Gryffindor Quidditch Try-Outs

"Okay so basically don't get hit is the object of the game. Right? I can do that." Kat said hoping that she wasn't looking like a complete moron for not knowing what the heck 'Dodgeball' was.
Cyndi watched as the third years flew into the air as far away from Cyndi and Bruin as possible. The girls were huddled together and seemed to be strategizing on what they were going to do. Cyndi looked at Bruin wondering if they should make a plan too.
Bruin leaned over to Cyndi and whispered. "How about you circle in behind one of them and then I'll fire the quaffle at them? If I hit them, great and if I don't, well, you'll be right there to catch the quaffle and pick off a new target. As long as you and I are in control of the quaffle we aren't in any danger.", he said with a grin.

"FOUR, THREE, TWO, ONE!!!", he bellowed and prepared for the chase to begin.
Cyndi nodded as Bruin explained the plan and got ready as the countdown ended. Cyndi shot up into the air and pointed her broom toward the girls. She did not want them to know that she was going to go around them until the last minute. As she arrived closer, instead of stopping, Cyndi went around the girls until she was behind them. She hoped that Bruin's plan worked...
Kat smiled at Kiera and said, "Great, let's do this thing then!"

She heard Bruin yell out the countdown and eyeballed him and Cindy carefully, so as not to be the first one out.
Bruin followed Cyndi's general flight path, but did so more slowly, zig-zagging back and forth and trying not to give away whom he was targeting. The three third year girls were still about 50 feet away when Bruin decided upon his quarry. He lowered himself to his broom and accelerated after Kiera with the Quaffle raised in his right hand. Bruin noticed that Cyndi was circling around towards the other side of Kiera nicely and he decided to see what Kiera would do before deciding whether to take aim at her or pass the Quaffle to Cyndi.
((**in thick southern accent**well excuse the heck outta me for being a loser and not joining earlier then!! sheesh :p ))

Kat noticed that Bruin and Cindy were circling where her team was gathered and wondered what it was the the two of them had planned. She looked to the other two girls and whispered, "Keep a close eye on them and as soon as Bruin launches the quaffle, let's break all in different directions."
Kiera grinned wickedly as Bruin got closer. She knew Cyndi was behind her but it didnt matter. Kiera nodded at Kat but then realized they were headed for her. "On the count of three break!" she said as she took a sudden nose dive to the ground. She kicked her broom into full speed as she zigzaged in the air.
(((OMG!! SOrry I havn't been posting, life here has just been hectic.... but I think I get what we are doing))

WHen she heard three Hilary shot her broom almost up, though zig zagging as to be hard to hit..... Wow, I fly way too much like a snake to be in Gryffindor :p Hilary thought with a smile.

((What do you think of letting us know where we are on the pitch so as to try and figure out the grid system as we have never actually played with it before?.... just an idea..))
Cyndi saw the girls break away from each other and looked to see whether Bruin had thrown the quaffle or not. Their plan was not going to work now. Oh well, Cyndi thought. They would just have to make it up as they went along. Cyndi waited to see if Bruin would throw the Quaffle at anyone.
Kat took off when Keira counted down. She accelerated her speed as she gained altitude. She wanted to try and be above everyone so that she could see what was going on. She stopped when she was only about 6 feet above everyone else and waited to see who Bruin would chunk the quaffle at.
Katie had heard about the try-outs and once again walked into the pitch.She was very happy to have the house teams back.She really wished if she could make it into the team.As she walked onto the green grass she noticed Kiera,Kat and Hillary zooming arround the pitch and Bruin and Cindy there on their brooms too.Wow..she thought.She walked to the stands with har broom on her back.She noticed a few first years,"Hiya guys!"she greeted them cheerfully,"So whats everyone been up to?"she asked the girls who seemed to be watching every move of the players intrestedly.
Location: NE (flying towards north)
Action Taken: Tailing Kiera and attempting to hit her with Quaffle

Bruin noticed that the three opponents had scattered as he approached and were now flying evasively, zig-zagging back and forth and trying to prevent a difficult target. Bruin opted to follow Kiera and although he couldn't close the distance, she wasn't pulling away either. He aimed for the middle of her back and tried to time her movements so that he caught her zigging when she should have been zagging. Bruin released the Quaffle with a powerful throw and waited to see if he'd get lucky or not.

(OOC-posting locations is a great idea Hilary, should get us more familiar with the way we will post in games)
Andromeda jumped up from her seat punching the air in her enthuasiasm,"Yes! did you see that throw? Awesome" she smiled turning around to see another girl from their house,"Hiya! You're not a first year, how come you're not out there?"
Location: NNE
Action: Avoiding being hit by Bruin

Kiera was flying back and forth at top speed. She kept glancing over her shoulder at Bruin who had the Quaffle. She noticed he was watching her movements so she began to fly in a normal pattern. She would trick him. Kiera grinned to herself. She watched as he threw the Quaffle. The moment he released the ball she rolled over so that she was flying with her head facing the ground. After the Quaffle passed her she dove down for it as it fell. She got to it before Bruin could. She held it tightly in her hand and turned to look for either Bruin or Cyndi.
Action: Discussing with Kiera

Kat saw that Bruin had hurled the quaffle towards Kiera and just knew that it was going to hit her, but Keira pulled off some nifty maneuvers and managed to miss being hit by the quaffle. Kat flew over to where Kiera was and asked her in a hushed tone, "What's you plan now that you have the quaffle? Who are you going after first?"

((i don't know if i posted my first portion correctly. if not tell me and i'll fix it as i'm still a bit confused about the whole location grid, but no worries i'll get the hang of it!))
Location: NE
Action: Cursing, laughing and high-tailing it south

Bruin watched as the Quaffle sailed towards Kiera only to miss its intended mark as she rolled upside down. He knew that this game would not be easy and suddenly wished that he had his Beater's Bat in hand. Bruin pulled up hard on the front of his broom and hovered momentarily as Kiera dove and retrieved the Quaffle.

"Aw crap!", he muttered to himself as he leaned left, spun 180 degrees quickly and accelerated south, trying to put as much distance between Kiera, Kat and the Quaffle as possible before they got organized. A smile began to form on Bruin's lips as the wind whipped through his hair and a plan began to form in his mind.
"Well,guess I'm late."she told the girl,"By the way,I'm Katie Lovegood."she said with a smile,holing out her hand.Katie memorised the team members which were on the team the previous year.Ther was Bruin,as usual,Hil,Kat,Kiera,herself,Alex who had been missing,Sam,who hadnt returned to hogwarts this year,and some other people that she couldnt remember.
Action: Talking to Kat and letting Bruin think he is getting away ;-)

Kiera turned to Kat as she flew up next to her. She grinned brightly. "Well I dont really know yet but at least we have the Quaffle. We need to try and hold onto it. You got any plans?" she asked in a hurry as she tried to come up with her own plan.
Miranda was in awe at their little game. "That looks like so much fun." Miranda said wishing that she was out there playing too. "I wish that we could be out there too." Miranda said to Andy.
Location: NE (flying south)
Actions: Switching teams and screaming like a maniac!!

"HEY KATIE!! GET UP HERE!!" Hilary called down to the ground, and then loudly to the others she called, "I'll switch teams, so we can play Prefects Vs. second and third years, that's probably the easiest way to make this fair". She saw that Bruin was flying nearby and scooted off in the other direction hoping that she may have confused atleast a few people.

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