Happy Birthday HNZ!

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Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Hello all,

Those of you who've been here for a bit already know this, so bear with me while I catch up our new members. ;) Today, April 29th (or the 30th, depending where you reside) is HNZ's birthday!!! :party: :party: :party: This year, our lovely site is turning 11! It's ready to head to Hogwarts. I can't believe how fast it has grown up :cry: :p

Before we send you off to the birthday area where we will commence a month of fun sharing and storytelling, the site staff wants to take this opportunity to thank you, yes you, for choosing to be a part of the site and helping to make it what it is. :cool: We fully understand that each day you have a choice about what to do on the internet, and we thank you for making this place one of your choices. No matter your reason for joining, every time you RP, play quidditch, work on a biography, and use the OOC areas, you are helping to ensure that the site continues to stick around.

Happy 11th Birthday HNZ!!! Here’s to many, many more years of fun and friends! :hug:

(on behalf of the site staff)

Floo to the festivities now!
:cry: it feels like only yesterday it was ten... Oh wait :r
:woot: Happy birthday HNZ!
I was hoping there'd be a reference to being accepted into Hogwarts somewhere :lol:
I can't believe how long its been. I'm so happy that after all this time, the site continues to thrive
From all the sites I bounced around on that had little to no membership I'm so stoked that HNZ has kept it's awesome self alive and well with all these amazing members! <3 Happy birthday!

Such an amazing site, such amazing people ^_^ Eleven is such an awesome age to reach as a website too. Here's to another eleven! :party:

Thanks everyone, especially the staff for making it what is it :woot:
The site being this old makes me feel old xD
But it's super exciting and amazing! :woot: :party:
Omg Teigan, get out, that was the worst.


I've been here for seven and-a-bit years, now!

This place really has changed my life :cry:
Happy Birthday, HNZ! The site has grown in so many different ways over the years, and I'm so happy and grateful to be a part of it. The community is wonderful and thriving (I love you all), the admin and other staff are THE BEST :wub: and I can't think of a lovelier or more positive place to spend my time :claire:

Here's to the amazing people that make this site what it is (that's you guys) :hug: HAPPY BIRTHDAY HNZ!

*Runs to food table*

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If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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