Happy Valentine's Day! ^_^

Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curly Oak/Wenge 16" Essence of Feng-huang Tail Feather
Happy Valentine's day from HNZ, everybody. :)
I was trying to collect as many Valentines for myself in the shoutbox as I possibly could, 'cuz you're all so special to me. ^_^ :cool:

How are you planning on spending your Valentines day? Do you have somebody special? Or are you hoarding all the ice cream and cheese cake in the world so you can curl your miserable self up in a ball and try to make it through this, the most lonely of lonely days? :r :wub:

It's not Valentine's day for me yet, so I don't know what I'll be doing - but I'm posting this now so that it is definitely up for everybody when it is Valentine's day for them. ^_^
Working. But if I wasn't, I'd be hoarding the cheesecake and icecream. Probably will when I get home from work. Have the fattiest burger I can in my lunch break. Maybe I'll have a couple of drinks to cheer myself up.

I'm perfectly fine with being single most of the time, but at this time of year it's a sensitive issue apparently.

I hate Valentine's day. D:
It isn't Valentine's Day for me yet either. But I think I'll be eating the chocolate I get from my family, eating the candy I got from my classmates and maybe even stealing a bit of chocolate from my parents. Yum! Chocolate.

I'll also spend the day hugging people and trying to hug people over the phone because they live too far away to come here. I hope their phones are working, their state got a lot of snow recently. I don't know the news on that though.

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! :)
I'll probably be spending Valentines Day on HNZ :p
Aeon Summers said:
I'll probably be spending Valentines Day on HNZ :p
Always a good plan. :shifty:
well i'm going to surf club but not actually going in the sea in the morning and then i am doing homework in the afternoon. But i would also like to point out that tomorow is also chines new year So
I'll be spending it either on HNZ, homework, sleeping or hanging out with my friends. I loathe Valentines Day, all the "love" ugh. If you love someone you don't need to make a special date about it.

Kung Hei Fat Choi!
I totally forgot it was in February. Shows how much I need to go back to China Town, eh? :p
I am not actually Chinese or from anywhere in asia, in fact i am from england, I was just pointing out something so that it wouldn't be forgotten, sorry but i have no idea what you said.
Oh haha. I was just wishing you a Happy Chinese New Year.
Well the same you you then :D
Happy Valentines Day!!
<FONT font="georgia">

I don't really have anything special planned, in fact it's not quite Valentines day here yet but oh well. I think I'll probably just spend the day on HNZ with you guys and if that fails I always have my cat or my little siblings to mooch off of. :lol:

Valentines is over-commercialised crud.

Yes. I am single. <_< I'm married though, so it rawks! :D

Happy Valentines Day Lindaaaaaaa!

:wub: :frantics:

And I suppose to others as well. :r
Happy Valentines day, all.

I hate valentines day but yeah..
Good luck to all those couples out there.
I will be on HNZ for V-Day after I go shopping a little bit. I got my WBL money yesterday so I can love myself for the day :p

And now for everyone.
I was meant to be seeing Ciaran, but I don't know if I will anymore. I used to hate Valentines Day, but now it's one of my favourite days of the year.
I am of course curled up in a ball with blanky, laptop and Icecream (whick I shouldn't have...darn lactose intolerent)
Valentines Day is just like any other day for me. So that means HNZ and attempting to do Uni essays :lol: Although I just got married to Beth so it's all good :D

Happy Valentines Day guys :hug:

Especaily my wifeys :wub:
I'll be going to work at 7am tomorrow morning (Valentine's Day). Then I shall come home and curl up with my laptop and chit chat with you loverly people on HNZ. I think that Valentine's Day is way too overly commercialized and makes people act crazy trying to see who can buy the most lavish gifts and such. Am I alone and bitter...you bet your ass I am ;)
D'awww. :(
Poor Zach.

Happy Valentine's Day to everbody in the Americas/Europe and such now. ^_^
Thanks, Nick! :)

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! :wub:

Happy Valentines day!

Though I think it's a stupid day.
Have fun with it.
Happy Valentine's Day!

I woke up to the most amazing present ever -- my 5 year old's face inches from mine screaming "Happy Valentines!!" at me, then giggling. It might be a sad day for me if it wasn't for her darling little antics. She did get pressies from me though, and its been a fun morning so far reading Fancy Nancy books and muching on the giant marshmallow lolly pop that she graciously shoves in my face every so often. lol

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