the minstry as an auror. that was her plan for the future. she hadnt thought of them as a couple she had assumed noellle would be there. she couldnt see them ending their relationship any time soon but truth be told she hadnt though any further than graduation. she wondered why he was asking. that was still years away in 2052 it was still 2050 if only just. "what did you want to know about the future? we finish school i get a job as an auror you get a job as a professor what else do we need to talk about in the middle of the yule ball" she said. seriously tonight was about fun. serious conversations were for a time when she hadnt put quite so much effort into her outfit choice in the thoughts of an evening of carefree fun.

((I cant 100%remember what he wanted to do but i think this was right. if no assume she said the right thing))
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//You are on point.//

Noelle chuckled, trying to ease the tension. He did not want Willow to frown on this beautiful evening. But this needed to be said. Or he would have to wonder about it every day during the holidays. "I know. What I was actually trying to say is...", he paused, groping for words. He was usually good with words than actions. "A future with me. I sent word to your father, asking his permission. He pulled out the box, showing it to Willow. "He said that he was not entirely okay with the idea but it would still be up to you." He took her hand, leaned slightly forward so they would be eye level. "Willow Luna Cullen. Will you marry me?", he asked, a nervous tone but firm as he opened the box to show the ring that he had bought over the break before their sixth year.
((oh good))

as noelle started to talk willow started to realise what this whole conversation was about. the letter to her dad. the talk of the future. was this really happening. she could almost picture her dad recieving such a letter written in a way so eliquently that it was almost impossable to deny. she could picture her dad reading it and showing her mum wondering how to reply. she knew her parents. they were the kind of people who would let her make her own decisions in life she could see her mum just as confused about the reson for asking as she had been to begin with. and her dad wondering what was going to happen to his little red. as noelle finally got to the end of the conversation the question that it was all leading towards. she watched him reach into his pocket and bring out a small box. this wasnt the first time that he had given her jewelry at one of the dances. but this was the first piece of jewelry that came with a commitment. she looked from the ring sparling in the back to nooelle. a look of shocked supprise on her face. "Oh noelle" she said looking at him before putting her arms around him in a hug burying her face in his shoulder. at a total loss for words as to how to reply.
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