I'm back!

OOC First Name
Yew, 13 1/2 inches, essence of Phoenix Feather
I didn't bring a brand new rap, but I brought sandwiches :drat:

Hullo there :) My name is Rowan, and I used to be a bit of a HNZ fiend, back in the day. I was... I dunno if I can do this from memory off the top of my head anymore... Kyle Alcott, Maria Madison, Gabriel Blume, Ricky Madison, Mercy Lee, and... someone else. Who owned a bakery. I think. I dunno.

I had to leave HNZ, because I moved out of my mother's house into my father's (then later into a flat, though I'm back at my father's) and my father doesn't believe in the internet. (I don't understand thissssss) buuuut, I get online fairly frequently now at my father's office, so I've decided to venture on back, though I'm sticking to a limit of TWO characters this time... I'm bringing Kyle back (I don't think I could live without him :3) and Aisling, who is new and exciting :) I've really missed HNZ, and I can't WAIT to get back into it :)

HNZ aside, I'm eighteen, I'm epileptic, I'm actually FROM New Zealand, a swimming teacher slash shop assistant, an avid dancer slash theatre junkie, and a writer of far too much fanfiction. I watch a lot of television and listen (and sing along) to a lot of music. I have a girlfriend who point blank refused to join HNZ with me. (Sad, as Aisling is entirely based on one of our stupid in jokes, and I wanted her to play Aisling's boyfriend.) And yes, that makes me gay. I am also a huge Potter dork - among my tattoos I have a Dark Mark, which is some day going to become a whole Potter half-sleeve. Or full sleeve. Possibly. I haven't decided yet.

I like pizza, rats, tumblr, Remus Lupin, industrial music, the colour purple, not drinking alcohol, the smell of dewdrops in the morning, my gigantic poofy hair, skirts, the number four, and anything with garlic in.

OMG ROWANNNNNN! Welcome back :D It's always great to see people come back to the site after being away for a while.

It's great to have you back and can't wait to see you around the board more ^_^

:hug: Pat :wub:
Thanks Pat ^__^ It's been waaaaayyyyy too long, but it's refreshing to see so many old faces from back when I first started playing Kyle :) I've missed HNZ so much!
Is it horrible that I don't remember you? :(
It is, I know.
-le sigh-
So it goes.

At any rate! Welcome back!
Aaah no, it's not horrible :) I was always fairly quiet on here, though I thought Maria's punchup in the great hall would be somewhat memorable XD What a vicious, strange eleven year old.
ROWANNNNN!!!!!! :D (screaming your name will likely become a habit in this thread, methinks).

Yay for your return! :hug:

Hope you enjoy being back!
It's so great when people come back to the site :)
Welcome back Rowan!!!
Welcome back! :)
Oddly enough, I do remember you.. And I never remember anyone.
:hug: Well, anyway, welcome back ^_^ :D
I feel memorable! :D Thanks everyone ^__^ MAN I have missed HNZ so much akjhbgkaeuyg I can't even BELIEVE it.
ACTUALLY Nick should probably remember who I am because I made him a secret santa one year XD
So you are the one with the DE tattoo. Awesome. :cool:
Welcome back, Rowan! :kaitlyn:
Yes I am :) I've had it for abouuuuuttt a year and a half, or something along those lines :) Thank you!

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