Graduation: Spectators/Invited Guests

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Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curly Oak/Wenge 16" Essence of Feng-huang Tail Feather
Nicolas King walked into the Great Hall of Hogwarts New Zealand for the first time since he had departed from the school a year earlier. He had missed the place, and his pupils, and once in a while considered requesting he be allowed to return to the school but he usually pushed such thoughts aside as silliness, he was now doing what he enjoyed and what was his calling in life - he didn't want to give that up, not again.

Nicolas took a seat at the back of the hall only minutes before the graduating class entered and the ceremony started. He smiled wryly to any of his former pupils who spotted him, or any of his former colleagues, not entirely sure how they felt about him presently after his rather sudden departure. Nevertheless he knew that somebody still liked him, as he'd been invited to come to the ceremonies - something he was more than grateful for.

As Cecily welcomed them Nicolas thought back to Alicia, and his first few years at Hogwarts, then to how it was when he left. He was surprised that it was the same school, when the two were put side by side. These students, now graduates, were people who had helped him out in a very strange part of his life. He was an adult, but still sorting out a lot of who he was. He felt a strange bond to many of the faces at the front of the hall, though they were half his age and many had twice his skill in magic they were his first pupils and it was because of them, their antics, their silliness, their thirst for knowledge that he was who he was.

As Estrella and Bruin shared their speeches Nicolas couldn't help but smirk. Their speeches were very typical to who he'd known them to be. Estrella's was original, heartfelt, and inspiring for her classmates. Bruin's was taken from a muggle author - though it was nice and conveyed its message well, it did border on the childish side of things. 'Very Bruin.' was the only thought that came to Nicolas' mind as Bruin left the podium.

Finally Gellert stood to speak and Nicolas simply shook his head, 'What a wonderful way to ruin an otherwise amazing evening.' was his thought as Gellert unrolled his parchment and addressed the students. Surely Gellert had just wanted to be part of the occasion, he hadn't been that involved with the school since it's inception. As Gellert's speech continued Nicolas held in a chuckle, 'The goal actually isn't to scare them more... but nice try, Minister.'

When Gellert had finished his address Cecily returned to the podium and started to hand out the diplomas. Nicolas clapped enthusiastically for the majority of his former pupils as they went across the stage, at the first end they were still students, and then by the other they'd become true witches and wizards - capable of doing whatever they could possibly want to. Some of the many faces were obscure to Nicolas, ones he couldn't recall seeing before. He figured these students were new to the school in the past year and clapped for them a little more conservatively as they passed the podium.

Finally every student had received their diploma and there was little left to do. Cecily introduced the newly graduated class and Nicolas cheered and rose to his feet with the rest of the hall before he stealthily drew his wand and flicked it quickly in the direction of the ceiling. Several different colours of magical sparks came streaming down to add to the event. He smirked as he slipped his wand back in to his pocket and resumed his clapping.
The one day that Kat had been dreading all term had finally arrived. Graduation day. Today two of her best friends...her family, would be leaving the school forever. She had promised herself that she wasn't going to cry today, but as Headmistress Rambolt took the stage and gave her piece the water works were turned on and she just couldn't help herself. Kat sat there with a few tears managing to spill over as Estrella gave her farewell speech and then Bruin took the podium. She sucked in a sharp breath trying to hold back from openly sobbing, but it did no good. He was her big brother, the one who had always looked after her when things got too much to handle...the one who had exacted revenge on her behalf a few years prior. Kat knew that she was going to be truly lost without him. Then her gaze drifted to Cyndi. The older girl had grown to be just like an older sister to her. They'd shared so much over the last two years being roommates, both good and bad and tons of late night giggle sessions. Kat felt the lump in her throat grow larger and she attempted to swallow, but it really had done no good.

Today was definitely bitter sweet. Though she couldn't have been happier for each and every one of the graduates she couldn't help, but feel that today was an ending of sorts. The end of one era of Hogwarts New Zealand and she could now only guess what was to come about in coming years. The thought of starting a new year in the Summer with Gryffindor house being short two members that she held very near and dear to her heart made Kat a little light headed. Things definitely weren't going to be the same...change was inevitable and that in itself scared her more than anything.
Kiera had knots in her stomach as she entered the Great Hall. Today was an important day since some of her best friends would be leaving the school forever. She had chosen to wear a very classy white dress, knowing that what she wore would be very important. She wanted to look her best as she supported her housemates, especially James. James had asked her to attend his graduation, which had overjoyed Kiera. Whatever had happened between the two of them had definitely been special, even though Kiera did not know what that meant for their futures. Cyndi had also asked her to graduation. Kiera felt blessed to have them both in her life.

Kiera sat down by her best friend and roommate, Kat. Kiera tried not to cry as Estrella, and then Bruin spoke to the Great Hall. Kiera reached over and squeezed Katalina's hand as the girl let out a few tears. Kiera was trying not to think of how this was the end of everything. It just couldn't be. Kiera's eyes searched until they found James. She locked her gaze on him as the ceremony continued. What was she supposed to do without them all? Kiera began to panic as she thought about how this would be her next year. Where would her life take her? She knew she wanted to compete in the muggle Olympics but what after that? What if she got hurt again? Kiera kept her eyes on James to keep from going into full out panic mode. Somehow, Kiera knew that James would be there for her. She trusted him.
Kaleb wore his pinned down white shirt and a pair of black dress pants. He entered the Great Hall and he took his seat with his family. Kaleb felt honored that his older brother had invited him. Kaleb stared up at the head girl, quite amazed that Jaken managed to go out with that. She was gorgeous! But Kaleb barely had a thought of any other girl like that other than Carmen, who he wasn't ready for. Kaleb stared up at the head boy, feeling a little intimidated by the boy at first, until he heard the speech. Kaleb hoped he wasn't a bad bear after all.

Kaleb watched his older brother retrieve his diploma, and something hit his heart. Jaken was starting a whole new life. His idol. Kaleb sighed. One Styx gone, and Kaleb had to fill in his shoes. Kaleb felt like crying, but he held it in. Kaleb blinked several times. His brother, the one that was there for him through mother's death, Alessine's death, just everything bad. He was a role model. Though Kaleb knew no one else in here, he felt so small. Small and young compared to everyone else in the room. It was almost scary. Luckily, he had his family there to help out.
Valcan had never before been within the halls of Hogwarts New Zealand. He took in his surroundings slowly, interest passing over his hardened features. As always, he found plenty of space around him. While it made him stick out in a crowd like a sore thumb, the man's height and massive build were quite enough to put a distance between himself and others. He was ushered into a cavernous room with an assemblage of young and old. He looked up and was quite impressed by the ceiling. This school was different- very different than Durmstrang.

The man did not even want to think of how long it had been since he had been among a class of graduating students. Bearse had been among them. To think that his best friend from the age of eleven had lost his life on the grounds of this school bit at his insides. He had long ago learned to control the murderous impulses that would occasionally course through his mind. Though he usually would not have cared either way, he decided to be courteous and sit in the back row.

Though he was quite surprised at the number of faces that he recognized, Valcan did not show it. He kept to himself as he observed the proceedings. The woman who appeared to be the school's Headmistress was familiar- very familiar. He would have to find out her name later. Smiling slightly as his granddaughter took the stage, he listened to what she had to say. She showed a great deal of promise- part of the reason he had taken time out of his schedule to come and support her. He chuckled slightly as the Head Boy of the school commenced to read a muggle book. It was downright absurd, using such literature at a graduation ceremony for a magical school, but it seemed to have its effect on his classmates. Not betraying his opinion, Valcan peered back at New Zealand's minister as he took the stage. He had never personally met the man, but had heard of him. Coote was a good public speaker. Borderline reassuring, good nonetheless. Valcan couldn't say he agreed that this batch of students would be able to squash what were more than remnants of a glorious age.

Watching as the graduates stepped forward to receive their diplomas, he brought his hands together in a strong series of claps and joined in the raucous applause. Even someone of his disposition had to admit that the shower of sparks were a nice addition to the occasion.
Andromeda entered the room and inhaled deeply, she felt as if she really didn't belong here but Bruin had invited her. It didn't seem to bother him at all that they were no longer dating, he seemed to fit into the 'friends' mould so easily but she couldn't disappoint him. She moved in a bit more as the headmistress began to say her speech, Andy spotted Kat and Kiera and as tempted as she was to go over and stand with them for now she stood near the back listening intently. A familiar figure caught her eye and she smiled as she recognised her old DADA professor. It was nice that he had shown up to celebrate with them. Turning to look at the podium as Estrella got up to speak, Andy smiled to herself recalling the first time she had met the head girl by the rose bush. Alot had happened since that day and she now considered Estrella a friend, albeit not a close one but a friend non the less.

She looked across to see Jaken standing there smiling up at his girlfriend and couldn't contain a smile herself. Glad that things had worked out for them, it would seem destiny simply meant some to be together and not all. She took a step closer to the assembled group noticing Cyndi in the crowd as well remembering when Cyndi had saved her from a very nasty bludger in their first ever trainig session and how she had stolen cup cakes way back in first year when Andy had thrown a huge party in the common room for everyone who didn't want to go to the Yule Ball. Bruin took the stand and her heart couldn't help itself as it did a back flip. This was beyond cruel and yet it was her own fault, she had agreed wholeheartedly to the break-up and the notion of them 'being friends' as she knew it was something he had really wanted. Andy knew she could not deny him anything, she wiped a tear from her eye as he read from the Dr, Seuss book and moved a bit further into the room so she could be lost among the professors and guests of those graduating.
Taking a seat next to his youngest son, Kalif made his appearance in the graduation. He did not pay attention to any of the others but only upon the graduating class. This was not his first son graduating, but the first one he bothered to attend to. He did not have an excuse, for he was a professor here. The hall was decorated so beautifully and he did not notice it. Kalif sat, arms crossed over his chest as the speeches began. Bruin’s brought out a tiny smirk, and Estrella’s was touching.

Shame it did not touch his ice cold heart. His black eyes watched the students receive their diplomas. Kalif felt a bit proud to see his son walk up and receive his diploma. Though Kalif didn’t smile or show any expression, he still applauded softly, his hands not making much sounds as the gloves blocked the sound waves. Some people stood up, but he remained seated. Though he had to admit, the finale was a nice touch to the entire thing. He whispered to Kaleb, “In six short years, you will be up there as well, where Jaken stands today.” Kalif wasn't really looking forward to that.
Prodan was excited about being invited to the graduation. He entered the Great Hall, his eyes immediately falling on Cecily. A tint of red decorated his cheeks as he took a seat, leaving some space between him and Kalif, because if he knew Chavdar, then he would want to sit beside Kalif just to aggravate him. Prodan folded his arms across his chest, and waited for the ceremony to begin. Everything seemed to touching. And Prodan felt a few tears come to his eyes. His nephew was graduating! The one that helped keep his family in check while at school. Rising to his feet, he applauded loudly with the others.
Chavdar was not surprised when he received an invitation to the graduation. He and Jaken happened to be close. Getting dressed in his normal black robes, he went on his way to the school to watch his nephew graduate. Upon entering the Great Hall, Chavdar almost towered over the others, standing over six feet tall. He passed many seats, not really recognizing anyone. He took a seat next to his brothers. Chavdar might not be the oldest, but he was more built than they were. Prodan was shorter and leaner, but Kalif was taller and faster.

Chavdar threw his arms around the back seats, as he relaxed himself. It looked like he had his arms around Kalif and Prodan. Chavdar knew Prodan wouldn’t mind, but Kalif looked slightly uncomfortable. Chavdar smirked, “Cheer up, old man. Jaken is graduating!” Chavdar turned his stormy eyes to the front and he wore a smile upon his lips. The newly father was proud of his nephew, and could not wait for his children to even enter the school. Beautiful Zinaida and handsome Vladimir. Chavdar listened to the speeches, and he smiled at the Head Girl. He actually liked Estrella. She seemed to suit Jaken, whether they were still together was questionable to him. Chavdar stood up and applauded, let out a proud cheer for the graduates.
Courtney could not believe that she was once again in the Great Hall of Hogwarts New Zealand, a place that held many of her memories, both good and bad. It had been over three years since she had left the school, but being back in the castle made it feel like it was only yesterday that the Ravenclaw girls were chilling in their dorm, munching on Twizzlers and drinking Cherry Cokes. She was seated beside a man that she didn’t recognize, however, he was very tall and looked quite a bit like Estrella. Beside him was Lily Potter, her former housemate and one of her best friends. It was nearly impossible for Courtney to sit through the ceremony without running up to all of her old mates and attacking them with hugs.

As Courtney listened to the speeches made by Professor Rambolt, Estrella, Bruin, and the Minister of Magic, she couldn’t avoid the tears any longer (sneaky things, they are). She was so proud of her friends and classmates for making it this far, and knew that only great things would be in their futures. Courtney clapped as each of the graduates received their diplomas, and clapped especially loud when it was time for Estrella to collect hers. As the ceremony came to a close, Courtney wiped away any tears left on her face and roared with the rest of the crowd. There had to be some sort of after party, and Courtney wanted to congratulate everyone herself.
Lily managed to make it to the ceremony just before it started. Quickly, she was ushered to her seat, next to Estrella's grandfather. "Mr. Drage! You came!" she exclaimed as she gave the large man a warm hug. She knew that Estrella wanted some family to be at Graduation and was happy that her grandfather had made it there for her. But the surprise was who was soon seated right next to him. "MERLIN'S BEARD! COURTNEEEYYYYYYYY!" she squealed out, jumping across Valcan Drage to tackle her friend in a bear hug. Before any further pleasantries could be exchanged, she was shushed and the ceremony began.

Lily sat and listened to the speeches that were given. Professor Rambolt was touching and so was Estrella's, though she had heard that one previously in their dorm. Bruin, well, he was Bruin, and brought tears to her eyes, and laughter to her lips with the Dr. Seuss book. The Minister of Magic was a boring git, like most political blowhards were.

Soon enough, the graduates received their diplomas. Lily clapped for everyone, but especially hard when Estrella and Bruin received theirs. Then came Ford. She still had no idea what to think about him. She allowed herself to smile for him, then let out with a wolf whistle. She knew he didn't have much in the way of family left around him and doubted that he actually had invited anyone to be there for him. She felt he deserved a bit of praise for making it through to the end. They might have a complicated relationship, and very confusing one as well, but at the base of it all Lily felt that they were friends. She clapped politely for the others, but then cheered again when Cyndi crossed the stage.

As things wrapped up, Lily felt herself tearing up. Her closest friends were leaving. She was stuck there for one more year. Sure, she had her boyfriend, Blake, and her friends Kailey and Kat. Quidditch would occupy her time and she was already being scouted to go professional. Life would go on, but just would not be the same without these amazing people walking the same halls as she was.
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