Open Heta Omega vs Brotherhood: Musical Chairs!

Felix had crouched down now and dropped his legs off the chair, stretching out to rest his feet on the one next to him since apparently neither girl would take it. They’d rather battle it out together than play the game properly. As the professor played some mini games with the pair he wasn’t sure why he hadn’t just disqualified them both if they weren’t going to play properly. The music started up again and the Gryffindor hopped off the chair, quietly hoping Eurydice would be out next anyway for causing half the ruckus.
Morrie was having none of it, as far as she was concerned Eurydice had stolen her chair and just because Morrie wasn't a Legilimens, she was out, which made no sense. "Whaat! That's so unfair!" she protested. She stood up, but instead of accepting her elimination, she pointedly ignored it and slipped back into the circle when she didn't think Professor Kaster was looking. She carried on walking around the chairs like she was still in the game.
Felix noticed the Slytherin slipping back into the circle as they were walking. Had Professor Kaster just not noticed? "Sir, are you actually gonna deal with this or not?" Felix had pulled himself out the circle and was now stood on the spot, staring at the Professor. It wasn't the first time he'd called someone out on not being able to handle a situation as they were meant to be able to deal with.
Ben turned to look at Felix, unimpressed that he felt the need to deal with something Ben was in the middle of handling. "Yes, thank you, Mr. Layton-King. You can get back into the circle." He said, before gesturing Morrie to leave the circle.

@Morrie Ayre @Felix Layton-King
Felix frowned as the Professor said he should get back into the circle. He would, when the girl was gone. If he thought pointing was going to be enough, he should think again. He wasn't going to stay if a professor couldn't even handle a simple fourth year.
Morrie groaned at the little second years theatrics, honestly he was worse than Eurydice. At the same time, Morrie could quite clearly see Professor Kaster gesturing her out of the circle and knew that her plan wasn’t going to fly with him, "Fine, whatever. If he's going to be such a princess about it," she huffed, rolling her eyes and stepping out of the circle. She quite deliberately shouldered past Felix then stomped off toward the castle. She had way more important things to do than play lame baby games anyway.
Felix was surprised when the redhead actually admitted defeat, shoving him on the way out. The Gryffindor said nothing else as he got back into the circle, quietly glad that it didn't need to be any more difficult than it needed to be. He smiled to himself though, if not only because he was proud of himself for saying something.
Ben shook his head as Morrie shoved Felix on her way out of the circle. "And ten points from Slytherin for unsportsmanlike conduct Miss Ayre."

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