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Okay, so I have read everyone's posts, and I'm pretty much at a loss. I thought Pat was the wolf... and now she isn't. To be honest, you're all pretty suss to me. xD But I don't think I want to lynch Jonathon yet. The fact is, I'm not going to vote to lynch someone because the person they wanted to lynch was eaten by the wolf. I highly doubt any wolf would be that silly, unless the person was really important and they knew that, so since I think that the wolf tried to frame Jonathon, I will not be going along with you. I have a sort of list of who I think is more suss than anyone else, and I'm leaning more to Briar, or Hadan, because Briar has shown to be pretty calculating when it comes to speculating who has what identity. She was pretty quick to announce that she was the cupid, which is a role that isn't really important when it comes to the wolf eating people, and the two lynching people. So she could be having us on and that, but then I have to wonder about why (if she is the wolf and not the cupid) that the real cupid hasn't claimed their role. I don't like just throwing out a vote and sticking to it without any real evidence, so I think I'll vote to lynch Hadan Hensel.

The reason why I'm going to vote to lynch Hadan is because she has been pretty quiet the whole game, and I know that some people are quiet during the game because of OOC commitments, but wolves also lay low, especially when the first wolf was lynched like, right at the start. Besides, Hadan has been quieter than Jonathon, so I'll go with that vote. If anyone else has anything on anyone else, I'm all ears.

Vote Received: Hadan Hensel
so the rolls that are left are 1 wolf, 1 fool/seer, 1 angel, 1 cupid, 1 ghost and 1 villager/traitor
and 2 of the members are the lovers. is this correct?

haden seems to be hinting that she can't be eaten by the wolf which means that either A she is the wolf (which is unlikely) or B she is claming to be the angel (possible and for the sakes of this reasoning will be taken as true as scenario 1 would be stupid (or a double bluff))
I am saying I am cupid which is true.

Rosalie, Samuel, Jonathan, and cyndi seem to have the fool/seer villager/traitor, ghost, and werewolf between them.

If i am assuming kaitlyn isn't bluffing/lying and I am telling the truth (which i am) in saying they that both of the lovers were in that bottom group killing them off would firstly give us a 50% chance of getting the wolf and if we didn't get the wolf give us a 50% chance of getting the wolf the next day.
If one of the lovers is a ghost and eats someone, then they could eat the wolf (which would be the next best out come) the other member of the bottom group (which would incriminate the wolf) or me or kaitlyn which would mean (assuming people are following this) the two remaining members of the bottom group vote for each other and the remaining one out of me and kaitlyn will have to play judge with a 50% chance of a guess being right. if it is wrong then there will be two people remaining and the wolf will win, if they are right the wolf will be lynched.

I really need a flow chart for this. apparently my abby costume is coming into play a bit i think its the lab coat and braids. shame it isn't paying of for my study.

this is just my reasoning out loud. I know i am playing with fire here and there is a lot of if's and chances. but it may just help us get that elusive wolf.
That is one of the things that is making me not vote to lynch you, Briar, because you seem to know quite a bit about the lovers. Only the cupid would know for sure, though with so few people left in the game it is easier to guess the lovers. What I'm trying to point out is that, saying that they are the angel is the best thing the wolf could say, and half of me is saying that I should believe Hadan, but then half of me is wondering whether I will be next for trying to get her lynched. So I will be keeping with my vote. If she is the angel, then we'd better knuckle down and find the actual wolf, but if she is the wolf, then we win and no-one gets eaten.

Your theory runs on lynching the lovers, and that Hadan is telling the truth. I've got to point out that we can just go around deciding the lynch the lovers because that's two in one, but that isn't quite fair, and if you are the cupid I'm sure you'd hold a little compassion towards the people you stuck together. Also, lynching the lovers makes it easier for the wolf to win. If we all trust that Hadan isn't the wolf, and lynch the lovers instead, on your word, then not only does that incriminate you, but that knocks out two people that can help us win. Say that Hadan is the wolf, then we lynch the lovers and don't end up lynching her because she's hinted that she's the angel. I don't really buy it right now. I am also second guessing my decision on to whether believe that you're the cupid, or the wolf, since trying to kill the most villagers is what the wolf wants to achieve and lynching the lovers would take out two, which would mean that the wolf could get three of us very soon. I think I'll wait to hear some more theories from everyone else. ^_^
what you are saying is all true, let me see if i can do a mad set of rationalisation as if kaitlyn is not the angel
so if we kill Kaitlyn off
if she is the wolf. awesome. we win
If she is the angel, or just totally bluffing and some other roll, shame, we loose someone useful. and then we have 4 people left who haven't claimed a roll, and one who has. cupid, seer/fool, villager/traitor, ghost and wolf. of course the wolf will eat someone (or potentially not if they try to attack the angel (if that isn't kaitlyn, or they decide to lie low) leaving four people left
then you either lynch me the cupid, there is three people who will be left, two of which i would assume would band together so as they don't get themselves lynched if neither of them are the wolf they have a 100% chance of getting the wolf.
If the wolf eats a lover the other will die and and that leaves three people a wolf and two villagers. and it will be luck as to who is lynched as there will be no alliances that i know of.

If one of the lovers is the wolf and i get eaten then there will be four people left two will band together and have a 50% chance of getting the wolf and 50% chance of not in which case they will be eaten and suicided that night. if the other two band together it is a chance as to which way the coin flips as to whether the lovers including a wolf win or if the village wins. it would put the wolf in an odd scenario where they have to eat their lover and therefore kill themselves resulting in a ghost town but lets pass on the irony of that.

I suppose i had better go If i was the wolf and you lynch someone else then I will eat one of the lovers tonight. this will result in 2 villagers against me. and seeing as i have just said that they would vote for me and they win. If i wasn't the wolf and the lovers die tonight i will be lynched tomorrow resulting in 2 people left and the wolf will eat the remainder that night.

if there are any scenarios left that i haven't covered let me know and i will try reasoning them through

and as a final note i think i am going mad.

and a final final note. if you lynch me off now it will follow the same path as if you lynch kaitlyn off and she isn't the wolf (of if you want to believe it she is the wolf, but that would be wrong)

Final final final note. i have taken the fact that the ghost will eat someone out of the equation as that complicates things further to where even i don't want to look.
Okay Mia, Tenile, I'm sorry, but all this back and forth bantering is both exhausting and confusing. I am totally lost by what either of you are saying, but I choose to stick with my vote even though I am still quite skeptical of some others here.
I agree. I will say that Kaitlyn and Briar have made it pretty obvious what role they (claim to) have and no one has jumped in to contest either. I will say that I am just a villager. Anyone else willing to admit their role? We can get this wolf if we unite.
Also...where is Jonathan in all of this?
Yeah, where is he? Also, I would rather not admitt to what i am, lets call it self preservation shall we?
Jonathan has made no vote today.
To me claiming self preservation is putting you at either wolf or seer.

Sorry wrong account, i should check i am on briar before i post
Well Briar already alluded to who the lovers might be, so if we lynch the wrong person tonight, we are screwed.
I tip my hat to you, wolf. You are an elusive one.
Chayton Ateara said:
Jonathan has made no vote today.
Exactly...and here we are accusing each other.
It's a genius plan if he is the wolf. Just saying.
I agree cyndi has a point. I am changing my vote again to Jonathan philips.
my reasoning there are are 2 votes for katilyn and 2 votes for Jonathan and I think jonathan is more likely to be wolf and is acting more suspiciously than kaitlyn who has pretty much said she is the angel. and i want to take the chance out of it.

Vote Changed: Jonathan Phillips
The town realized that it was in real peril if it couldn't find the wolf soon and there was little unity in trying to discover who it was that was the wolf among them.
When push came to shove, a narrow majority managed to lynch the person they were so very sure was a wolf.

Jonathon Phillips, a seer, was lynched.
It is night.

Players with night roles should now PM me their actions.
It was perhaps the darkest night that the villagers could remember ever seeing as they made their way back to their homes. Most of their compatriots were dead, one of them would almost surely die that night, and the future looked bleak at best. Nobody slept well as they each tossed and turned for fear that they would be next eaten by the wolf or, otherwise, next lynched by their peers the following day. When all was said and done, the remaining townspeople left their houses come daybreak to find that
Briar Rowan, the cupid was eaten.
It is day.

You may now discuss among yourselves who you think is a wolf and who you think is not.
You may each vote to kill another player once. Please vote clearly "I vote for X." and use the account you signed up to play with when voting.
If you change your vote, please be clear "I change my vote to Y" so I know I have to find and remove your previous vote from my tally.
Remaining players are:[ul][li]Rosalie Leydon</LI>
[li]Samual Kaster
[li]Hadan Hensel
<LI>[li]Professor Cyndi Kingsley[/li][/ul]Best of luck.
Okay guys, so i didn't want to reveal earlier who I was because I was afraid that Briar might decide that she wanted to lynch me to kill the wolf, as I am the ghost and I wasn't quite sure what she was going on about in the first place, so I kind of got confused.

Anyway, I am going to again vote to lynch off Hadan Hensel because at this point I am seriously exasperated! And she was suspected earlier so I am going back to basics. Man this is killing me!

Vote Received: Hadan Hensel
I vote to lynch Rosalie Leydon. She's been on my radar forever and somehow manages to make it through.
Since Briar wasn't lying about her role, she knew who her lovers were and I'm figuring that it is Rosalie and Samual. And, since obviously killing off Samual would kill you off, Rosalie, I think you went for the other person who claimed an actual role. Why kill off a lowly villager like me when you could try to convince me and Samual to kill off the angel that you can't kill off on your own?

You'll have to sacrifice yourself Samual. It's for the good of the town. :p

Vote Received: Rosalie Leydon
Cyndi has a good point. The only way to kill an angel is to lynch me off. So, if I stick around to the end of the game, wolves can't win. Kinda be at a stalemate?
I vote to lynch off Rosalie Leydon.

Vote Received: Rosalie Leydon
If Kaitlyn is telling the truth, the village should win after the day is over. But, I don't know if I can trust what she has said. I'm considering changing my vote to Hadan, but I am not going to do so until I've seen what Samual has to say. Everyone seems to have claimed a role, but you. :r
Well, I will be voting to lynch Cyndi.
For the simple fact that I know she is the wolf.
Because I am the villager. There is ony one reason why she would take my role, and that is because she's the wolf and took the most simple role so she wouldn't be a suspect. Now she's going after the lovers because if she manages to get us lynched, she wins this round. Guys, we're so close and she's playing us ! We can't let her win! I didn't actually suspect you, to be honest Cyndi, I can't help but think that since you've have said that the wolf was good, maybe you were giving yourself a pat on the back a bit prematurely. So I'm voting for Cyndi Kingsley.

Vote Received: Professor Cyndi Kingsley
Okay, so it is Samual and Cyndi. One of them would be the wolf. Though even if Cyndi went after the lovers, she couldn't win necessarily since the angel can't be eaten. No one else has claimed that role except me (and no angel has shown to be killed). Rosalie being the ghost, and 2 villagers. There's only one villager remaining.
I don't want to lynch off the ghost. So, I suppose I'll change my vote. Sorry Cyndi. I'm changing my vote to lynch Professor Cyndi Kingsley off.

Vote Changed: Professor Cyndi Kingsley
Kaitlyn, don't be fooled by what Samual is saying. I actually think he is the wolf but I won't change my vote to him unless you do. If Rosalie dies, I strongly suspect that Samual will too. I mentioned being a villager days ago and no one contested my role then. Why now? Because his back is against a wall.
Why would you want to vote to lynch me off then? Only a wolf would do that.
Plus the ghost can come back and kill me. And in an offhanded way, the wolf wins. :erm:
I did not vote to lynch you off. Samual did.
Then, let us vote for Samual. If Rosalie isn't lying, then Samual is the wolf. Im the fricking villager and said so before. He decides to claim that role only after I challenge him to reveal his role.
I am changing my vote to lynch Samual Kaster.

Vote Changed: Samual Kaster
I said want to vote silly head. :r
I'll trust you. It is suspicious indeed. I'll be changing my vote, again, to Samual Kaster.
Also had a ridiculous reason last time to wanting the angel dead too in an earlier round. :erm:

Sorry Nick for being so indecisive. I'm just waking up from a nice nap.

Vote Changed: Samual Kaster
Kaitlyn it was I that voted to lynch you earlier, I'm pretty sure Cyndi didn't vote to lynch you. Anyway, I didn't do that because I'm the wolf, but because I wasn't exactly sure what to do. I'll admit that I am one of the lovers, because it's pretty obvious, so if I am lynched, my lover dies and that's it. (though, what would happen if it's just the werewolf and angel left? :erm: )
Anyway, I will keep to my vote, because I know what I am, and I know what Cyndi is, and if you choose to side with the wolf and lose the lovers, have it your way. I'm just posting now to give you my opinion and for me to have a chance to persuade you to vote against the wolf. I'm not the wolf, and considering that Cyndi never wanted to lynch me until I claimed to know that she's the wolf because she's claimed my role, I think that says something. Don't you?
I'm going to have to go with Samuel on this one. I'll admit that I am Samual's lover, and if they are lynched, I'll die with them. Kaitlyn, I trust my lover, I sort of have no choice, but I also think that Cyndi is the wolf. In fact, I think that everyone is suspicious of everyone and Samual and Cyndi, and even Briar before she died gave us a lot of food for thought. We know that Briar was Cupid, and now it's down to who we think is telling the truth, Cyndi or Samual. I don't trust Cyndi, just like she claimed to not trust me. One of them is the wolf and I honestly believe that Cyndi is the wolf. She's been lying low, she's been quick to point at others, just like we all were. She's been blending in with everyone and I think that sort of game plan is what gets the wolf to this point. So I am going to change my vote to Lynch of Professor Cyndi Kingsley!

Vote Changed: Professor Cyndi Kingsley
You're setting up a tie which will certainly save you but possibly also the wolf. If I die in this, you will see that I am the villager as I stated days ago. Samual is lying. Look back at my game. There were plenty of times where I put my neck on the line and was the first to vote. I may have been wrong, but there was always a reason to go with that person. I also never changed my vote even when the majority (including Samual) wanted that person out. Look back at Pat's lynching. Samual has layed lower than any of us this gsme.

Yes, you should protect your lover, Rosalie, but not when your lover is the wolf. It is true that I have been suspicious of you for most of the game because I suspected you were protecting the wolf. I had a feeling you were one of the lovers early on, but I didn't know who the other lover was until Briar made a comment. If I was the wolf, I would have got ridden of the two of you then and only had two people to deal with, not three. You know why the wolf couldn't do that this game? Because he is part of the lovers!!

Think about it.
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