Harri and Belle

Alex grinned his cheeky grin as she nudged him. 'No idea. I saw you guys dress up here though. Should be interesting,'Alex said, sittiing down on the ground.
"Course we dress up!" Harri said happily "You have to dress up else I won't let you in!" she said jokingly. "Got any ideas?" she asked, she didn't even know what she was wearing yet!
'Oh dear. What on earth am I going to do?'Alex joked smiling. 'Umm, I don't know. I'll think of something easy. How about a werewolf?'he asked smiling. 'It would suit you you know,'Alex joked.
Harri couldn't help her face falling as Alex said a werewolf, remembering what Andy had told her. She tried to smile again but she wasn't quick enough he must have seen. She go back to normal quickly "I was thinking of going as a superhero, superwomen to be exact!" she said grinning, completly ignoring his last comment.
Alex noticed her face falling, wondering what he had done. Maybe it was the joke. He smiled but not as joyful as before. 'Yeah, and just do your aerobics. I thought it was Halloween though?'Alex said confused.
Harri smiled reasurringly at Alex, she hoped her eyes could convey that it was nothing to do with him. She knew that her reaction probably seemed out of character and strange but it just took her unaware. "It is halloween, but you can dress up as what you like! The more original the better!" she said happily.
'Oh, thats a bit weird but then, we are dressing up as sorcerers everyday,'Alex said, joking at the last part. He smiled looking round. 'Shame there's no leaves here,'he said jokingly.
Harri laughed "It's not weird, just different!" she said. "Oh no not the stupid leaves!" she said laughing at the memory. "Actually you should be the one glad there are no leaves. Cause you had the most chucked at you!" she said grinning. "At least Bob's long gone!" she said laughing.
Alex sneered at her jokingly. 'Did not,'he said moodily, joking of course. :p 'Hey, don't diss Bob. Bob was nice..unlike you,'Alex joked sticking his tongue out at her.
Harri spread a look of shock over her face "Well maybe you should go hang out with Bob then if he's so great!" she said then turned her back on Alex to hide her laughing.
Alex laughed as she turned away laughing. 'And here ladies and gentalmen, is the case of laughing fit. It is curable however by a simple..Harri, hate to say there's a spider on your back.'Alex joked smiling before picking up a blade of grass on putting it on her back lightly. 'Hey Bobby junior,'he said smiling.
"Shut u..." Harri began, then jumped up squeling as Alex said there was a spider on her back and she felt something almost scurry across her, she started jumping around slapping her back, "Get it off," she squeled.
(lol =)) funny )

Alex burst out laughing as Harri began jumpin about. ALex got up figuring he was going to be in big troubl when she found out so he started back away smiling. 'Yeah, HArri. I'm gonna go now. You hav fun with Bobby Junoir,'Alex said jokingly , pointing to the blades of grass.
(( :D ))

Her face very slowly turned stormy as Alex pointed to the grass and it clicked in her head. She carefully controlled herself "Your. Evil!" she said her face expressionless and she began to walk in the oppisite direction "Unbelievable," she muttered under her breath, when she was a little distance away she sat on the grass with her back to him picking at the grass, "Bobby junior my..." she muttered the last word unaudiable.
Alex bit his lip as she suddenly went in a mood. He was about to go but he felt guilty now. He walked over to her. 'Sorry. I couldn't resist. Mind you, it was pretty funny,'he said smiling cautiosly.
Harri couldn't help but smile as Alex came over again, "Thought you were going," she said but she was jooking this time. She faced him, moodiness didn't suit her, "But it wasn't funny! I hate spiders!" she said nudging him.
Alex smiled now. 'Yeah I was but still and it was too funny. Just admit it,'Alex said nudging her back.
Harri grinned "I suppose I would have laughed it was someone else," she said quietly. "Shall we fly again?" she asked, standing up and dusting herself off and picking her broom up at the same time.
'That's the spirit,'ALex joked, pushing her playfully. He summoned the broom again and mounted it. 'Ladies first'he said smiling.
"What a gentlemen," Harri said laughing, and momunting her broom. Seconds later she felt the exhiliration rushing through her as she soared along the clouds, she laughed happily and hung there waiting for Alex to join her.
'Yeah, I know' Alex answered back, laughing. He kicked off, flying after her though not as excited as she was. He was doing this just so he could actually practise and be able to fly somewhere safely.
Harri calmed her enthusiasm down a notch and flew next to Alex "So I'm guessing you live in Scotland as well?" she asked, seeing as he had an accent she was pretty sure this was a correct assumption.
'Naw, absoloutely no'. I mean. what couldae given you tha' assumption?'Alex said sarcastically, his slang taking over a little bit. He bit his tongue annoyed and reminded himselt to act more civalised. 'Yeah, and guess which city. It's only the best,'He said sticking his tongue out at her.
Harri laughed "I was only checking!" she said putting both hands in the air wobbling a little on her broom and placing them firmly back on the broom, "I don't know! No i don't know what the best city in Scotland is, but I'm sure your going to tell me ?" she said. "I mean if there is one." she joked sticking her tongue out.
Alex tuted in mock dissapointment. 'Course there is. Far better than England'Alex said grinning. 'C'mon, It's the biggest city in Scotland almost. Start's with a G..'Alex said, hoping she would think of it itself. It wasn't so hard afterall.

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