Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y46/S2

When it looked like no one else was going to grab the quaffle, Josh got a hold of the quaffle and started making his way around towards the other hoops.
Miro tried to look for another bludger but couldn't find anything.
When Josh was close enough to the hoops, he threw the quaffle towards the right hoop, cheering yet again as it had sailed right through the hoop.
Santiago looked for another bludger to hit.
Miro soon found another bludger, and reached to hit it with his bat. He watched as it flew off course and hit Joshua. "Sorry!!" Miro called out, feeling bad for a moment. He tried to recover a moment later and continued flying around the pitch.

@Joshua Lynch
Before Josh was going to get a hold of the quaffle yet again, he was suddenly hit by another bludger. He gave a thumbs-up to show he was okay. Even though he had a throbbing arm, he got a hold of the quaffle as it was thrown back to play and headed towards the hoops.
When Josh was close enough to the hoops, he threw the quaffle towards the left hoop, managing to score yet again!

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