Help with getting a plot out.

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Derrik Agile

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
so yea...i've noticed that my rps have only been with a selected few. i want to expand that. long story short:

~Derrik has no friends and wants to make new ones
~he's going to find out soon that he's attracted to guys instead of girls.
~want him to be more outgoing
~maybe have some boy drama or get caught in his friends drama

don't have nothing much in mind but thats about it for now.
Well, Emi can help, they've met before, shes a troublemaker so that might be able to make him more outgoing or something. She can also be his friend. They can be good friends, and, if you want, he can tell her about him liking guys, and for a test he wants to kiss her and see what happens (haha, just an idea dont worry). Shes really nice unless you get on her bad side so it would be fine.

I also have a first year boy if you want a guy friend.

(the problem is that im leaving in a couple of days, so we could do it now or when i come back which will be in like a month :( )
o_O a month tis a long time.

well i like some of the ideas ^^ honeslty i've got a crude loud of girl friends lol so i think derrik needs some guys friends lol but none the less he can be friend with both ^^
lol yeah go to bed! we can work out a post sometime soon, or later. Month is like a HUGE time :(
i suppose Elvera could, as she has barley any friends.
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