Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y47/S2

Raawhiti Te Rangi

boisterous 🏉 your best friend seeker + captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Emery) (Bisexual
Straight 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
8/2045 (17)

Sick to the stomach didn't quite cover how Rāwhiti felt, but it was close. His time at school was drawing to an end, and he didn't have anything real to show for it. He'd let his team down over and over again, and the Quidditch career he had always wanted was nowhere within reach. He was aimless, pointless, without anything real left to look forward to. But he was still a captain, for now, and he wasn't going to let his own pain stop him acting like it. "Alright, huddle up!" He called out to the waiting team. "This is our last practice before we face Ravenclaw, and we won't be giving them the satisfaction of another win. Let's get everything we can out of this practice, so we're coming at them harder than ever before." He nodded, giving each of his teammates a serious look before he stepped back and blew the whistle, taking to the sky with his teammates.

OOCOut of Character:
No arrivals, just get right into it!
Josh couldn't believe that his time at Hogwarts was nearly up and that this would be their final game. He listened to what Rāwhiti had to say and nodded along. It wasn't long before they were able to fly into the air. Josh managed to get a hold of the quaffle before heading towards one of the hoops
Teddy watched Josh take early possession of the quaffle and quickly flew in front of the hoops to defend them.
Veronica followed Josh when he got the quaffle waiting for her chance.
When he was close to the hoops he threw the quaffle towards the left hoop but completely missed… darn!
Ivy entered the quidditch pitch her new broom in her hand ready to give it a spin for what it was worth. She listened to rāwhiti explain the training and that this match would be their last of the year. She then kicked off and took to the sky following Joshua as he went to the goals. She was sad he missed but she flew forward and caught the ball as it was thrown back into pay. And made her way to reset before going in for a shot.
Veronica grumbled under her breath when Ivy grabbed the quaffle after Josh's miss. Of course. She followed the child and waited to see if she could make a move any point.
Miro couldn't wait for his next quidditch practice. He hoped it would be a great chance for him to continue to hone his skills as a beater for the upcoming game against Ravenclaw. Not wanting to waste any time, Miro flew into the air as soon as practice started. He tried to search for a bludger but wasn't able to spot any so far.​
Ivy kept flying reaching the point where she turned around and headed back to the goal keeping an eye out for her fellow chasers as well as any bludgers that may be coming her way.
Double post because I forgot to hit an action.
Teddy was off to a good start saving the first shot. He guarded the middle hoop and watched the quaffle carefully.
Ivy flew heading towards the goals. Aiming right at the centre. However teddy appeared in front of her blocking her way. She swerved to the left and threw however her aim was off and she missed the hoop entirely. sorry she called to teddy feeling a little guilty that he would have to retrieve it.
seemed like the chasers didn’t have any luck so far… josh got a hold of the quaffle once it was thrown back into play as ivy missed, he went around the pitch before making his way to the hoops again.
Rāwhiti kept one eye on his teammates as he searched for the snitch, wishing he could really feel his heart in the game.
when josh was close enough to the hoops, he threw the quaffle towards the left hoop again and it managed to sail right through the hoop! yay!
Ivy stayed close to Joshua as he flew there if he needed to pass. And also keeping an eye open for bludgers. When his shot was successful she cheered but held back waiting to see if any of the other chasers came forward to take it.

Edit slight rewording so it reads better
Alicia flew up to the hoops and grabbed the quaffle as it was thrown into play.
Teddy stayed calm even as Josh scored, reminding himself he'd already made a couple of saves. When Alicia took possession of the quaffle, he quickly positioned himself in front of the hoop with the best angle for her to aim at.
Santiago took to the air and spotted a bludger right away. He swung and tried to aim for one of the seekers but hit one of the chasers instead. @Alicia Richelieu
Just as Alicia prepared to score, she got hit by a bludger. She helped, her shot going wide.
Fraser grabbed the ball after Alicia didn't score, and began circling back to the hoops.
josh quickly followed behind fraser as he had a hold of the quaffle.

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