Ezra hadn't been able to sleep, so he decided to take an early morning walk. He liked being out on the grounds, even if it was still pretty chilly out here. Tugging on his yellow scarf, he wandered around a bit, trying to enjoy the peaceful moment outisde without thinking of everything he needed to do. Ezra's feet took him to the Quidditch pitch and he stopped to look at it. One of his biggest regrets still was not joining the team when he was younger. This year it had just seemed silly to try out, but then again, he had talked himself out of it every year before as well. Between the towers, Ezra spotted a flying figure. Maybe a team was having a practice? He had really enjoyed watching the Hufflepuff tryouts earlier, maybe they wouldn't mind if he sat in on a practice as well? It wasn't like he'd stand out in the stands anyway. He hesitated, then headed to the pitch. But as he entered the stands, he realized it wasn't a team practicing. It was just one boy flying around. It was a new transfer, he had seen him around before and had heard some people talking about him. Much like Elio last year, Ezra envied how confident he seemed even though he was at a new school. Ezra didn't feel half as confident after seven ears. He bet this guy wouldn't be too scared to try out for his house team. Maybe he had.