Hot or Not

Yes/ Out of Ten

It would require you leaving Kennedy alone.

That is one request that can not comply with.
SubjectChange/ Out of Ten

I like your hair. It is the same color as mine. I think.

Cool! I was starting to think I was alone among all the yellow
oh hi//outoften
are you new to these parts?!

sorry don't know you that much ;)
<SIZE size="150"><SIZE size="50"><COLOR color="#000">Fellowhufflepuffchaser/outoften
Let's kick some Gryffindor butt!​
Best friend/10
I will be cheering you and the rest of the team on too.
you seem to be slightly hyperactive and fun to be around. now go eat some sugar.
Werewolf!/ Out of Ten

You are just so cool! I want to meet you!
I think you bring enough presence for the both of us so I will just sit in the corner all quiet like
Beater/ Out of Ten

You are much more skilled than me I am sure.
<SIZE size="50">Quidditchplayer/outoften
Even though you are an alternative beater
you're just as good and important.
i wish i was playing this time, but doesn't it get confusing with both a kate and a katie playing the same position?
<FONT font="Lucida">HeadGirl!/OutofTen
I bet that it's a very demanding job. Well deserved though!
Quidditch captain/10
i wont deny that i was annoyed when you get the role, but it is well deserved and you are doing a good job, now go and kick some metaphorical badgers backsides.
blame the moon/10
blame everything on the moon. full moon makes my cranky :r

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