Hot or Not

Interesting / out of ten
If your as cool as you look we'd get along
You're pretty cute, nuff said.
You Match a Slytherin Description perfectly.. apart from the Veela part i guess..​
Glamor girl/10

It seems that you like the finer things as well as fine men. Not that I am of the age to be looking at such things
I'm loving those foils​
quidditch player, and ministry employee/10
awesome jobs, I want to be like that too.
Hard / Out of Ten
You look as if you've been through a lot and I bet it's made you a good person

Hufflepuff is the best house, and that's my sisters house.

Haven't met your sister though. But I'm sure she's a nice person.
sweet lion/10
i wonder if i will be seeing you in a few years?

I hope so too. You seem like a very nice professor and I can't wait to learn from you.
tough girl/10
so we will either get on well, or not at all.

Your birthday was grand, Briar. The foods are very delicious most especially the pumpkin pie.

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