Open Heta Omega vs Brotherhood: Musical Chairs!

Audrey gave the second year boy who pushed her the most withering death glare she could muster. Not easy when she was in the process of throwing herself onto a chair to the point of nearly toppling it backwards with her on it.
Eurydice yelped as the music stopped and everyone was in chaos again and she ended up bumping into one of the players enough for her to fall on the floor. Still she ended up on the seat… sharing with another player.
The music stopped and Teddy dived to the chair closest to him, he wasn't budging now
Morrie shoved past another played to reach the seat, then dropped into it at the exact same time as Eurydice. She shifted her weight, elbowing and pushing to attempt to claim it entirely for herself. @Eurydice Nightray
Felix glanced a few chairs down where two of the girls had sat on the same chair together, and wondered which one was going to have to switch to the empty one next to him instead.
Eury paled when she realized just who exactly she had ended up fighting a chair with. Her heart raced because nothing good ever came out of being in close proximity with Morrie but Elio-nii was watching and she was sure he wouldn’t let anything happen. (Benjamin was here too she supposed.) So she locked her leg with a chair leg and one of her arms on the back of the seat and pushing back as she kept her other foot grounded on the floor. There were still other seats, but it was the principle of the thing, she didn’t want to keep running from Morrie.
A slow smirk creeped onto Morrie's face as she felt Eurydice dig in. There was no way Morrie was giving up this seat now. She tightened her grip on the chair and tried yanking toward herself but Eurydice had her leg locked around one chair leg so it didn't work. "Get off my seat!" She growled.
It was dumb really, the way the two girls were fighting over a chair when there was a perfectly good one right next to it. With any luck they'd both be out the game, giving the Brotherhood the advantage.
Ben noted the two girls sitting on the same seat, Eurydice and Miss Ayre. "Ladies," he said, calling their attention with his wand. "Civility please, if I see anything less than civility, you'll both be disqualified."

@Eurydice Nightray @Morrie Ayre
Stupid Benjamin. She was being perfectly civil. Unladylike because she was on this stupid chair like an octopus but perfectly civil. She couldn't even tell Morrie that this was her seat because she felt like she'd be pushed off if she so much as breathed.
Aroha must have been in a daze as she momentarily didn't notice the music stopping. She quickly took a seat.
Felix rolled his eyes at the Slytherin and Hufflepuff who continued to battle it out between them despite the free seats around them. It was as though whatever was between them was more important than the game at hand, which would no doubt be annoying for the other girls watching and who actually wanted to do well for their team. He grinned as Aroha took one of those seats, and peered round to see if William was going to need another shove to sit down in time.
Hēmi noticed the music stopping but was honestly so taken aback by the girls little spat that he had to remember that yes, he was still playing, and yes, this still was a game. He dove for a seat, nearly sliding back out of it but righting himself at the last moment. Hopefully no one had seen that.
Even with the warning, Morrie refused to budge from her seat.
When the music stopped Bailey grabbed the nearest chair. She watched the scuffle going on between Morrie and Eury and was glad to see Professor Kaster get involved.
If Professor Kaster hadn't shouted and threatened Morrie and Eury with disqualification, then William might have got himself involved in their drama. For now, he'd stay out of it. He ran over to the nearest seat and planted himself on it.
Now that all the other chairs were filled, this was definitely all or nothing. She dug her foot on the ground and tried to push Morrie off of the chair with her body weight - not that she weighed much.
It was annoying how strong Eurydice was for her size, Morrie could feel her pushing but it wasn't enough, Morrie was bigger and standing her ground. "She's the one pushing me." She complained to Professor Kaster. "She should be disqualified for that!"
Ben frowned. "You both got to that chair at the same time, one of you has to move, if you can't figure out which of you gets the chair you'll both be disqualified. How about you play a game of rock, paper scissors to determine the winner. One quick round and whoever gets the upper hand gets the chair."
OOCOut of Character:
To determine the tiebreaker like this, please both send me either rock, paper, or scissors and we can determine who Ben says gets the chair this way. Otherwise feel free to suggest other methods :r

@Eurydice Nightray @Morrie Ayre
Eury didn’t trust Morrie with a mere tenth of an ounce of her being. And what in Merlin’s name was Rock, Paper, Scissors anyway? Was it another one of those muggle games? She had no ide what in Merlin’s name the symbols for those were or what paper or scissors were but she did know rock was an effective weapon. With both her hands preoccupied with holding on to the chair, she just shouted Rock every single time. She wasn’t facing Morrie anyway.
Morrie was surprisingly receptive to the rock, paper scissors suggestion. She also chose rock each time.
"Okay, okay, clearly this isn't working," Ben said, holding his hands up between the girls. "This is what we're gonna do, I'm going to think of a number between 1-5, the closest will get the chair, fair?" He asked, holding a number in his head.​

OOCOut of Character:
For reference, we played six hands of this and they both sent me rock each time.

@Morrie Ayre @Eurydice Nightray Please both send me one number, the closest gets the chair.
Morrie figured going somewhere in the middle was smart, either two or three. "Three." She decided.
Ben looked between the girls. "Okay, Eury, you get the chair, Morrie, you're out." He said, watching to make sure there was no retaliation. Once Morrie had moved and Eurydice was seated properly on the chair, he flicked his wand and the music started again.

@Morrie Ayre

OOCOut of Character:
We are now in the Walking Phase, please note that posting is highly encouraged but not mandatory for this phase.
The next phase will begin in 24 hours.

Morrie Ayre has been eliminated.

Brotherhood PlayersHeta Omega Players
Teddy PirripBailey Walden-Cade
William Potter-CadeMorrie Ayre
Hēmi BlenheimAroha Blenheim
Benicio MatosMagdalene Grey
Felix Layton-KingEurydice Nightray
Jonah EdogawaMania Athanasiou
Doyle MooneyLeah Thorne
Ignatius WolffortAudrey Beauchamp
Rhea Moss

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