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- Wand
- Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
It was always times like this at which Devlin would wish that Chyou would listen to him for once. Really, they were not going anywhere if they would continue with this self centered attitude of theirs, but none of them had realized that yet, for at the moment, both seemed to be too busy to order each other around to actually care what would have happened afterwards. No one was around to stop them now, not even Donavon, for surely, he was out of the house once again. The house elves wouldn't be able to do anything too, that thing was for sure, they would be too scared of him to actually approach them right now.
Devlin had had to bend down further as Chyou pulled him stronger than before, if she was another person, than she would have been beaten by him right now. If she was another person, then Devlin could have punched her right then and there, but then again, it was Chyou that he was talking about here, she didn't really care if he would hurt her anyways. "What the h3ll." He yelled, flinching a little as she grabbed his hair. Finally loosing his temper, he puled back from her, not even minding that in the process of doing so, he was just hurting himself. Without any second to spare then, he just grabbed her by the collar, his other hand taking hold of her hand which was on his head then. "Don't play around Chyou. Let go NOW" He said, repeating the same order that he had said before. If they were in school, then they would have probably casted spells against each other, but they weren't, so it seemed like the only way at which they could channel each other's anger is through physical confrontation as well as those snide remarks then.
Devlin had had to bend down further as Chyou pulled him stronger than before, if she was another person, than she would have been beaten by him right now. If she was another person, then Devlin could have punched her right then and there, but then again, it was Chyou that he was talking about here, she didn't really care if he would hurt her anyways. "What the h3ll." He yelled, flinching a little as she grabbed his hair. Finally loosing his temper, he puled back from her, not even minding that in the process of doing so, he was just hurting himself. Without any second to spare then, he just grabbed her by the collar, his other hand taking hold of her hand which was on his head then. "Don't play around Chyou. Let go NOW" He said, repeating the same order that he had said before. If they were in school, then they would have probably casted spells against each other, but they weren't, so it seemed like the only way at which they could channel each other's anger is through physical confrontation as well as those snide remarks then.
Out of Character:
- it's fine..