HM Meeting Y47 S1

Miranda Dawes

Observe and Record
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 14 Inch Flexible Alder Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
13 (28/05/2049)
The one benefit to having a parent on staff, thought Miranda, was that she could leverage that to get some help getting food together for a club meeting. Even though things were still tense with her and her mum, she knew she could go to her for help for these sorts of things, if nothing else. There was an assortment of snacks and drinks available, as well as some notebooks, parchment, quills and pens she'd scrounged up (more of the notebooks and pens than parchment and quills, and the former had been cheaper to acquire at the supermarket with her dad over the break). Miranda figured that Hugo could take the lead on organizing the actual paper output, as the more senior of the two and she'd just help out by putting together some of the more casual meetings to help the team feel a little more cohesive. Prevent anyone slipping in any unscrupulous gossip columns (despite being the very person who did that).

Miranda picked out a comfy chair to sit in, flipping her notebook open and sipping on some tea as people milled about. "Hi everyone! Thanks for coming," she said, cheerfully, sitting up a little taller. She knew, only being a third year, she might have some trouble appearing senior enough to be capable, but she'd just have to do her best. "So, just thought we'd have a little bit of a casual meeting today, get to know each other a little." She knew people might be sick of those sorts of things as well, but she going to try to make it less dire than the classroom version. "Soooo, if anyone has some ideas for what kinds of articles they'd like to write, or wants to just share some thoughts on what they hope to get out of working at the club, maybe writing dreams," Miranda leaned down and picked up a plastic ball from her bag, about the size of a cricket ball or baseball, and tossed it up and caught it again. "We'll toss this around the room so everyone can introduce themselves and share their thoughts! So hi, I'm Miranda, I'm one of your editors, and I'd like to write short stories when I'm older." She tossed the ball over to the next person, hoping that this wouldn't be the worst kind of meeting. The downside of having two educators for parents, she supposed, this was the best she could come up with for a meet and greet. Thankfully, she had better ideas for later meetings.

OOCOut of Character:
Feel free to jump in and face a dreaded introduction! Remember to check the OOC meeting thread if you haven't already, and reminder also to PM me and/or Mia (@Hugo Stark-West) if you have any queries, concerns, or would like to run some article ideas past us!
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Elio didn't know how he felt about a game of catch as an ice breaker, but it was probably better than some of the other ideas some people probably had floating around. He caught the ball when it came towards him with a friendly grin and stepped into he circle of students. “Hey, everyone! I’m Elio, one of the new interns here. I’m usually more behind the scenes, but I’m excited to be part of the club and help out however I can.” He tossed the ball lightly in his hands before continuing, "I’ve always had a passion for writing, particularly when it comes to exploring how our words can have a positive impact on the world. Whether it’s through compelling stories or insightful articles, we're here to help and support each other in bringing our ideas to life.” Elio gave the ball a gentle toss to the next person, his eyes scanning the group with genuine interest. “Looking forward to hearing what everyone else is passionate about and seeing what we can create together. Thanks for organising this, Miranda. It’s a great way to kick things off!” Icebreakers were difficult enough as it was without negativity, so it was always best to be kind.
hugo was pleased with his and margo's choice for the next editor of the monthly. she had taken the lead on organising the first meeting of the year. he eneted the room and could see that she had done a good job setting it up. he walked over to her "good work Miranda" he said picking a chip from a bowl of crisps and eating it. as people started to join them. he listened as Miranda started to introduce the club and the meeting. He listened as both Miranda and one of the new recruits the sixth year Elio introduced themselves. he didn't know elio well. but he seemed nice, maybe he could make a friend. soon the ball was in his hands he almost dropped it. maybe it wasn't the best idea to have passing balls with self professed nerds, or maybe that was just him. "Hello I am hugo. one of your editors. I'm a fifth-year Ravenclaw," he said. "i love reading. one of my favorite places to be is my mum's bookshop, which is why my regular column is Hugos book club." he said holding up the book he was reading for this edition. I want to repeat what meranda said that if anyone has any ideas for articles that they want to add let us know. we want to publish the kind of things that people are interested in reading. and not just things because they have been in every issue before"[/b] he said. before passing the ball to one of the other members glad that he didn't have to catch the ball again.
Winnie had signed up to the Monthly on a whim, a whim that wasn't prescribed by her parents. A true whim. She hadn't been sure about it, and she was yet to tell her parents, but she was pretty eager for it anyway. If she wrote an article or two over the first year, she could show it to her parents and use it as an example of her improving her writing. Of her trying to be a more rounded student. She sat down at the Hogwarts Monthly meeting and watched as a few other, older students went first before the object to spend was tossed to her. "Hi, I'm Winnie, I'm a bit new to writing, I like reading though, and I'm eager to try my hand at writing. I'm not sure what I'll write about, but I'm sure I'll find it." she spoke rather honestly for once, and then tossed the object to the next person to introduce themselves.
When it was time for the Hogwarts Monthly meeting Sybil was very excited to jump in and get to work, or at least figure out how the whole thing worked. She could hardly believe just a bunch of students could put together a whole newspaper. It all sounded very grown up and cool. She wasn't the first to arrive which was no problem, and she took a seat next to one of her roommates. She whispered a quick hello to Winnie before turning her attention to one of the editors. She had heard Miranda was only a third year which felt quite young to be in charge. Maybe she could be one too one day. Sybil pulled out her notebook she had gotten when she signed up for the club but was surprised when a ball started being tossed around. Well this was one way to get things going. She listened as others went before her, and then the ball was in her hands. She felt her cheeks get a little hot when all the eyes were on her. "Hello, I'm Sybil and only a first year." she began. "I'm also a little new to writing but also love reading. All kinds of reading. Fiction and non-fiction. I usually read the paper with my father on the weekends." she added. "Of course, not right now, because I'm at school." she felt herself crumbling a little. "And I'd like to write about anything students should know about or want to talk about I guess." The end was a little weak and she wasted no time passing the ball to the next person.
How the younger Slytherin thought Morrie would catch the ball with both her arms so tightly folded was beyond her. Morrie sighed heavily and reluctantly crouched down to pick the ball up from her feet, "I'm Morrie and I think these games are stupid." She said, hurling the ball hard to the next person.
Adelaide was excited to be joining the Hogwarts Monthly. She knew she was just a first year, so she would probably just be doing grunt work this year. Still, the potential for the future was there. She went into the room and took a seat. When it was her turn, the Ravenclaw grinned. "Hi, I'm Adelaide Styx-Potter. I really like taking photographs, but I'd also like to learn more about writing. My dad is a Quidditch player, and I think I might like sports writing." she said as her introduction.
Beatrice was excited to join the paper, even if it meant sharing time with her sister. She didn't think Maggie would be interested in writing, but then again, she wasn't sure she knew Maggie very well sometimes. They may be twins, but they were very different people. Well, Beatrice thought so, even if the magic hat had put them in the same house. As she entered the club room, she took a seat and listened to one of the leaders tell them what they'd be doing today. Beatrice loved public speaking except when she had to talk about herself. She listened as others introduced herself and then caught the ball from one of her new roommates. "Uhh, hi. I'm Bea. Beatrice Grey. I'm a first year, and I've never written for a paper before. But I love to read. I'm not sure what I will write about." she said, before passing the ball across the circle to her sister.
Maggie wasn't sure how she felt about joining the paper, but she was going to give it a shot. She had joined almost every club, and so far, they had all been enjoyable. Standing away from Beatrice because she seemed in a mood, Maggie listened to the other people introduce themselves and tried not to laugh at the older girl's snide comment. After Bea passed the ball to her, she twirled it in her hands. "I'm Maggie Grey and a first year. I've also never worked on a newspaper before, but I like making up stories and finding out secrets so this seems like it could be a good place for me," she smirked, tossing the ball to someone else.

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