Hot or Not

Ignore My Half-Brother, he seems to have started to believe that he can drink away all his problems and nothing matters.​
sorry i don't like you. you have everything I want, my sister is closer to you than me, the man i like is dating you, and you have s gorgeous daughter.
who person enjoys being bossed around? nobody.
You seemed to be very Mature for your Age...​
I like them. They're my favorite color of eyes!
Maybe you could come with sometime! There's a ton of fun things to do!
pretty costume/10
that is a pretty costume you have for halloween. the angel look suits you.
Sick/Out of Ten

You should get better. That would make Klaus' life better; also making mine better.
missury and rageful dont match your name. both of your brothers had saved two of my daughters. so if you ever want to talk be sure to know you are always welcome to visit.
Mother/ Out of Ten

I would hide out at your place, but Ruby is there, and I am sure you value her life.

Please bear in mind we go to school together meaning I know where you sleep.
Please/ Out of Ten

He is a Gryffindor. I am pretty positive he is not scared of you. Especially with him now being freakishly tall.
Home schooled/outoften

Sometimes I wish I was homeschooled. Maybe my mother would still be alive.

Hmmm.. At Heart, eh? What a cheesy name for a News Studio.

Wow, that is a lot of siblings, are they all blood relations?
Then again, i haven't really met or seen anyone...
shy and friendly/10
that is an odd mix. aren't people usually more one or the other?
Each day I will love you more than its yesterday and less than its tomorrow. that is my promise for you are my better half.
Get a room, you two. :tut: No one wants to hear that.
They're married, and that's good! Married people are supposed to be like that, my dad says!

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