Open Gryffindor Quidditch Tryouts Y48

Teddy Pirrip

Walking the line, most of the time 🧸 5th year
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ebony Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Teddy stood on the edge of the Quidditch pitch as he had many times before but this time was different. This time, he was a co-captain of the Gryffindor team. It was an honour that he didn’t take lightly. Taking over from last year’s third place finish gave him and Fraser something to build on and Teddy was ready to give everything to make this Gryffindor’s year.

Teddy stood in front of the gathered group of teammates and hopefuls, silently already sizing their potential. "All right, everyone,” he called out to get attention, “Thanks for showing up today. I’m Teddy Pirrip, one of your captains this year, alongside Fraser Fergusson.” He gestured toward Fraser. “Last season, Gryffindor finished third and let me make this clear, third is not a Gryffindor position! This year, we’re claiming that trophy once and for all.” His tone shifted to become more serious, “To do that, we need more than just talent. We need grit, determination, and players who can play through anything be it rain, sleet, bludgers aimed straight at your head. Even if the pitch is on fire, heck especially if the pitch is on fire!" A smirk tugged at his lips, pulling himself back before he got carried away. “And you’ve got to be ready to give up evenings and weekends in the lead up to games. Passion and commitment are just as important as skill.”

Teddy loudly clapped his hands together, “All right! Good luck to everyone. Tell Fraser your name and the position you’re trying out for before you start. Then give it everything you’ve got out there. We’ll be watching.” He stepped back, crossing his arms as he watched the group begin to line up.

BeaterSantiago Torres
BeaterMiro Morales-Albertson
ChaserFraser Fergusson (Co-Captain)
ChaserIvy Cullen
KeeperTeddy Pirrip (Co-Captain)

OOCOut of Character:
Returning team members must post to keep their spot on the team. Alternates must try out again!

First years are not allowed to try out unless there are still spaces that need to be filled. If you have a first year that's interested PM both captains and we'll let you know if/when you can post.
Miro couldn't wait to spend another year playing quidditch with the Gryffindor team, and as soon as he knew what day and time the try outs would be he made sure he would show up early enough to help out the new captains and anyone else that needed assistance for that day. Miro smiled as Teddy gave a speech to begin the try outs, and once everyone was allowed to fly Miro secured a beater's bat for himself and quickly moved to fly into the air to practice a little but also to help out anyone else who wanted to try out or hit a few bludgers around. Last year hadn't turned out too well for Gryffindor but Miro was hopeful that year would be better and he was determined to practice as much as he could to improve for the sake of the rest of the team.​
Veronica was enraged when her father had told her who one of the new Gryffindor co-captains was. Why? Why him? Why did Gryffindor need two captains? Had Raawhiti been so bad the previous year that they’d seen fit to replace him with two people? Gryffindor had sucked the previous year sure, and Veronica was incredibly bitter about that fact due to her being left out of the team in favour of a literal child, but two captains was overkill.

Listening to Teddy’s speech she couldn’t help but role her eyes. He was so up himself it made her want to vomit, she questioned her decision to try-out again with every new word that came out of his mouth. She didn’t know much about Fraser other than his involvement in the prefect spat in the previous years house meeting, but otherwise she was fine dealing with him and was glad she wouldn’t have to present herself to Teddy for consideration. She’d rather have walked out.

When it was finally her turn she approached Fraser and gave him a courteous nod. “Veronica Walden-Cade, trying out for chaser again,”. She climbed onto her broom and kicked off. She didn’t pay attention to who was in goal she just grabbed a quaffle and started scoring. Veronica’s skills had been sharpened after two years as an alternate and she was now pretty good, if she did so herself. As far as she was concerned, Alicia was her only competition and her service as an alternate for two years should serve her in good stead to make the team. It was infuriating that she kept getting passed over while Teddy, who had tried out the same year as her the first time, was now captain. She only missed one of her shots, she put too much power on it and it went too far to the left of the keeper and kept plummeting until it hit the ground. That could haunt her if Alicia proved to be perfect. Once her turn was over she returned to the ground and awaited her fate.
Rose was nervous. Which probably wasn't that surprising really, she was a second year on her first official attempt at joining the team. Last year, she supposed, could have been considered a warm up since she pretty much knew she wasn't getting on the team, but she'd had to make the effort, Kaachan would have never forgiven her if she hadn't at least tried. She could see Touchan up in the stands, watching, waiting to see how well she could do and that made her even more nervous. She loved Quidditch, she loved playing Keeper with her siblings, she loved watching on the sidelines, she loved flying, but... she shook her head - she couldn't allow such thoughts to enter her mind or she would mess up her tryout. She wasn't sure she could cope with messing up her tryout. She needed to prove that she was good enough for the team. She knew she was, she'd been flying since before she could walk. So, with her broom in hand she made her way down to the pitch, shaking her nerves out. Once she was up in the air, everything would be fine, she was agile, and efficient, and she knew how to make saves from incredible distances, she'd been doing it all of her life, Kaachan was the Tengu Coach and had played in school herself, she knew she could do this. If she could just settle herself and let everything else drift away.

As she listened to the Captain's speech from Teddy, well deserved she supposed, though she wasn't actually a fan of the current Captain's, with his rallying speech that made her uncomfortable. Perhaps it was a translation issue with her English, but as far as she was aware, Quidditch was an in-the-air sport, and so even if the Pitch was on fire it really shouldn't be a problem. Perhaps their new Captain, Teddy, didn't know how the game worked? That seemed like a problem if he was going to be the teams Keeper. She shook her head, raising a slight eyebrow at him before waiting until the Keepers were called for try out. He talked a lot about Third not being a Gryffindor Position, but as far as she was aware, (and she'd checked) Gryffindor hadn't won the Quidditch cup in at least ten years, probably more. She wasn't sure if that meant they were due for a win, or if the team and the people chosen to lead it, just sucked.

"Rose Edogawa, I will be flying for Keeper today." She said, the confidence in her voice despite being nervous. She didn't even know what she was nervous about, honestly, since she knew she could fly and she knew she was a great Keeper and so she lifted swiftly off and up into the air. She focused on her role and nothing else, letting her mind slip into that familiar blankness that accompanied her as she flew and let her skills show themselves for what they were. She knew she would only be an alternate, but she didn't care, she was a Keeper, she wasn't going to start pretending to be anything else. The Quaffle was tossed into play and her eyes narrowed on it, following its trajectory quickly as she moved swiftly, easily across the pitch, positioning herself to intercept the ball and not allow it past her and into those hoops.

Her attempts were fluid, smooth, and she demonstrated each of the necessary skills, blocking and quick reflexes. She dove to catch the Quaffle, and then twisted around to show off her agility. She was determined to show them she would be the best choice for backup for Teddy, even if she was pretty convinced nothing would come of it. She just needed to be on the team, she didn't care whether or not she liked the Captain, or Captains rather. That didn't matter. She shook off the pressure of the eyes watching her, Touchan in the stand to see how she did, reporting back to Kaachan no doubt. She flared and flipped, twisted when she needed too and looped when she could. She saved almost every single Quaffle, but let a couple in so the new hopeful chasers had a shot. And when tryouts concluded, she dropped back to the grass, breathing heavily after the workout. Time would tell if she'd done enough.
Ivy had been so pleased to have made the team last year on the starting line up. and even though she knew some of the other girls had not been pleased with it she was sure she had shown her strengths amongst her teammates. now it was time for try outs again. one of the benefits on being in the starting team was that she didn't have to try out this year only attend the try outs. however she had her broom with her and her training gear on. glad for an excuse to get into the sky.
She had been wondering who was going to take over as captain after Rāwhiti had left. she was pleased to hear that there would be two people captaining. Fraiser, one of the other chasers who had been a great mentor for her on the team and Teddy the keeper who reminded her so much of her brother sometimes that she ad been known to call him Lin on more than one occasion. She just hoped that he took it as the compliment it was.
She joined the back of the queue of people trying out and when it wa her turn to introduce herself she nodded her head. "Congratulations guys. you both deserve it" she said. 'Ivy cullen, chaser" she said. she had considered trying out fr the open seeker position. but she knew that place belonged to milo and she didn't want to give up her spot to be an alternative when she wasn't actually sure she wanted to be a seeker more than a chaser. at least chasers tended to avoid most of the bludgers.
She took to the sky glad to have security in her position, she flew alongside the other chasers who were trying out catching the ball when it was thrown in or passed to her and quickly passing it on to others today she was more there as support rather than to show her skills which she had shown fairly well last year in the actual games. it was good to be flying again as part of the team both gryffindor on a whole but also the smaller chaser team even though she could almost taste the bitterness radiating off veronica. she tried her best not to be near the goals especially if Teddy was guarding it but once or twice she approached a new keeper and threw a shot that she hoped would be a nice one for them to save
once training was over she landed and helped ot pack up the balls wondering who would be joining her and fraiser as perminant chasers and who would be the alternatives.
Aroha was - once again - determined to make the team. Now Teddy was partly in charge surely, surely that meant she had a chance. Not that she needed favours to make it onto the team. No, Aroha was good on her own merit thank-you-very-much. She just needed an edge. Somehow.

She listened to Teddy attentively - yeah, Gryffindor had kinda sucked last year and if she'd been on the team it would've been a different story. Once finished and it was her turn, Aroha introduced herself. "Aroha Blenheim, trying out for seeker." It was perhaps a more coveted role than chaser but Aroha knew her strengths, and she had keen eyes like a hawk. She took to the air and immediately sought after the snitch, weaving in and out of players and avoiding bludgers. She almost had to roll out of the way at one point - she'd caught a hint of gold but a bludger came along to make things tricky. Just her luck. She recovered quickly - practice during the break had served her well - and sought off in the direction of the gold. It eluded her, but after ten or so minutes of searching Aroha honed in on it once more. Accelerating hard, she pushed forward on her broom, hair blowing behind her as she stretched out one hand and -

There. She had it in her palm. Aroha proudly displayed the caught snitch, pleased she'd made a good show and made sure everyone who mattered (ie the captains) had noticed her achievement. Letting it go, she only ended up finding it only once more during tryouts but she figured it had been impressive enough of a first catch that that wouldn't matter.. Getting off her broom, she made an expressive face that clearly said 'yeah, I'm good and I know it', hoping her confidence as well as skill would send the message across. She'd have to wait and see just how successful all of that was.
Fraser had been honoured to be asked to be quidditch captain, and to do so alongside Teddy. First year Fraser would've never wanted to share this role, but with him having so much else on, he knew that sharing this was the right choice. he was at the pitch and stood next to Teddy looking out over the prospective team mates. He nodded along with what was said, having nothing to add. "Good luck," he echoed as he got the first name of the first eprson trying out.
Fiona knew she had to try. She had tried the last few years and hadn't gotten in and it had bummed her out. She had to keep trying. She was determined. Fiona walked onto the quidditch pitch. She was ready, she was determined. Fiona was focused. The girl listened carefully to what the captains had to say. Fiona nodded and listened carefully, fully agreeing with what one of the captains had to say. It wasn't long until they were up in the air and had to show their stuff. She smiled at the captains. "I'm Fiona. Fiona Burke. Trying out for chaser!" Fiona said with a small smile and nod before she was up in the air to show what she could do and what she practised during the break.

Fiona flew around with the other chasers, being there for support as well as making sure to do some passing with other players. She wanted to show that while she was good at taking a few shots, she was also good at passing the quaffle between other chasers in her team. Fiona had managed to get a few goals into the hoop, while other times she had missed. But most of the time she managed to get a decent amount of goals in.

It wasn't long before the tryouts had come to an end. She says a quick and appreciative thanks to the captains, proud of what she had done. She hoped that she could make it on the team, even if it was just an alternate. But if she didn't she was determined to try again next year, she didn't care how long it was going to take.
Alicia had been an alternate last year, and she understood that. But this year she was really hoping for the permanent spot, something she'd had at her old school. But she knew she wasn't necessarily sure to get it, there had been people trying out for this team long before she transferred here. She decided to just do her best and see what would come of it. When it was her turn, she smiled. "I'm Alicia, trying out for chaser." She said brightly. She took to the air and grabbed the quaffle, clenching it under her arm as she flew towards the hoops. She flew quick and threw the quaffle at the hoops when she got close. She grinned as hse scored. Next, she practiced passing back and forth with another chaser. It was always important to have that skill, she couldn't always be the one scoring or trying to score. The chasers were a small team within the team. Then she went back to showing off her skills at scoring. In the end, she felt like she had managed to show what she could do. She had scored four times but also had given others the opportunity to do so. When she returned to the ground, she watched the rest of the tryouts.
Felix had practiced a lot since he'd tried out for the Gryffindor team last year, and he was much more confident on his broom now that he'd been flying on the pitch for a year. He'd wanted to be a seeker then, and he wanted to be a seeker now. He knew the team's last seeker had just graduated and it was likely Milo would take the spot, but that meant there was now a place for an alternate seeker which Felix was determined to fill.

It was a pleasant surprise to see Teddy co-captaining the team. He didn't really know him, but his older sister had spoken about him at times. Ten had little interest in Quidditch, but Felix had inherited the love for it from their family. He had to remind himself that just because he was a second year, didn't make him any less qualified than other students. Leda had become a seeker for Slytherin her second year too, going on to Captain during her school days, and perhaps Felix was more like his aunt than he realised. His mum had also played Seeker while at school in Scotland, and while he had never known his mum maybe this would mean he felt as though he had a connection to her after all.

The blonde watched as Veronica, Miro and Rose kicked off into their air for their own tryouts, excited at the prospect of working with more Gryffindors he knew or befriended, as well as noting a few familiar faces he recognised from last year. He didn't want to get his hopes up, especially when he realised there was another girl trying out for the same position as him, but doing his best not to let that put him off, he approached the Captains. "I'm Felix Layton-King," he said, more for the other captain's benefit than Teddy's, although he did hope he and Ten were still friendly. Who really knew, given his sister's attitude? "I'm trying out for seeker again," he said, hoping they'd remember this wasn't the first time.

Felix caught the snitch for the first time after just three minutes. He'd wasted no time hunting it down, having trained his eyes to look for the flicker of wings in the sunlight, and sure enough he'd plucked it from the air shortly after. Raising it above his head for a moment so the Captain's could see, he released the snitch once more before flying to the other side of the pitch. The second year was careful not to bump into the paths of the other students, and as a seeker it was important to be able to maneuver himself quickly. He tried not to worry about the bludgers either, the team needed to trust one another and he trusted Miro and Santiago to keep him safe. Instead, he focused on finding the snitch again. It took a little longer this time, but Felix managed to clasp it two more times before his tryout was concluded.

Making his way back to the ground, he thanked the Captains for the chance to show them what he could do, and just had to hope it was enough to convince them to give him a chance on the team.
For once Santiago didn't feel like his world ended the moment he stepped on the train back to Hogwarts. He still wished he could stay home, but it was something. Maybe this was maturing or whatever. He made his way out to the pitch for quidditch tryouts and was pleased to see Fraser in the captains position, he was less pleased but not not surprised, when he saw Teddy too. He had liked their old captain well enough but he hoped that this year changing things up might lead to a real shot at the championship. He grabbed his bat at took to the air and got to practicing as the new hopefuls tried out. He got a few good hits in but he took it easy on most of them, not wanting to send anyone to the hospital wing on day one.
Milo couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe it. After everything he'd done to help out Raawhiti, up to and including winning his last game for him, he'd still picked Teddy and Fraser to be captain. Milo had been on the team longer than both of them, even if it was as an alternate so he had to imagine their ex-captain was just bitter. At least Teddy seemed to be far more motivated than Raawhiti ever seemed and Milo grinned along with his roommate as he talked up the prospective newbies. He could work with this.

"Milo Frogg, here to claim my rightful spot as seeker," he announced brightly, swinging his broom off his shoulder and getting into the air. Yeah, Milo could definitely work with this, he'd have every night free in their dorms to bug Teddy with new formation ideas and strategies. Maybe they'd actually get the cup this year, finally. But for now Milo had to actually focus on proving he still deserved his spot on the team, no, starting on the team.

He did a sweep of the pitch, trying to stay light on his broom with bludgers and more players than usual on the pitch to keep him busy dodging around them. He pulled a particularly risky barrel roll to get around a chaser, forcing Milo to slow his broom as the motion made him dizzy. It took longer than he wanted to to get a lead on the snitch, finally ducking close to his broom as he spotted movement. He lost it immediately but Milo knew it had to be nearby, shooting high into the air to get a better field of vision and spotting it again with a quiet 'aha!'. Milo swooped low, coming up under the snitch before it had time to shoot off in another direction, nearly sliding off his own broom with the motion, but the snitch was clutched neatly in his hand and that was all that mattered.
Last call! Folks, you have between 24-48 hours to reply with try-outs before the try-outs close. Any first years who PMed are now free to try out.
Miles had been more than frustrated when he found out that first years weren't allowed to try out for the Quidditch team without permission. That was such a stupid rule, and didn't see why first years had to get permission when no one else did. But, if it was permission he needed, then permission he was going to get. Which was why he was now standing on the quidditch pitch, chin up and trying to look as determined as possible. Of course, he knew his chances were pretty low to actually make the team given how many other people were trying out, but that certainly didn't mean he wasn't going to try. He was going to prove to the captains that he was just as good as anyone else and deserved to be at this try-out. The fact he was a first year be damned.

"Miles Flynn, and I'm trying out as a chaser. But really, I can play anything! Beater, seeker, keeper, wherever you want to put me. I just really want to play Quidditch." He'd put in a lot of practice with all the positions, so he was confident in himself. Swinging a leg over his broom and kicked off into the air, giving a soft cheer of encouragement to himself before he swooped forward for the quaffle. He made sure to put in good work, taking as many shots at the hoops as he could possibly manage, grin only getting wider the more goals he actually made. Once he was sure he had flashed his scoring prowess, he switched onto showing off that he could make clean passes as well, weaving through the air as he kept the quaffle moving.

Once his time was finally up, Miles headed back to the ground, smiling as his feet touched down and confident that he had put on a good showing. While he was still almost certain he had no chance of actually making the team, it was good enough to show his face so the captain's remembered him for next time.
Finley marched onto the pitch, clutching his secondhand broom that had definitely seen better days, but his grip on it was steady, and his eyes were alight with determination. This was his moment, and he wasn't going to let anything - or anyone - dampen his spirits. Stepping up to the Captains with a slightly nervous but excited smile, he blurted out, "Finley Baros, trying out for Beater!" His voice was louder than he intended, but he figured enthusiasm couldn't hurt really. After all, surely that was better than not being interested at all? His dad had not been into Quidditch, but Aunt Leda had, and he was a fan himself, so he didn't see why he couldn't give it a go.

He turned back toward the pitch and squared his shoulder, taking a deep breath. Finley had spent the last few weeks practicing with some old Bludger balls he'd borrowed from one of his cousins, and he'd seen Felix trying out for seeker, not to mention his roommate Miles trying out for chaser. He gave his best friend a wave, and held his hand up for a high five before he kept moving. He didn't have the same kind of polish probably as others, but he had a lot of enthusiasm and desire to play. He had grit and he had guts! Just like the captain had said. When his turn came about, he gripped the bat tightly and kicked off into he air. His small frame made him quick and agile on the broom, dodging with a natural sort of ease that surprised even himself. He swung at the first Bludger with all his might, sending it careening toward one of the targets. The sound of wood meeting enchanted iron echoed across the pith and Finley grinned. It wasn't perfect but it was something.

Circling back, he maintained his focus, keeping his eyes on the next Bludger to hit. He wasn't the strongest flier, but he made up for it by being scrappy, and sharp, and using every ounce of his energy to prove his worth here. As he landed, slightly out of breath but grinning excitedly, he glanced toward the Captain's, hoping he'd made some kind of impression at least if nothing else. "Thanks!"
SeekerMilo Frogg
BeaterSantiago Torres
BeaterMiro Morales-Albertson
ChaserFraser Fergusson (Co-Captain)
ChaserIvy Cullen
ChaserAlicia Richelieu
KeeperTeddy Pirrip (Co-Captain)
Alternate SeekerAroha Blenheim
Alternate ChaserVeronica Walden-Cade
Alternate KeeperRose Edogawa

here is the team, thanks to all who tried out!

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