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Play that fiddle / out of ten

Go on girl play your fiddle, or violin I guess! It takes skill to play any instrument and I bet you have what it takes to become legendary.​
Do you want to go Professional? Its really worth the hard work.​
<FONT font="Lucida">UniqueEyes!/OutofTen
I've never seen someone with eyes quite like yours before. They're pretty!
That's nice to see, a lot of the Huffler-Puffs are lovable, maybe i'll be one of them!
Peace/ Out of Ten

I hope the person you are missing contacts you so that you can find some peace.

That's the best name, ever!
Sammy! i'm so sorry! i never new! :hug: You can stay with my family anytime!

Whatever it is, I just hope it's nothing too dirty.
Filthy ll Out of Ten

Your personality is the only think that is dirty here kid, time for you to accept that your ideals are out date
to be quite honest you would look so much more attractive if you got rid of the wild animal growing on your face.
well you're unrealistically descriptive for an eleven year old, are you sure you're not in your forties?

Though, if I knew you-I'd probably argue with you a lot.

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