Closed Future Plans

Evelyn Manning

Owner of EVELYN Fashionbrand & Model Agency ⭐
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 11 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
The last year and Evelyn had some vague plans about her future. She wanted to build her own fashion brand, that was the end goal. But she had to start on the bottom again. It was handy that she had some connections and her aunt worked in the fashion industry too. Perhaps modeling was an first option, but the blonde wanted to continue with designing. She dreamed of big things and didn't want to work on the Ministry just like her dad wished for. Evelyn had to tell the plans to her father. She knew he would want her to be happy, but he would be dissapointed she had a feeling. And also she wasn't alone. She had a boyfriend where she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. And after school they would do different things. Or they had to bring their power together and start a company together. But Evelyn had no idea if that was something Lucas wanted too. So it was time to talk about it. Evelyn went to the Great Hall to get some breakfast and searched for her boyfriend. He was mostly early there than she was. Evelyn took the time to make herself ready for the day, it was important to look good she thought and she liked to match clothes together. She hadn't the products here on school to make her own clothes, so that was something she had to do at home and invest in. When the blonde found the Gryffindor Table she went sitting and looked around to see if Lucas was here already.
Lucas hadn't thought much about what life would hold after graduation. He had some ideas, but nothing so far jumped out at him. He knew his level of ambition didn't match his girlfriends and whatever she did next would be the first step to her inevitable global domination...of fashion. Lucas knew that Evelyn wanted to talk about their future once they graduated and he had been avoiding having the conversation because he had no answers for her. Lucas knew Evelyn would want to plan every detail of their next steps and that was something Lucas wasn't in a position to do. The Gryffindor made his way into the Great hall and spotted Evelyn at their house table and made his way over to her. "Hey gorgeous," He kissed her cheek as he slid in beside her. "You wanted to talk?"
Evelyn didn't saw Lucas yet so decided to pour herself some orange juice in. And she grabbed a croissant for her own. She could make a plate for Lucas also, but that seemed so oldfashion. They weren't there yet. They lived in the same place, but it wasn't like they lived together. But Evelyn would like that. She had some plans for the future and she wanted to discuss them with Lucas. To see if he had the same vision. And if not, what he would like. So when a familliar voice greeted her and that charming smile greeted her she returned the smile. '' Hey you.'' and she gave him a kiss quickly back. And he understood that she wanted to talk. '' Yeah I do. I feel the time ticking away here. I am curious what we will do after Hogwarts. I mean we are gonna stay together ofcourse. But do you have some plans?'' Evelyn than asked her boyfriend. She understood how difficult it was to choose something you like to do. But the blonde knew it already at the beginning of this school, she had planned her future. And Lucas fitted into it ofcourse.
Lucas has been expecting the question as soon as he arrived. With graduation so close it was no surprise that Evelyn wanted clarity on what their life would be like when they graduated and that included knowing what Lucas planned to do with his life. "I don't have everything worked out," Lucas shrugged his shoulders, he knew it wasn't the answer Evelyn wanted to hear but it was the truth. "Quidditch maybe if I can swing some tryouts, but nothing is set up you know," Lucas was sure Evelyn had everything planned to the finest detail of what she would be doing when she graduating, but Lucas didn't operate like that. "Whatever happens, I just want us to be together,"
The blonde listend as her boyfriend spoke. She had explained what she wanted to know, and she had a feeling what her boyfriend would say. But perhaps she could help him with finding a plan. Evelyn wanted Lucas to have a plan or at least that he would be happy with his life after Hogwarts and find his passion. The blonde took a sip of her tea and than looked at Lucas again. '' I understand. But do you have any idea what you like to do? I want to help you with finding that.'' The blonde than said. Perhaps it was easy speaking for her because Evelyn already knew which side she wanted to go. And than heard Lucas speaking about quidditch. He didn't joined the team here but he was kind of the type for it she figured. She had no idea if that was possible without the experiance here. '' Quidditch seems something for you. But you haven't played around here. Is that possible to try and join a team without that?'' Evelyn suggested and wanted to know more about it. The blonde was glad with Lucas saying he just wanted to be with her. That seemed really sweet. Evelyn smiled to him and put her hand on his cheek for a moment and looked at him. '' Me too.'' Evelyn than said happy. '' I just want you to be happy. It's not a suprise that I want to work in the fashion industry. But I have to climb up the ladder again. Perhaps begin with modelling, but I have a dream to build up my own empire. You can always play a role into that if you like? But I understand if you want something else.'' Evelyn than explained to her boyfriend. She had made some contacts over the years and her aunt had her own brand, but she knew that she started at the bottom again and had to show herself to the world. It was a more difficult world she figured than here. The blonde felt that she stood at the top of the ladder around here, but out of the school that would be different. And that seemed scary as well.
Lucas shook his head gently as Evelyn suggested him playing a role in her future empire. "I appreciate it, but that will be your dream, your empire, I shouldn't be involved, that's all you," It was a nice thought but Lucas didn't want to ride on his girlfriends coattails or step on her toes, he needed to make his own way. "Playing professional without playing at school is...unconventional sure but not impossible, I've reached out to a couple of teams and I have a tryout lined up for after graduation,"
Evelyn knew that she could try, but she didn't want to force Lucas to anything. But if he didn't knew what he wanted she could always offer him something to help. She smiled as Lucas described why he shouldn't be involved. Perhaps he was right. But the blonde just felt so happy while being with him. Something that she had to offer for her job she believed. Now they saw eachother everyday. But with the fashion industry she would have to travel a lot to different country's. And the blonde also would want to join the muggle world, because she had a lot of interest for their fashion industry. She had to begin somewhere, at the bottom again to build up her empire as Lucas said it. But she was fine with that. She could work on her skills of designing and build up contacts while doing modelling work. '' Perhaps you are right. I am glad that you are honest with me about it. But you should know that I will have to travel a lot for work. I really would love to live together, we see eachother now every day too so why not? We can live everywhere I don't care. But I will have to stay in many country's. '' Evelyn explained, she didn't knew if Lucas already would have thought of that. She wanted nothing more than to have her own big house with Lucas. But she would go from place to place first. When Lucas explained the quidditch industry more she nodded. She believed in him. And if you wanted something you just had to go for it. She took a sip of her juice and smiled again. '' I believe in you Luc. Glad to hear that you make work of it. You should totally go for it! '' The blonde said with a smile and kissed him on his cheek.
Lucas hadn't expected Evelyn to come out and say she wanted them to live together when they graduated. Truth was, the reality that they wouldn't be spending every day together hadn't really hit him until that moment. For Lucas the worst parts of his time with Evelyn had been the school holidays when they went their separate ways, that wasn't something he wanted to relive long term. "I wanna be wherever you are," He said simply. "I can probably travel to where I need to be from wherever we're staying at the time, I want to live with you too, wherever, we'll find a way to make it work,"
The blonde hoped that Lucas had the same vision as she had. She just wanted to spend time with him and not be the girl who worked so much that lost the most important things out of her sight. And at this moment that was Lucas her friends and family. The blonde smiled as Lucas said the right thing again. He just found the words that calmed her and made her feel relax. And she was glad that he didn't said he wasn't ready for all the adventure together. '' I'm glad to hear so. We can just seach for a place together after we graduate? I think I will be a lot in France and England. So you can choose whichever you like.'' Evelyn was ok with anything now that she knew Lucas would follow her anywhere. He wanted to offer so much for her and Evelyn really thought that was sweet. She was gonna support and help him in his carreer as much as she could too. '' I would love to have you with me as much as possible. Do you know more people from our year that will try out for a team?'' The blonde asked her boyfriend. Lizzie would probably want to make a carreer out of it she was sure.
Lucas was excited about the possibility of living in another country after graduation, it would be something different and an exciting new chapter of their life together. "France would probably be better for you right? Paris and all," He shrugged, Lucas was by no means a fashion expert but he had been dating Evelyn long enough to know Paris was pretty big on the fashion scene. "I like the idea of France, I can make that work,"
Evelyn saw a Lucas his face that he seemed to be as excited as she was. He started about France and it made her laugh. He really did pay attention when she talked about something fashion related. He was the best boyfriend after all indeed. And thinking of Paris made her smile, she often visited the place with her father and it seemed a nice place to live. They had decided this together and Evelyn was glad they planned out their future. '' You are completly right. I really do love France. We have to work on speaking it a bit, but I'm sure we will be fine. '' Evelyn already saw it in front of her. When Lucas said that he could make France work the blonde smiled bright and hugged him shortly, because she was just really happy. '' I'm so glad to have you. I will support you in any way I can. Perhaps nearby France is something for you too?'' The blonde said friendly.
It seemed they had agreed on a place to live after graduation, or a city at least. "Sounds like we have a plan," Lucas hadn't considered the language aspect of it all but they would pick it up as they went for sure. "I'm sure I'll find something don't worry about me, I'm glad I have you and your support it means a lot, I love you Evelyn and I can't wait to build our life together,"

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