Gryffindor Quidditch Practice S1/Y48

Santiago saw a bludger and swung. It made contact and went flying across the pitch but it went off to the left and hit Miro instead. At least it was pay back. @Miro Morales-Albertson
Veronica failed when she got close to the hoops and took her shot.
Aroha was still searching for the snitch with fervour.
Rose continued to fly between the hoops. She had to wonder if the practice would be this boring if her siblings were also practising with her well it wasn’t fair to say it was boring but she did feel as though she was missing something with her siblings not being here. The only person who had got a shot through at all was Veronica, the other chasers hadn’t passed at all, so of all of them, despite Veronica being an alternate, she was the best one. None of the other chasers had even gotten a pass through.​
Icy followed Veronica up the pitch hoping to put the pressure on her. However as she drew nearer she heard a whistle and then a thud as she was hit squarely with a bludger. She let o it a hiss of pain instincts making her grip tighter to the broom and swerve to follow the impact.
By the time she was back on track Veronica was at the hoops and shooting. She was slightly glad that it managed to get saved.
She looked around to see if Frasier was nearby to get the throw in but when she couldn’t see him she flew forward to take it. thanks Ted she said shifting her hold to her right hand as opposed to her usual left in a way to try and reduce agrivating the pain-from the hit she had taken.
Miro continued to search for another bludger to hit, although was soon forced off course by the sudden impact of a bludger to his arm. Miro winced and tried to regain control of his broom, in the process seeing another bludger and missing it entirely.
Aroha continued her search, though it was so far fruitless.
Milo tried to stay mobile, watching as more bludgers were flying as the beaters warmed up. With any luck he could nab the snitch before Aroha or before the beaters nabbed him.
Rose continued to guard her hoops, giving any members of her team that looked at her a thumbs up.
Aroha was keeping one eye on Milo, just in case he spotted a glimpse before her. She was still seeing neither hide nor hair of the thing.
Rose continued to guard her hoops.
Alicia stayed close to Ivy, following her in case she could steal the quaffle from her.
Rose watches Alicia, she won't have to be so vigilant if she's got the quaffle, because her target is Teddy, not Rose.

Alicia grinned as she managed to steal from Ivy, turning around quickly to head the other way. She started zigzagging, trying to make sure the younger girl couldn't easily tail her.
Teddy saw Alicia take possession and guarded the hoops ready for her when she tried to score.
Veronica was glad to see that Alicia stole the quaffle and was now advancing on Teddy's hoops. She followed her, doubting she'd need the support but was on her side nonetheless.
Alicia saw Veronica was on her tail and she shot the younger girl a grin before passing the quaffle over to her. Hopefully it would unbalance Teddy. @Veronica Walden-Cade
Veronica took the quaffle when Alicia passed it to her and took a shot when she was closer to once again she failed to score. She flashed an apologetic smile to her fellow chaser who might have been better off keeping herself.
Teddy kept his eyes on the quaffle rather than the player, which worked in his favour when it was passed to Veronica who tried to score. Before it reached the hoops, Teddy whacked the quaffle out of the way, sending it back out into play in process. He tried not to look too smug about the save but his wide grin said it all really. He snapped back into captain mode, "Nice passing and teamwork." He encouraged.
Santiago looked for a bludger to hit.
Rose watched as Veronica and Alicia made their way over to Teddy, they failed to score, but the game was certainly getting more interesting now at least.
Milo’s head was on a swivel as he flew and he turned sharply at the sign of something small darting past him. He chanced a glance at Aroha before taking up the chase, hoping he could get a head start on the snitch before she saw it.
Aroha saw Milo suddenly accelerate, catching her attention. She couldn't quite make out the snitch, but followed him all the same. Then it appeared, darting back and forth as though taunting them. Aroha pushed forward, beyond Milo and reached for it. She was off by a few centimetres. Crap.

As Teddy threw the quaffle out again, Alicia caught it and flew back a bit, deciding to loop back to try scoring from a different angle.

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