Open Heta Omega vs Brotherhood: Musical Chairs!

When Eurydice noticed that she was getting too close to Morrie for comfort, she started stepping backward instead of forward, completely unwilling to come near the Slytherin. She needed to put some distance between them before she started walking forward again.
The music suddenly ceased. "Go, go, go!"

OOCOut of Character:
We are now in the Scamble Phase, please note that you MUST post during this phase or you will be eliminated.
The next phase will begin in 24 hours.

Brotherhood PlayersHeta Omega Players
Teddy PirripBailey Walden-Cade
William Potter-CadeMorrie Ayre
Hēmi BlenheimAroha Blenheim
Benicio MatosMagdalene Grey
Felix Layton-KingEurydice Nightray
Jonah EdogawaMania Athanasiou
Doyle MooneyLeah Thorne
Ignatius WolffortAudrey Beauchamp
Rhea Moss

  1. Aroha Blenheim
  2. Felix Layton-King
  3. Audrey Beauchamp
  4. Teddy Pirrip
  5. Morrie Ayre
  6. Jonah Edogawa
  7. Eurydice Nightray
  8. Benicio Matos
  9. Ignatius Wolffort
  10. Bailey Walden-Cade
  11. William Potter-Cade
  12. Hemi Blenheim
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Aroha quickly took a seat, sitting down with alarming haste as she sat confidently, crossing her arms and legs and looking on to see who'd get eliminated.
The moment the music stopped Felix sat in the nearest chair, grinning at those around him.
No way was Audrey going to get eliminated so quickly. She practically leapt onto the nearest chair, almost knocking it over in her haste.
Teddy slid into a seat as quickly as the music stopped.
Moving slowly was a good tactic in itself, Morrie sat down on the seat she was hovering next to.
Jonah grabbed a chair and pulled it towards his butt to sit on.
Eurydice more or less yelped as the chaos of people shuffling about pushed her down into a chair.
Ignatius wasn't as close to a chair as he would have liked, but he used his newfound speed to jump onto a chair desperately so he wouldn't immediately lose.
As soon as Professor Kaster yelled go! Bailey scrambled to the nearest chair and flung herself onto it, planting herself firmly on it.
There was a mad scramble once Professor Kaster got things under way and William was almost bowled over by some of the older students but he managed to gather himself quickly enough to find himself a chair.
Hēmi slowed, then looked around, noticing that unfortunately there were no more chairs. He shrugged his shoulders in disappointment and went to spend his time being an on-looker. He honestly wasn't too bothered, but it was a bit embarrassing to get out on the first round.
Teddy noticed Heemi slumping off and called out to him, "Heemi! Over here, there's a free seat next to me!" He called out to him, looking out for his Brother if he wanted to keep playing. @Heemi Blenheim

OOC: by my count there is still one seat unclaimed
Hēmi looked up, a bit confused. He rushed to the seat, not realising there'd been one free. That was kind of more embarrassing but he sat quickly down beside Teddy, a little ashamed but glad to be in the game.

((ooc: my bad, I counted wrong))
Ben nodded as everyone claimed a seat but one first year didn't quite make it in time. "Better luck next time, you can sit to the side if you want," he gestured to @Mania Athanasiou before restarting the music.​

OOCOut of Character:
We are now in the Walking Phase, please note posting in this phase is highly encouraged for rp purposes but is not required.
The next phase will begin in 24 hours.

Mania Athanasiou has been eliminated.

Brotherhood PlayersHeta Omega Players
Teddy PirripBailey Walden-Cade
William Potter-CadeMorrie Ayre
Hēmi BlenheimAroha Blenheim
Benicio MatosMagdalene Grey
Felix Layton-KingEurydice Nightray
Jonah EdogawaMania Athanasiou
Doyle MooneyLeah Thorne
Ignatius WolffortAudrey Beauchamp
Rhea Moss
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Jonah breathed a sigh of relief as he started to walk round the chairs again. Who knew Musical Chairs could be so intense?
Oh they were walking again. Eurydice really didn't like this game at all
Felix waved to his cousins little friend when she deemed the first person out of the game, and before they knew it the music started again. Felix hopped up and started making his way around the chairs, making a mental note of which one he was going to leap for so he was prepared at all times.
Benicio stood up as the music continued, more on guard this second time around. He remained a bit closer to the chairs as he began to move around them.
Audrey shook her head, putting her hands on her hips as she walked. "Come on, girls!" she yelled, taking her hands off her hips to give a couple of claps of punctuation. "We can't let the boys beat us, can we?" She was about to suggest shoulder charging the boys if they had to, but happened to notice the professor as she was opening her mouth and abruptly closed it again.
Teddy clapped Heemi on the back when he made it to the seat next to him just in time. The music started and Teddy started walking around the chairs again. He laughed at Audrey's call to the girls. “You hear that guys? The girls are scared!” he teased. "You're not thinking of cheating are you, Beauchamp?" @Audrey Beauchamp
Audrey scoffed, looking back at Teddy and giving him a once-over, trying to affect a look of being nonplussed. Unfortunately, Audrey was not much of an actress and couldn't help but give an impish grin instead. "Why, Pirrip, I'm ever so insulted that you would suggest such a thing!" She turned properly, shuffling backwards sort of in time with the music. "If I wanted to cheat, I'd have already hexed you by now." She got a bit out of sync with the circle of chairs, and did a half-jog half-dance to get back into the right spot.
@Teddy Pirrip
Aroha smirked at the exchange between Audrey and Teddy, keeping up with the music as she moved past chair after chair, wondering which would be the one she'd go for. She would love to see Teddy caught out but wondered how easy that would be to accomplish.

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