Hot or Not

<SIZE size="50">Pluh-easeoutoften
Stalking is just another word for a one sided friendship. Which this is not.
Blush worthy/10

Oh wow well if my heart where not spoken for I would very much walk into a door for this one.
<SIZE size="50">whatapityoutoften
No matter how blush worthy I may be, walking into a door isn't good for your health.
Like my uncle. I don't know if that's a good thing or not.
I guess you prove that you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover
Pretty Girl Swagger / Out of Ten

You have that pretty girl swagger and I am guessing your milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
You high bro? How much caffeine have you had today?​
A boy whom I never met before // out of ten
From what it seems you sound interesting for Slytherin, too bad we can't meet.
thanks for doing your best on me.
cool girl out of ten
i would be your friend, even if you are a werewolf, you seem pretty sweet
Can't say I know what Phaeochromocytoma exactly, but it probably makes life difficult.
your maturity makes you seem my age and your intelligence does Ravenclaw house proud. well done.
CoolBro/out of ten
That about says it huh? Cool.

You don't really look like one of those scary and mean death eaters people always talk about. Hope you aren't mean though.
I miss my childhood. It was so much easier.

Nice hair you got there Miss. I was once a brunette but because of my mother's obsession for blonde hair, she dyed my hair blonde.
Brunette to blonde eh? No big deal.

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