Hot or Not

That must be class!
half my family is/10
both my mother and twin are too, as is my grandmother and great grand mother.
It's easy to talk to people, so go say hello to someone.​
<COLOR color="#000"><FONT font="Times New Roman">My twin attends Beauxbatons, but he used to be in Gryffindor.​
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thats a good school/10
my little sister, used to go there, she is now transferred back to HN'Zed' and my adopted sister goes there too.
My twin is half way across the world. I'm not happy, whether it's a good school or not.​
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I know what its like. when I was a student I was almost always alone.
I'm sorry, but I have always found that subject chuckle worthy.​
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Star Moon/OutOfTen
Is your name supposed to have that sort of contradiction? Or was it by accident?​
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Stranger/out of ten
I don't intend on finding you. Maybe one day I'll kill you, you'll never know.
And I also hate my name, smile coz' it's the nicest thing I said.
We'd either be best friends, or we would hate eachother.​
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pretty boy/10
no offence but interesting people have at least one or two scars.

I like you, you're cool, and handled the magazine well.
I don't have scars, because they're ugly. Bruises on the other hand I have.​
<COLOR color="Black"><FONT font="times new roman">Are you smart?​
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I don't know if I'm smart-I do well in school? Still, you seem cool enough-crazy can be good!
you're calling me ugly?/10
I admire your nerve. but I agree with you, I'm not the best looking, and I'm glad about that.

I think you will make a good prefect as you didn't get to stirred up at the meeting like many of the other prefects (including myself)
I doubt you're 'forgetting' to take Wolfsbane :r
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You need one.​
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Seriously, stop, those are my friends. You're being super rude.

no lie, I could totally be like a big sister! ^_^
Not my fault she needs a hairbrush, I was trying to be nice. It's called fashion advice, something you need too.​
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