Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y46/S2

Circling on, a flutter of gold caught the corner of Rāwhiti's eye. His heart raced as he pressed himself to his broom and shot forwards, zigzagging as he tracked the ball across the pitch. It wasn't long before he felt his fingers close around the snitch, holding it high in triumph. "Got it!" He called out, grinning as he released the snitch again after a moment.
Miro flew around the pitch, looking around intently for another bludger to hit. He cheered when he saw Rāwhiti catch the snitch across the pitch, only distracted from this when a bludger flew by. Miro swerved to chase the bludger and reached to try and hit it, frowning when he missed entirely and he almost dropped his bat in the process.​
Teddy watched Fraser like a hawk as he flew towards him with the quaffle. He drifted from left to right in anticipation of a shot.
Milo was too busy basking in his recent success to realize that of course practice was still going. And that Raawhiti was on the move already. He'd been hoping to catch the snitch a few more times before Raawhiti did but at least their captain was keeping things competitive.
Rāwhiti gave the snitch a moment to get away before he resumed his search, taking the time to keep an eye on his teammates and see how they were doing.
Santiago sighed as he hit a bludger but it went wide. At least the seekers were doing alright.
Fraser approached the hoops quickly and attempted to score, feeling very pleased when he managed to.
Aurora didn't hit anything.
Teddy caught the quaffle and threw it back out to play.
Miro continued looking for a bludger, and couldn't find or hit anything.
Milo ducked around a bludger, keeping a closer eye on Rāwhiti now as he shot across the pitch.
Rāwhiti continued to circle, keeping one eye on the team. He was pleased to see Fraser score, giving the younger boy a thumbs up. "Ka pai, Fraser!"
Milo turned sharply, risking glancing away from Miro and Santiago as he was sure he'd just seen something darting past further down the pitch.
Milo had definitely seen the snitch, though he was no where near being close enough to catch it. Yet. He let out another whoop as he put on a burst of speed, turning sharply to try and close the gap.
Trying to preempt the snitch, Milo banked hard to the right, hoping to cut it off, only to have to curse when the snitch swerved left instead, evading his grasping hand easily.
Josh cheered for his teammate as Fraser managed to get a score. He then got a hold of the quaffle once it was thrown back into play and Josh made his way towards the hoops.
Veronica was frustrated that some of her teammates had already managed to score. She grabbed the quaffle and threw it back into play.
Milo was losing ground, trying ignore where he could hear the chasers cheering each other on. He checked over his shoulder to see what the beaters (and Rāwhiti) were doing, cursing when he turned back as saw the snitch was even further away.
Santiago swung again and managed to hit. But instead of going towards Milo it went wide and hit one of the chasers instead. @Joshua Lynch
Teddy watched Milo so nearly catch the snitch, he kinda felt bad for him but then he remembered it was Milo and didn't feel bad anymore. Teddy brought his attention back to the quaffle which he expected would start making it's way back up to him pretty soon.
Milo flinched as Santiago sent a bludger his way, letting out a sigh of relief as it went wide (poor Joshua though). He made sure to stick out his tongue at the beater before zipping off again to find the snitch.
Rāwhiti's eye on his team paid off as he saw Milo put on speed, flattening himself to his broom and rocketing after the younger boy, trying to see the snitch up ahead and get there first.
As fun as taunting Santiago was, Milo realized he was wasting precious time now that Raawhiti was on his tail too. He turned hurriedly, hoping he could maintain his lead as they both shot across the pitch.
Santiago looked for a bludger to hit.

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