Hey I'm back

Arriman Canker

Well-Known Member
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Single (Not Looking)
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Straight 17 1/2 Inch Rigid Reed Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
14 (29/12/2039)
I know I wasn't a huge presence on the site before, but I had a lot of issues with my job at the time.
The bad news is that I lost my job just before all this lock down stuff, so I was already looking around for a new job anyway, but then no places were looking for more employees because places were starting to think of shutting down. Anyway my store got closed but just prior to that I got let go because business was down too much. Blah blah not much interesting stuff to say about that.
The good news is that I got alternate finances sorted out, so now I'm finally safe in my flat (no risk of not paying rent for the moment) and I'm more able to get online. So I hope to be present on here more frequently.
Still can't promise it will be a huge presence, but I just noticed sorting was happening and gave in to at least trying that out.
I really like this site and you're all a really cool group. It's a good community.
Providing my health and finances remain well, I should be here more.

Big hugs to everyone. See you at Hogwarts.
Hey Daffy - welcome (back) to HNZ!

Sorry to hear how tough things have been for you, but so glad that things have stabilized for now and that you have some time to relax and that you've chosen to see about spending it with us!

I hope to see you around the board. :)
Welcome back to HNZ! I hope the site can prove to be some respite for you! See you around.
Awh Daffy, welcome back! I'm sorry it's been so tough, but glad you've been able to find your way back to us <3
Hey Daffy, glad to see you back! I'm sorry this all happened, but I hope things will be better now. Hope to see you around and RP!
Hi welcome baccckkkkk

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