Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y46/S2

Veronica stayed in front of her hoops waiting to see who would take a shot at her hoops.
Milo had gotten too focused on Raawhiti, now turning his head he wasn't totally certain where the snitch was going next, but he wasn't going to risk slowing down either.
Just as Josh was close enough towards the hoops, as he threw the quaffle towards the right hoop, he was hit by a bludger, which had missed his shot...
Rāwhiti pressed on, gaining ground on Milo as he pulled around an inside curve.
Teddy easily caught the quaffle, it hadn't been a very good shot and he put that in part to Josh getting hit by a bludger at the same time. "Oof, unlucky." He said, throwing the quaffle back out to play.
Rāwhiti finally pulled up alongside Milo, looking around to try and see what had sent the younger boy on a sprint, annoyed that he couldn't catch sight of the snitch himself. With no other choice he just hugged Milo's side, hoping to put on a quick dash and get ahead once he did spot the snitch.
Santiago kept looking for bludgers.
Rāwhiti finally caught sight of the snitch and pressed himself to his broom, banking sharply as it zagged across the pitch.
Milo stayed pressed shoulder to shoulder with Raawhiti, gritting his teeth when his captain pulled again, putting on a sudden burst of speed. Raawhiti must have eyes on the snitch again and Milo swore when he pulled away suddenly, tearing after him. Eyes locked on the snitch, Milo made a gamble, pulling in the opposite directly. If Raawhiti kept on target, he could corral the snitch right into Milo's waiting hands. If the snitch turned however, it was all over...

The snitch didn't turn, like a sheep herded into a paddock, it shot away from Raawhiti and right into Milo's path and he scooped it up with a hoot, raising it above his head. "Too slow! Did you see that, that was genius," Milo beamed, waving the snitch a few more times for good measure before letting it go.
Rāwhiti bit back hard on the growing storm of frustration in his stomach as he saw Milo's fingers close around the snitch again. "Ka pai!" He called out, hoping it didn't sound quite so half-hearted as he thought it did.
Milo was still feeling pretty snug, taking a victory lap of the pitch before he got going again.
Josh shook off the pain of the bludger, chuckling at Teddy's comment. When it looked like no one was going to grab a hold of the quaffle, Josh grabbed a hold of the quaffle once it was thrown back into play, before circling around towards the hoops.
Rāwhiti gazed over the pitch as he flew up higher, hoping to spot the snitch again soon and bring his score level with Milo. He couldn't handle losing to a third year.
Rāwhiti circled higher, keeping one eye on the team from above and looking around for the snitch at the same time.
Santiago swung but missed.
Once Josh was close enough to the hoops, Josh threw the quaffle towards the left hoop, and it managed to sail through! He cheered when he managed to get it through the hoop.
Milo knew his catch had been a risky play but it wasn't often he got to show Rāwhiti quite so obviously that he was a force to be reckoned with. Completing his lap, he kept an eye on the beaters and Rāwhiti as he started to scan the pitch for the snitch again.
Watching the players from above, Rāwhiti grinned at the sight of Josh scoring a goal. "KA PAI, JOSH!" He called out with a broad grin.
Santiago looked for another bludger to hit.
He couldn't handle losing to a third year.
Welllll... I mean he did lose to a second year last year. #Justsayin

Teddy didn't have much to do whilst the quaffle wasn't at his end, he watched Josh score and readied himself for the quaffle to start making it's way back.
Rāwhiti continued his circle, putting on a little speed as he thought he spotted a shimmer of gold, but he slowed down again when he realised it was just someone's watch.
Milo lurched forward when he saw Raawhiti seemingly on the move again. If he could snatch the snitch out from under him again there'd be no denying his seeking skills. He quickly pulled up short though when it seemed Raawhiti had just been faking him out, resuming his own hurried scanning of the pitch instead.
Rāwhiti saw Milo speed after him and a(n admittedly kind of mean) idea sparked. He looked around as though he had lost sight of something for a moment, then pretended to spot it below him and dropped into a sharp, speedy dive, the ground rushing up towards him.
Miro soon spotted another bludger, and sped up his flying to chase after it. It wasn't long before he reached to hit the bludger, smiling when he was able to successfully hit it in Milo's direction.

@Milo Frogg

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