Closed Frustrations Building Up

Diana Hollis

Sneaky | Asst. Gossip Columnist | 2052 graduate 💋
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Straight (Delaney))
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Delaney)
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Yew Wand with Fairy Wing Core
10/2033 (28)
Diana was feeling pretty annoyed. She had come over to Delaney's house to spend some time with her boyfriend. So she didn't think it was too much to ask for him to pay some attention to her. Apparently, Delany thought differently. He had barely looked at her since she had gotten here. Diana was perched on the sofa and had ran her hand through her hair, twice. All Delaney could focus on was his stupid Bass, as if it wasn't extremely annoying how he kept playing the same thing over and over again, just very slightly different. Diana glanced at him out of the corner of her eye and let out a deep sigh, for what had to be the third time this minute.
Delaney had been trying to work out this one bass fill for what felt like weeks now, fingers flexing over the frets as he tried it again, grimacing when he couldn't land the right note to resolve it right as Diana let out another sigh. She kept doing that lately and Delaney was certain she knew it drove him nuts. Usually her pushing his buttons on purpose was fun, but right now Delaney was barely resisting hucking his pick at her. "What," he said sourly, glancing over at her from where he was hunched against the other end of the couch. "If you're hungry or something the kitchen's right there," he said waving a flippant hand and hoping she'd take the hint and give him some space for once. She always got in his face when she was over and while Delaney loved having her stay the night, the rest of the time she always seemed to want something when he just wanted to relax.
Vera liked to keep to herself, even at home. Usually because leaving her own space brought her into the realm of the men, or rather boys, she lived with and no matter how hard she tried to avoid it they usually brought trouble. She had spent most of her afternoon working on a painting but she was getting tired and needed a break. With a rag in hand to wipe the paint from her fingers she walked into the living room and frowned before she could stop herself. Delaney had his girlfriend over. She hadn't gotten to know the other woman very well in their brief interactions, but she had to admit they made a bit of an odd couple and...she wasn't a fan. She seemed to have walked in on a tense moment and decided to stay out of it. Vera pulled her face into an approximation of a friendly tight lipped grin and waved. "Good to see you." she said to Diana and kept walking. "That fill is coming along too." she said over her shoulder to Delaney as she walked into the kitchen first.
Asher didn't often eat junk food. But he'd snuck in some food the other week, lamenting quietly over his unrequited feelings. Well, he thought they were. He was still too much of a coward to admit to Archie that Asher was helplessly in love with him. He had snuck down to the kitchen to acquire his snacks after a few hours of songwriting. Unfortunately, while he'd been digging them out, Delaney and his latest girlfriend had positioned in the living room.

Asher didn't want to be caught. He didn't want to share, and he didn't want Delaney tattling to Leo that Asher was eating so much junk. He had his arms loaded and a bag of crisps hanging from his teeth, waiting for a chance to sneak away. He winced at Delaney's comment to the girl. He was going to be killed. Ash would have to hide or risk being the next victim.

He almost jumped out of his skin when he heard Vera, knowing he was in trouble now. Before he could do more than edge away from the door, she had walked into the kitchen. He stared, blushing deeply, unable to speak. Maybe it really was just his time to go. He gave the best smile he could, trying to look innocent.
Natalia clicked her tongue in annoyance at Delaney's words. She had really thought dating a rockstar was more exciting than this. If one could even call Delaney a rockstar, it was honestly a stretch. "I'm not hungry." She snapped at him, glaring. Her expression softened a bit when Vera greeted her, and she gave the other woman a tight smile. Diana never got the impression she liked her very much, but at least she acted polite to her face. She turned her attention on Delaney again. "Why do you even ask me to hang out here if you don't even talk to me?" She asked him. "Or even look at me." She added under her breath.
Delaney rolled his eyes as Diana snapped at him. She was needy sometimes and it really got on his nerves. It was like she expected to read his mind and then got mad at him for getting it wrong. It wasn't like he was a seer. He perked up when Vera came through, preening at the compliment. "Vera, Vera, querida, what are you doing right now," he asked, wedging his bass on the couch between him and Diana so he could leap over the back to follow Vera.

"You're here all the time, I pay plenty of attention to you. I have a life that doesn't revolve around you, you know," he called to Diana, following Vera to the kitchen and nearly walking into Asher. "Oh hey. Thanks," he said, selecting a bag of chips from Asher's snack horde and patting Asher on the face. "Here, now you don't have to be so hangry," he said, chucking the chips towards Diana on the couch.
Vera appreciated Diana's surface level politeness but she wasn't about to stop and chat. When she entered the kitchen she did stop short when she saw Asher with his arms full of junk food. She could hear Leo's lecture running though her head and she sighed. That could be his problem later, it wasn't her job to keep the boys from eating whatever they wanted. She regretted acknowledging Delaney when he followed her into the next room like a fly. "Getting a snack." she said matter-of-factly before she started looking through the cabinets looking for something she liked. But as she looked she kept a close eye on Delaney and Diana, unsure if their passive aggression would turn to just aggression any time soon. She did her best to stay out of the drama of the boy's lives but sometimes she got caught in the crossfire.
Asher almost groaned as he heard Delaney speaking, ignoring the pat to the cheek. He dropped the bag of chips between his teeth and hissed at Delaney. "Dude! No, no, shut up, she's going to kill you!" He tried to warn the other boy. Noticing Vera looking for snacks, Asher slunk closer to her- partly for protection. "Psst, V," He whispered, pulling some of her favorite treats from his snack pile and offering it out to her. "I was gunna sneak this to you later," He whispered, glancing nervously at Delaney and his girlfriend.
Diana scowled as Delaney left, but still found the time to yell at her that he had a life that doesn't revolve around her. "Then why invite me?" She yelled back, frustrated. It was embarrassing, the way his bandmates were there to witness his childish behavior. Though Diana supposed they were probably used to it. Diana yelped as the bag of chips hit her. She grabbed it and threw it back at him. "I don't eat that crap." She snapped, getting up and brushing herself off. "I'm going." She announced, fully expecting Delaney to try to make her stay.
"If I don't you just show up anyway," Delaney called over his shoulder to Diana, rolling his eyes and quietly kissing his chances of running the riff he was working on with Vera goodbye as he turned around, smacking at the bag of whatever Asher was holding out to Vera as he went past. Served Asher right for trying to give him relationship advice. Asher. Pft. "And it's why you're so cranky," he told Diana smugly as she snapped about the chips, moving to leaning her space over the back of the couch and nearly tipped right over as she stood up to leave. "Noo, ugh, don't leave," Delaney said, rubbing a hand down his face and moving to try and snag Diana's arm to try and reel her back in and mostly succeeding in knocking his hip bone painfully on the corner of the couch. "Ow, sh*t, wait," he said, hopping slightly to the side before resuming trying to lure Diana back. "Look, I'm all yours, what do you want? You're so needy," he murmured, somewhere between fond and exasperated.
Vera was starting to regret coming out of the safety of her own room more than ever now. But she smiled weakly at Asher who held up her favorite chips. “Thanks.” she said quietly and took them eagerly because it meant she was one step closer to getting out of this kitchen. Her next stop was the fridge to get something to drink and just as she opened the door her eyes whipped to Diana who said she was leaving. Vera looked back and forth between the other woman and Delaney, wondering what stupid thing her bandmate was going to say next. She audibly groaned from secondhand embarrassment when Delaney called his girlfriend needy. "Oh my god." she whispered under her breath. He was really going to get himself in trouble one day and she would have to make sure she was far far away when he did. She quickly grabbed a bottle of juice and shut the door before gesturing for Asher to follow her. As much as she wanted to hurry back to her room she took her time walking through the living room just in case Delaney actually needed saving.
-this is not Jess being terrible at group threads and forgetting when its her turn XD i'm sorry-

Asher was dying. He had two sisters and he knew exactly how this was probably going to end. His snacks in hand, he tiptoed after Vera, trying to keep closer to her and just praying they made it out of this alive. He had witnessed a lot of Delaneys- ah, adventures, over their time together, and this one seemed just about ready to explode in his face. Again. Ash tried not to say anything, hoping he could just somehow shrink down enough to hide behind Vera successfully.
Diana scowled at Delaney as he said she would show up anyway. "Most guys would be happy to spend time with their girlfriend!" She yelled at him, feeling immensely frustrated. Why was she wasting he time on a loser like Delaney if he wasn't even aware of how much of a loser he was compared to her? Diana pulled her arm out of his grasp as she moved over to the door. She let out a noise of pure rage as he called her needy. "What I WANT is for you to realize I can do much better than you. If you don't start treating me better, I will." She said sharply. Then she turned to the others. 'I'm sorry you have to live with such a child." She said, before opening the door and stepping outside without another glance at Delaney.

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