Closed Hair-py Birthday

Lysander Summers

Expelled • Legilimens • The One To Blame
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 ½ Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Ashwinder Dust Core
June 20 2038 (24)
For the longest time, the gift Lysander had bought for Ajaccio had sat at the bottom of his trunk, almost forgotten about until recently. His chats with Sully had completely sidetracked him from the reason he'd bought it in the first place, and it wasn't until they were reading through books on hair related charms that he remembered he still had it. Just in time for Ajax's birthday, too. The timing was perfect, though he was disappointed not to have made any real progress with researching hair-spells to maximise the gift's potential yet. Sander had waited for the day to arrive so he could give it to his friend, rather than just out of the blue, and sent his owl to deliver Ajax a message to meet him in the courtyard. He kind of expected to already see him skateboarding around, though when he stopped by there weren't many students around, especially none on skateboards. He promptly took a seat on one of the benches and set down his shoddily-wrapped present beside him, and took out his screaming yo-yo to practice some tricks while he passed away the time.​
Ajaccio usually ignored his birthday, he didn’t tend to do anything for it and he tended to just treat it like every other day. It wasn’t really a bad thing to do this really, his birthday had never been a big deal, he had never minded when it passed and nothing happened. But he was perhaps a little suspicious when Lysander sent him a note to meet him in the courtyard right around the time of his birthday. It wasn’t his major thought, just something his mind seemed to supply him as he went to meet it. He had been doing a little skateboarding near the dorm when he’d gotten the note and so headed down to the courtyard to go see him. His skateboard under his arm and the mesh of wild curls free. He heard the screaming yo-yo before he saw the boy it belonged to. He smiled widely at him. ”Hey man!” he greeted him with a wide expression. ”I got your note, whats up?” he asked. Unsure what this would be about but more than willing to find out.
Lysander had just gotten into the groove, in the midst of walking-the-crup, when Ajaccio rocked up. He returned the other boy's smile and yanked at the cord, reeling the screaming toy back into his palm. "Sup Ajax!" He responded cheerfully. Right, yeah, the note. He patted down his pockets and checked either side of him, already having forgotten what he'd done with the present in the short time he'd been sitting there. Spotting it by his side, he picked up the obviously brush-shaped package and held it out to his friend. "I got you this!" He explained. "For your birthday. Happy birthday!" Brightstone Village had been severely lacking in wrapping-paper, but the Owlery seemed to have enough plain paper to use instead. It wasn't fancy, but he figured it was the best he could do to make it a "surprise", and he was quite happy with it.​
Ajaccio looked at the present that he was being handed and then back at lysander, he felt a little bad, he’d never gotten his friend anything for his birthday and yet he’d gotten him that. The teen could tell it was a brush of some kind and he was perhaps a little suspicious of it. ”Thanks Lysander, this is...yeah,” he said, though surprised and a little suspicious he was still very genuinely thankful for the gift and the thought behind it. He opened it and it was indeed a comb, ”I’m a little worried it’s gonna break,” he didn’t tend to use brushes for his hair, they didn’t tend to help him. But this was a gift. So he raised to his hair and took a curl and very slowly brushed the hair, ”Wow, that actually works….” He trailed off, a little nervous about if it had actually worked or if something else had just happened to his hair.
Lysander's excitement faltered. Ajax didn't seem all that ecstatic about his gift. He hadn't considered the fact that his friend's hair might be too unruly for it to work with. He'd never actually seen Ajax run a comb or a brush through his hair, but this one was magical, and he assumed it worked on any kind of hair. His assumption proved correct when he ran it through a curl, and while it wasn't really a big enough piece for anything noticeable to happen, he was sure it looked a lot less curly. "Haha, sorry, yeah. This ones enchanted." He explained with a small chuckle, almost smacking himself in the face. Of course that's why Ajax wasn't as excited as he would have liked. It did look like just some regular brush. That had to be it, surely. "It's a chameleon comb! I got it at Gambol and Japes. You brush it through your hair and it changes your hairstyle for a while to something different." He looked around, though hadn't actually thought ahead to bring a mirror, or anything else useful to the situation. "Uh, come over here and try it out." He said, jerking a finger to the fountain. It was the closest thing they had with a reflection, and he wanted to see Ajax's reaction to changing his hair. Almost as much as he wanted to see Ajax with any other kind of hairstyle, if he was honest. He couldn't picture him with anything but his crazy curls.​
Ajaccio looked at the comb and started laughing as Lysander said it was magical, that it would change his hairstyle for a while. He had never really managed to get many brushes through his hair, he had also largely stopped trying, his hair had a mind of it’s own and he let it just live how it wanted to. He walked to the water and looked in it noting the way the one strand was. He laughed lightly, and just began running it through his hair more, thinking about how cool it would be with straight hair like Lysander had, though of course Ajaccio’s hair was a much longer length. It worked a treat and he grinned happily as his hair was straight and not at all how it was usually. He ran his fingers through it. ”Wow, it makes my hair super flat if it’s straight,” he knew it wasn’t a particularly fun style, but when his hair normally was a mess, was a tangled, curly mess that he loved, this was always going to be different. ”How do I look?” he said grinning, he shook his head slightly, letting the hair move more freely that it did in his normal style.
Lysander watched in barely contained anticipation as Ajax's hair changed from his wild curls to something more dead straight. It looked so wrong, and so unlike his friend. It was crazy how much difference a hairstyle made. He stared at the other boy's hair for a moment, his mouth open, not sure what to say about it. He didn't hate it, it was just different. "Oh man, you don't even look like you. It's so weird." He eventually laughed. "Is that really how long your hair is when its not curly?" He asked with another chuckle. He might have been mistaken for believing it was just the magic that made it longer, but he'd watched how the strands had uncurled, and he'd never realised how long it really was if it wasn't coiled up.​
Ajaccio could stop pulling at the strands of the now exceedingly straight hair. It was very long, very long. He hadn’t realised it was as long as it was. ”Must be,” he said, with a little chuckle. It was odd, it felt odd, it was long, and untangled and just abnormal. ”How long does this last?” He thought it was cool, he could do far more with it, but it was the question to him of how long it would last, because he wasn’t sure he wanted his hair to remain at this style for too long. He was already missing his curls. ”This feels so weird. You try it,” he held out the brush abc to Lysander and hoped that he would try it, maybe it could cause his hair to be just like Ajaccio’s had been. Maybe it didn’t work like that but he needed to figure that out so he would know what to do. What were the limits of such a brush.

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