Head Full of Questions

Melody Thomas

Well-Known Member
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Tail of Charmed Newt
Melody walked slowly across the streets in New Zealand, trying to think of many things that had happened. Right at Christmas she had met Dervish, but she had a different feeling about him. Then all of a sudden, he kissed her and ran off. She thought she was a git for not running after him and asking him why he ran away. Why did he run away though? That question was always on her mind, day in day out. She sighed as she turned a corner, it was late at night and she was getting a bit scared. The good thing is that it was still warm and she didn't have a need for a jacket. Melody could swear that there was someone following her, but it was probably just her imagination playing tricks on her.
Dervish walked along the path with his eyes looking all around him. He was sure there was meant to be some sort of meeting here tonight. He didn't know what it was but he'd eavesdropped a conversation and found out about it. He had no idea what or who he was looking for but no one could blame him for trying. Derv was about to turn a corner when he felt some one crash into him. "What the...!!" He had been about to show the person a piece of his mind until he realised who it was. His whole body untensed and he felt his heart pounding in his chest. "Melody?? What are you doing here??" He'd had her on his mind since their last meeting and he couldn't seem to get rid of her image in his head. That is until now when she turned up in front of him.
Melody kept looking behind her, making sure that someone wasn't going to take her. But she didn't pay attention to the front. " Offfff." She said as she landed right into the person. " Dervish!" She nearly yelled. " I'm just walking around here, what are you doing here?" She asked. " Thanks for running off on me last time." She said unhappily.
Derv had never expected that he would need to make up a reason for being there so he had to think on his feet. "Oh...I uh...I'm just out for a walk while my mum looks after my son." He felt embarrassed at what she said next. "Oh, right. Sorry about that." He didn't know what to say. He wasn't used to talking to people about how he felt. Especially people he barely knew. He barely even talked to his family.
Melody sighed and looked from side to side then back to Dervish. " Dervish.. that made me feel like cr@p, and you couldn't even owl me, to explain what happened." She stated. " I don't even know what to say anymore." She shrugged her shoulders and looked at the ground.
Derv sighed. "I didn't mean to offend you." He lifted her chin so she looked up at him. "You're an amazing person. I'd never want to hurt you." He tried to think of an excuse without saying too much. "I just needed time to breath. I didn't know what was coming over me and I needed to get my head around things."
Melody nodded. " I thought that maybe you didn't like me or something." She gave a weak little laugh. " I know how that feels sometimes." She nodded as she looked up at Dervish. " It's a bit dark out here." Melody looked around.
Derv laughed. "What is there not to like??" He couldn't see how anyone wouldn't like her. He nodded. He liked the dark but he knew that most people didn't. "You could come to my place if you want??" His head told him he should never have made the invite but his heart was telling him it was the right thing to do and he wouldn't regret it.
Melody laughed at Dervish, he was quite the fellow. " You know what, that sounds really good." Melody nodded.
Melody nodded as she sat down on Dervishs sofa. " Yes, I would like one." She happily nodded. She sighed as she looked around. " Cute little place you have." She smiled.
Dervish went into the kitchen and got two firewhiskeys from the fridge before giving one to Melody and sitting next to her on the sofa. "I don't really pay much attention. My sister designed it all for me. All I do is live in it." He shrugged slightly.
Melody smiled as Dervish joined her again. " Thank you." She said before taking the drink. " It's really nice." The brunette smiled and took a sip of her drink. " So how've you been?" She asked.
Dervish nodded in agreement. He never really cared what state his house was in but he had to admit that Lily was good at designing. "I've been good. Just been working really." He had some of his drink then smiled at her. "How about you??"
Melody nodded, she could see Dervish working hard. " Well, I just traveled last week around, showing my new line of clothes." She smiled happily. " It was really good." She nodded happily.
Dervish smiled and nodded "Really?? Where did you go??" Derv had never been all that interested in fashion but he was good at pretending when he was around the right people. Living with Ana and Stacy had made him a master at pretending to be interested in something completely and utterly boring.
Melody took a sip of her drink. " First I was in Paris for a bit, then London, went to Berlin for sometime and now I'm back here." She smiled. " There are soany nice places around the world." She nodded.
Dervish grinned. "I've lived in Paris and London but never Berlin. What's it like there??" Derv had always been a traveller when he was younger. All he'd wanted to do was see the world. Then he got tied down with a family and his plans disappeared along with his dreams.
Melody nodded, " It's a really nice place." She smiled. " I explored a place there, actually a forest to be exact and it was the nicest thing that I've ever seen." Melody laughed.
Dervish looked into Melody's eyes and suddenly had an urge. He couldn't hold it back. His hand went to her waist and he kissed her. He had the same feeling as last time but this time he didn't run from it. He stayed with it. He didn't know why the urge was suddenly so strong but he was just going with it. He didn't care any more. He probably would in the morning but for now he was ignoring his head.
Melody put her drink down as soon as Dervish started to kiss her. It was like the first time but it felt better. The brunette put her arms around Dervish's neck and kissed him back, hopefully he wouldn't run off this time.
Dervish put his glass down when Melody did and slid his hands up her top. Then he pulled back and leant on the sofa, staring at the wall on the other side of the room. "Sorry." He didn't know what else to say. He kept leading her on then pulling back. It felt like his head and heart were having a war and the odds kept switching.
Melody was quite confused, yet again.. why had he stopped. She wouldn't ask him that question, it could possibly be her that's the problem. " Is there something wrong? Am I doing something wrong?" Melody looked at him.
Dervish shook his head and looked from the wall to her. "No, you're doing nothing wrong. It's me." He didn't know whether to explain it to her or not. He wanted to but he felt it was the wrong thing to do.
Melody scratched her head, she was too confused to literally do anything. She cleared her throat, " Can you tell me what's wrong?" She asked, looking straight at him.

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