Hi everyone

Matthew Wayne

OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Hello, everybody! My name is Matej (Call me Matt or Matthew) and I'm new to HNZ!
My brother introduced me to HNZ, he kept writing on this forum and I started getting into it. I saw him do the homework and writing his posts. I decided to give it a go. I liked the Harry Potter films and I never read the books, so I don't have supreme knowledge about most of this. But hey, Hogwarts is a place to learn!
(P.S. My brother is Alex Sheffield/Daniel Crawford)
Hey Matej!

Welcome to HNZ!! My name is Maia, feel free to PM me with any questions you may have! Though, your brother has probably filled you in on how things work :D

If you want to learn a bit about the site, the site documentation can be really useful, as can the FAQ Forum.

Have fun!! :woot:
Hi, Matt, and welcome to HNZ!! :woot: :party: And good work Patrick for bringing another person over to the dark side *pats back*

I still haven't read the books either (*braces self for abuse*), so you're not alone :party: but an enjoyment for writing and of the HP universe is totally all you need anyways :r

I really look forward to seeing you around! Feel free to shoot me a PM if you need a hand with anything. Welcome to the community! :hug:
Welcome to HNZ. I'm sure your brother will help you learn the ropes, but if you have any questions feel free to send me a PM. :)
Welcome to HNZ Matej!
Great to have you with us :hug:
Thanks to everyone for making me feel welcome! I will do my best here!

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