Hufflepuff Quidditch Practice Y44 S1

Rene had to duck as the bludger he caught up to suddenly changed directions, nearly taking his head off in the process.
Leo got close to the hoops and tossed the ball, disappointed when it missed.
Felix kept looking.
Niall was up and into the air, quickly searching for a bludger so he could practise his aim. He found one and tried to swing for it but missed, and figured this may have been harder than when he practised with Ruby.
Zagreus was doing a great job already against the onslaught of goals and Rene hoped they could keep it up, especially with Slytherin running some new chasers this year. It boded well. "Hey, Zag, good job, man, make them work for it," he called as he shot past the hoops, trying to keep pace with the seekers.
Veronique grabbed the quaffle when it was tossed back after Leo's attempt and headed out, looking for a chance to pass to someone because teamwork.
Leonardo followed Veronique as she caught the quaffle.
Trailing after Felix, Rene was intent on his plan to put the pressure on the seekers today, knocking a bludger right into him the first chance he saw an opening. @Felix Carnahan

Felix x1
Felix was flying near the south hoops when he spotted something hovering near the ground. He blinked once and saw it flash in he sun. Without a second thought he raced after it and nearly ran into Leo on his way down. He mumbled an apology but was desperate to keep up or he'd lose its trail. With one last burst of speed and a lunge he grabbed the snitch out of the air and let out a strangled sound of excitement. After a rough end of the season, he had finally caught the dang thing in practice.
Chase swung his bat at the bludger he had been chasing, aiming it for Penelope but watching as it headed for @Rene Tofilau instead.

Felix x1
Rene x1
As the other two beaters on the team managed to smack the bludger into a teammate, Niall knew it must have hurt. He'd tried to fly closer towards Penelope, but as the bludger hit Rene instead, it was a reminder he needed to stay on his toes if he wanted to actually protect his teammates.
Veronique saw an opening and was about to pass the quaffle to Leonardo when Felix came bursting through. She turned for a moment but decided to go back and focus on being a chaser, tossing the quaffle to @Leonardo Orr
Leonardo caught the quaffle as Veronique tossed it to him and he continued on towards the hoops.
Penelope was happy for Felix, but she still felt a little sad she hadn't caught the snitch yet.
Rene was impressed to see Felix nab the snitch so early right after taking a bludger, mouth already open to congratulate him. "Nice one, Felix, that's exactly the sort of flying we'll need-" He was abruptly cut off when Chase hit a solid bludger into his side, a good reminder he still needed to pay attention especially this close to the seekers. He was able to regain his senses quickly though, and with the bludger still close by it was easy to send it on throw into @Penelope Marshall.

Felix x1
Penelope x1
Rene x1
Niall flew away from Penelope, just to see her get hit by a bludger. Niall cursed under his breath, deciding maybe he shouldn’t be trying to protect anyone just yet.
As soon as Leonardo was close enough he threw the ball and it sailed through the hoop. He glanced at Veronique and gave her a thumbs up and half an attempt at a smile, which lasted all of a second.
Felix felt a million times lighter as he let go of the snitch and let it fly away. He waited for a moment to catch his breath before starting his search again.
He was a bit distracted by Felix catching the snitch while almost crashing into Leo in the process, he was still distracted when the quaffle managed to get by him, but quickly blinked and brought his mind back to present day. Maybe he should try and concentrate more.
Sting from being hit non-withstanding, Rene already felt like the team was off to a good start, especially the chasers and Zagreus. Now they just needed to keep up that energy for the rest of practice and into the match...
Somehow, for some rather disastrous reason, the quaffle ended up in his hands. Finley didn't want it, desperately looking around for someone to pass it to instead.
Chase dodged a bludger and then flew after it.
Niall, preferring to go about his own journey around the pitch instead of protect anyone in particular, didn't have to wait long for a bludger to come flying towards him. He smacked hit hard, aiming for the chaser that currently had the quaffle. @Finley Holmes

Felix x1
Penelope x1
Rene x1
Finley x1
Renata was mostly hanging back and that totally had nothing to do with the other game and sleeping. She cheered for Felix, sticking around with the rest of the chasers.
Somehow, he ended up in front of the hoops, none of the other chasers willing to take the quaffle off him. And now he was there, he sort of had to score. Though as predicted, it didn't go very well, a bludger slamming into his side the second he tried to score. So maybe no surprise, it completely missed. Which anyone could have predicted happening.

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