Graduation 2040

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Ava King

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2 Essence of Griffin Feather
Ava King glanced around the Hall, a small smile on her face. It was a bitter-sweet moment; a moment of sadness, that a number of great students were leaving Hogwarts. No year was ever the same, no student alike. This year was a crazy year. But for now, it was a moment of great pride. Ava was proud of every single student that was graduating. She was proud of the Professor's for teaching everyone well enough for them to pass. Ava watched the graduates and their guests making their way into the hall and each taking their seats. The Professor smiled at each one, knowing that she had to have a brave face for each person today.

Once everyone was seated, the Headmistress made her way to the front of the stage, still smiling to the crowd. "Welcome parents, guests, and most importantly, graduates. Thank-you to everyone who made it here to join us in celebrating and honouring the graduating class of 2040." Ava focused her attention on the students graduating. "Graduates, remember that this is not the end, it is simply the beginning. You are going into a world where anything is possible, so dream big, and work hard. I'd now like to welcome up our Head Students, Dexter Lesley and Rhiannon McGowan." Ava finished before moving away from the podium and clapping for Dexter and Rhiannon.

OOCOut of Character:

Out of Character: Important Information
This thread is for Graduates and Speakers to post in. Guests and Spectators can post in the 'Guest' topic.
Rhiannon headed to the great hall it was the last day she would be spending as head girl and she had to make her speech. Some may say she had been a little bit of a useless head girl. And to be honest she was pretty sure had had been. This year time just seemed to slip away from her. She entered the great hall and paused looking around she saw her aunt on one of the back seats. Aunt bridge smiled waved and gave her a huge cheesy thumbs up. Today she would have to make the speech in front of the whole year staff and teachers. She usually wasn't shy, albeit she wasn't the most self confident either. She went and took a seat focusing on her breathing. Soon professor king introduced them and she and dexter were given the stage. She looked at dexter and nodded that it was her turn.
”Hello everyone. Friends, Family, Professors and fellow graduates.” she started. ”It has been a long trip. And a trip that has hopefully taught each of us a lot more than we planned on learning both inside and outside the classroom.” she said pausing. Looking down at her notes. ”you may ting that today is the end of a phase, of a chapter, an adventure, a nightmare.” she said looking over at the professors to make sure that they weren’t taking offence at the last comment. She quickly continued ”when I was thinking of what to say to you today to a group of people I have grown with for the last seven years. What advice could I give them. we have spent so much. Time together I don't know what I have experienced that you haven’t she paused for effect. ”but then I came across my first thing to speak about. if you are not sure what to do. if you are stumped by a puzzle then turn it on it’s head and look from a different perspective. It isn’t just the end of school, the end of the chapter. It is actually the start of the rest of your life, this has just been the introduction. For this speech I am going to look not what time we have spent together. But where we do go from here. she glanced at dexter hoping she wasn't talking too much. But she still had a fair amount to say. ”Over the last seven years our professors have done their bit to guide us and shape us and lead us to become today as happy, smart young adults ready to take on the world. For that I speak for all of us to say a big thank you, i don't actually thing we could thank you enough for what you have done for us. It may not have been easy for either of us. And we may have gotten mad at each other, sorry for any stress we may have caused.” at this she couldn't help her eyes flick to perseas and theseas, and a couple of her prefects who she knew had gotten into a fair amount of trouble over the year. ”before school we had eleven years of our family helping us grow. They have never stoped and never will stop doing their best to help us. with those words she looked at her aunt Bridget and the other family and friends at the back of the room. ”but today is where you take things into your own hands. From here on in no one is going to be taking responsibility for you. It is up to you to decide what is right, what it wrong, who is good for you and who is best to be avoided. she paused ”It is entirely up to you to if you decide to walk in the light or skim more towards the edges of darkness. she bit her tongue at this she knew which one she would rather her classmates to choose. ”I hope you choose well. And before I leave you, I will leave you one more point. Be brave, be kind, treat others how you would like to be treated, and remember no matter wherever you are, in on the top of your game or in the depths of despair there is always a choice, It is those choices that show you who you are far more than anything else. Final finally it is where your mind wanders when you should be doing other things is where you want to be. Thank you and good luck in the future. Now over to Dexter” she said hoping that she made sense and at lease one person would take one things from her speech. She stepped to one side to listen to Dexters speech.
Dexter Lesley sat nervously, awaiting his time to give his speech. It was... well, it was rather long. He didn't have it all written out, rather, he had little dot-points to elaborate on - but he knew what he was like. He was going to be talking for a while, he could feel it. The Slytherin smiled nervously at the Head Girl, Rhiannon, and mouthed a quick 'good luck!' at her as she stood to give her speech. It was considerably shorter, when compared to his own. He grinned at her brightly, feeling a nervous tingle in his toes that he tried to wiggle out. He could see Demeter and Mandalyn in the crowd, and it brought a larger smile still, to his lips. As Rhiannon mentioned his name, the Slytherin looked up, and nodded to her firmly. It was time.

He approached the podium, and held his few palm cards securely. His friend Rebecca had suggested them, to keep his speech short. He was glad, because his speech, was already substantial, and if it were to all be written out on paper, it would have only been longer still. He smiled at the crowd. "Thank you, Rhiannon. Here we are; graduation. As mentioned by our head girl, it’s been a long trek, but we’re finally at the end of it, and I hope you’re all as excited to start your new life as I am. It’s scary, and I’ve spent many nights worrying about it, but now, I feel really excited to be doing this speech, and to see everyone’s families and friends here to support them. I hope that, by the end of this day, you all leave holding absolutely no regrets, and all are looking into the future. We have all worked very hard to come to where we are now, some of us even travelling over entire countries and leaving our families behind, some of us being the first to make our marks here – even some of us who are walking in the footsteps of siblings, cousins, parents, aunts and uncles. We have all had an impact on the school, and I hope you all think that your impact was great." He paused, and took a sobering breath to help steady his nerves, before continuing. "I hope you all feel you made the right choices during your time here, because this is it. This is the end, and now we’re starting on something completely new and exciting, and a little scary all at the same time; adulthood, and with that comes all of its many responsibilities. But we have good professors here, and they have always been there to provide assistance if we’ve ever needed it. I hope everyone before me has had as good a time here and I have."

He took a sip from his glass of water, his throat beginning to parch, as he wasn't used to giving speeches in public (even though talking was something he never shied from, being rather the chatterbox). "It’s good to see everyone here, together as a united group, before we all separate and go our own ways. Most of us have been attending Hogwarts New Zealand for seven years, ever since we were eleven years old. Back then, I was barely thinking about my electives for third year – let alone graduating and writing a speech to present. It’s times like this that I begin remembering the little things I worried about when I was younger, and now they just don’t seem all that important now they we’re all finally here, saying our goodbyes to the school to start our own lives, doing whatever it is we want to do. We won’t be able to call ourselves students of Hogwarts New Zealand, and we won’t have the familiarity of the castle anymore. We won’t have the professors there to nag us to do our work, and we won’t have them there to help us if we’re lost." He took this time to smile at the professors and headmistress and deputy headmaster. "We won’t have other students there to guide us, we won’t have gossip magazines to spread rumours, we won’t have the good stuff, and the bad stuff that comes around with being in school. We’ll have ourselves, and the life we build around us. We will have scary bosses that will breathe down our necks to get our work finished, and we will be earning money and looking into buying houses. We won’t have exams to study for – no more NEWTs and OWLs – which is, quite frankly, something I’m really looking forward to. But we also won’t have each other. We’re a little community in of ourselves, and we might not talk to everyone, you might not like everyone here, but we went through everything together, so I do hope that you call all manage to suck up your differences tonight and give each other a pat on the back and a good job. There’s no more house rivalry, there’s no more hunt for house points, and there’s no more arguments over who is the best Quidditch team around, either. We’re all playing on the same team, now, and we should all be trying to build each other up for what lies ahead of us." He looked at the group once more, hoping that they were feeling what he was saying. It had been a long road for everyone.

"A lot of stuff happened during these past seven years – especially the last couple, really, and this year that’s just past. The school has never been uneventful, and that certainly hasn’t changed, from expulsions to hose-wide detentions, Pride parades and food fights and explosions – Hogwarts is a place where things happen. Sometimes, it’s not particularly great stuff, and we all find ourselves complaining at the end of the day about people doing silly things, or doing those silly things ourselves, but one thing I came to realise during my time here is that people are different, and whilst different isn’t always complimentary, it’s not always bad, either." He paused for another sip of his water, and gave another gentle smile to the group. "We gained valuable skills during those times where we almost chopped our fingers off in potions, or turned our ears into goat ears in Transfiguration, or even stupifyed a friend – or foe – in Defence Against the Dark Arts. Whether you liked your time here, or hated every moment of it, you have to admit, if you found yourself bored, it really was your own doing. Something was always happening here, and life was really a rush at times. Quidditch was hectic, gossip magazines and vicious rumours throwing themselves around the school, not to mention all the trouble makers causing mischief. It wasn’t always great, but for seven, eventful years, this was home to most of us."

He was nearing towards the end now, and he cleared his throat to continue once more. "Don’t sweat the small stuff. One of the hardest things to learn here wasn’t found in any classroom – even if Arithmancy is a mathematical nightmare and History of Magic was filled with two point five trillion essays – it was learning to just deal with life and what it throws at you. There was never any room for temper tantrums, or being haughty here, we were all in the same boat and that was final. I know some have had a rough year, whilst others have had a very good year, but now we are all in the same situation, and I think we’re a little bit better for it. We all went through our own paths to get to where we are today, and we will all continue to do so. From this point on, we’re proper adults, looking for jobs out in the real world, or maybe even taking a year to figure ourselves out." He himself was thinking of doing just that - taking some time to himself and figure out what he wanted to do in life. His eyes lingered on Mandalyn in the crowd, before continuing. "Whatever happens, I hope that everyone here is excited for what lays ahead. It was the job of our professors to educate us, and ourselves to learn their lessons. It was up to us to take what we needed and grow from that, just as it is still us here now taking that final step of student life and graduating. After that, who knows, maybe among us are some future aurors, and healers, and professors. Maybe the next minister, or the next famous musician, or inventor of something great. The opportunities for us are endless, and I think it speaks volumes for the kind of education we’ve received. There are many doors in the world, and we all have the keys to open them."

He grinned sheepishly. "I think that we can all say that, during our time here we grew and we changed – hopefully for the better. We have been taught skills that will help us when we leave Hogwarts, and hopefully prepare us for what there is to come. We have everyone to thank – our professors, our parents and caregivers, our friends, enemies, and even ourselves. We’re all here now, and we’ve all made it to the end. I just want to say good luck to everyone, and may you all have a happy life. Once more, I hope you all look back on what you have achieved and smile, because we have all worked hard. Good luck for the future, and sorry for holding you all up. We have done it!" He took a sobering breath, after several breaks and a couple drinks of water between his speech. It was finished. He gave a nod to the group before him, before leaving off to return to Rhiannon.
Elvera loved graduation day. She could remember hers so very clearly as though it was yesterday even though, if her maths was right, this year graduates had only been six when she had crossed the stage for what she had thought was for the last time. Today she was here to help the headmistress hand out the diplomas to each of the graduating student. She listened as both the head boy and the head girl gave their speeches. They had both been great examples and role models for the younger students this year when the school seemed to be undergoing and internal power struggle. both of their speeches were beautiful and well presented and they brought a slight tear to her eyes. soon they had finished and Dexter and Rhiannon left the stage. once the applause had finished she stood up and took to the podium. "Thank you Rhiannon and Dexter for such moving speeches." she said waiting for a few stray people to stop clapping again. "Congratulations to you all Hogwarts New Zealand class of 2040. you have made your family and us as you professors proud. Today is all about you. it is a day for you to remember. to remember how far you have come and how much you have grown within these walls, and remember how much further you can go now you are free. I hope that you all have a happy and for filling life ahead of you." she paused for a moment. "When i call your name please make your way forward to receive your diploma from professor King." she said. before unfolding the parchment she was holding with all the names in the order of the diplomas and reading the first one waiting until each student had had their photo take n by the charmed camera in front of the stage before calling the next.
OOCOut of Character:
well done Graduates! You can now RP your character coming on stage, getting his or her diploma and photo taken before sitting back down until the end of the ceremony.
Dear Merlin, Dexter's speech was long, but both were heartfelt and Dominique clapped to each of them (though barely listened to either). This was, after all, her graduation and she was happy to have it started off with two very sweet She waited nervously as the names were called, looking out for familiar faces that belonged to her friends. She didn't have anyone here today - she didn't see the point in inviting family. The important ones weren't close to her anyway, and she didn't want to see them here on her day. It was just her, and she was fine with that. She smiled at Willow, and gave a huge grin to James - though things were slightly unsteady with them. She didn't mind. She had her life ahead of her now and she was going to take it.

Her name was called and she approached, her smile still stretched along her face. She collected her diploma and stood for her photo, before squealing excitedly and returning to her seat to clap for everyone else.
Willow yawned slightly and quickly jumped to the clapping when she noticed that everyone else was. She'd stopped listening to the speeches halfway through Rhiannon's. Though she loved her friend, she was bored easily and it seemed that she couldn't even hold her attention for someone close to her. Well, as long as Rhi knew that Willow would always support her, she was fine. The names were soon called and Willow knew she had a bit to wait before she would receive her diploma. So she waited patiently, every so often fixing her dress before finally hearing her name. She smiled at those she had invited, winked at Rhiannon and walked along to her graduation. She wasn't to be a student anymore. It was kind of a scary prospect, but she knew she'd be fine. She had Dominique and her other friends after all.
Erik Metzger could not believe that he was graduating this year. He was more than excited, but he was also nervous. He planned on being an author, and already completed his first manuscript. He just hoped that it was going to be good. He didn’t know what he could do in the meantime. Go to college? Muggle of course, but he could figure out something. He struggled to think of his future, and how to incorporate Pandora Matthias into it, but the speeches were soon read out, which made Erik daze in and out through the both of them due to their length, with Rhiannon’s being less so. Both were so heartfelt. He clapped for them both, and soon enough, the names were called. Eventually, his own name was called. He walked up to the headmistress, shook her hand and smiled. He received his diploma, and walked off the stage. He looked down at it and smiled. He did it. He was done! Erik went to find his father and step-mother to celebrate with them.
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