Hufflepuff Quidditch Practice

Therese joined the team quickly on the field and smiled at the teammates. She flew to the north hoops as April told her and was ready to guard it as he was good at or even tried to. But something seemed not good she missed two of the attempts but the brown haired would not give up. She had to be focused again. She looked as the chasers tried to score again. But had to catch her breath since the attempts where really a lot.
April decided to tail Elliot for a bit, partly to mess with him a little and partly to see how he would deal with that. It wasn't a bad tactic, if the other seeker spotted the snitch April would know immediately. She grinned, flying close to him and waving cheerily as he spotted her.
Abian flew behind Amy, grinning. "Go Amy!" He shouted, encouraging her. He remembered what it was like to be new on the team, and he wanted to help her feel welcome. "You can do it!" He shouted over the wind.
Amy wasn't sure if Avian wanted her to pass the Quaffle to him, but he was just too far behind her. She decided to just try to score, the worst thong that could happen was that she would miss. Which is exactly what happened. She was a little disappointed, but tried to remind herself that that was what practice was for.
Elliot noticed April following him, slowing down a bit to see if she was trying to talk to him. When April just continued to tail him, Elliot sped up a bit, trying not to let her distract him. It was hard enough to focus on hunting the snitch with April around in general, let alone following him, and Elliot mostly found himself flying aimlessly in circles, checking over shoulder to see if April was still there.
April noticed Elliot spotting her and gave him another wave. She kept tailing him for a bit, then suddenly shot past him with a laugh. It was fun to mess around a bit, though she kept an eye out for the snitch the whole time.
April was making Elliot more nervous than usual, and while it startled him, Elliot was almost relieved when she shot off, presumedly having finally spotted the snitch. Elliot didn't think he'd have a chance catching the snitch head on with April and hung back, watching her shoot across the pitch. His attention was drawn away from April when he spotted some small dancing near the edge of the stands and Elliot realized April must have been faking him out. Maybe it was a test? Either way, Elliot shot forward himself, trying not to panic about how close the stands were as he snatched the snitch tight in his right hand, raising it up to tentatively return April's wave from earlier before releasing it again, a warm feeling of pride in his chest.
April turned to see how Elliot reacted to what she had done, and then noticed him racing towards the snitch. She cursed, glad none of the younger members of the team were nearby. She still made a halfhearted attempt to fly closer, but it was no contest. Elliot had gotten the snitch, and all because she had been too busy messing around to even notice it. She tried her best to smile genuinely and gave him a thumbs up before flying off.
Abian gave Amy an encouraging smile after she missed her shot. "You'll get it next time!" He called to her before grabbing the quaffle for himself. He flew with the quaffle for a bit, looking for other chasers to pass it to.
Catching his breath, still a bit giddy after the catch, Elliot decided to go for a slow lap of the pitch. It was always a bit nerve wracking making a dive for the snitch, and Elliot needed a minute to calm down again before he resumed scanning the pitch again.
Therese saw Amy coming at her and she had to be focussed. Amy missed and she grabbed the quaffle was glad she hold it. She had to continue like this. But gave a thumbs up to Amy that she would do better next time. Abian grabbed the quaffle after she tossed it back and she had to be on her guard before he would come at her.
April was now determined to get the snitch as well, as she couldn't let Elliot do better than her. She had more experience and she was the captain. It would be embarrassing to lose to an alternate, as nice as he was. Zooming off into the direction she thought the snitch had gone, April gasped as she spotted it. She reached out and grabbed it. "Yes!" She called, excited.
Abian flew up to where Therese was guarding the hoops for another attempt to score. He hoped he could do it again. But Therese blocked his attempt. "Good job." Abian said, a little disappointed. Then he flew off.
Elliot had just began scanning the pitch again for the snitch when he saw April on the move, turning his broom to try and follow her. It was awesome to watch April in action, even if he had no chance of catching her, and Elliot pulled back and smiled as April scooped up the snitch, hoping he'd have time before practice ended to try to catch it again.
Feeling better about herself, April flew past Elliot. She was glad she had gotten the snitch at least once, though she hoped it would happen again before practice was over.
As April flew past, Elliot briefly considered following her for a change, but eventually decided against it. He'd end up too focused on her again and end up missing the snitch. Taking a moment to stretch and letting his broom drift just a bit in the wind, Elliot resettled and set off on another lap of the pitch, keeping his eyes peeled.
April decided not to pay too much attention to Elliot anymore. He was doing a fine job, and she had distracted herself when she had joked around with him, resulting in him getting the snitch first. She flew off in a different direction, keeping an eye out. The bludgers had been fairly inactive this practice.

It will be open one more day!
Practice was winding down, but Elliot was still hoping he might get one last go at the snitch. Thinking he saw a glimmer of movement by the southern hoops, he shot over there, grateful the chasers were at the other end of the pitch. Circling the hoops, whatever Elliot had spotted was gone and he sighed, taking a moment to sit back on his broom and catch his breath.
April didn't see the snitch anywhere, but gasped when she noticed Elliot shoot over to the hoops. Thankfully, he didn't grab the snitch again. Maybe he had spotted it, but it seemed to be gone. April looked at her watch, then whistled to let the team know practice was over.

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