Global Moderator's Appreciation Day

Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curly Oak/Wenge 16" Essence of Feng-huang Tail Feather

Last year, a tradition was born! We named June 1[sup]st[/sup] to forever be our Global Moderator's Appreciation Day (GMAD). The one day a year when we take a step back and appreciate all of the hard work our Global Moderators do for the board, and all of us as a community.

Speaking as an admin, I know that I would be lost without the constant help and support of these few members who give helpful feedback and ideas constantly to my own zany and wild ideas - and also take on some of the more difficult work on the site so administrators can do other tasks and the board can run as smoothly as possible.

We've had a lot of change over the past year as a site, and the staff team is no different. While our current Global Moderators may be Pat and Kaitlyn - we also want to appreciate the hard work of Abby and Linda, who had to take a step back from the board - as well as Cyndi who was a great Global Moderator and stepped up once again when the site needed her to. :) Without the five of them doing their parts over the past year, HNZ would have been very, very different.

As a small token of appreciation, we have two (poorly crafted) avatars for our current GMs: Kaitlyn's, and Pat's.

Cyndi and I also decided to add a bit of a personal touch to this year's topic, and wrote out notes to our two present GMs expressing our general gratitude for their hard work.
Letter, to Pat
Letter, to Kaitlyn

If you appreciate the hard work of the dark orchid's as much as we do, please share your thanks in this topic, make them an uber avatar, or write them a letter of your own - and let them know how much we :wub: them, and what they do for us all.
Thanks to all of you. You rock! ^_^
All of you guys rock!!! Seriously, the fact that you do all of this hard work and still take the time to RP with us lowly serfs is super cool. :D I lurve ya'll.
Thank-you guys for everything you do for HNZ! :wub: You are amazing!
Thank-you guys so much for everything you do. I super duper appreciate it, you are amazing :) :wub:
Well done guys. If it wasn't for your amazing work then HNZ wouldn't be nearly as good as it is now. It's the hard work you've put in with the admins that's made it the site it is now. Congratulations and keep up the good work.

Love you loads :hug: :wub:
Taneaka. Xx
You two are totally amazing with all the work you guys do and everything. :hug: :hug:
So this goes well deserved. :wub:
Thank you for all of your effort guys. ^_^ :hug:
Thanks guys-you rock and you do so much work on HNZ-helping the admins and, you're always there, welcoming new-comers and answering questions :D Thanks Guys!! :D
Thanks, GMs, for doing what you do best- wearing capes and falling off of buildings. GMing stoofs.
Larissa Sedgwick said:
wearing capes and falling off of buildings.
Ya, you best cross that off.
I'm the only one who does that here. :glare:
Thanks so much for all the nice comments guys and thank you Nick for my awesome avatar and letter :wub:
This is exactly what I needed. ^_^ Thanks so much, and we try our best. :wub:
Omg I love my avi and letter. Thanks, captains! *salutes*
I guess Nick knew how much I looooooooove Zelda. :wub:

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