Front Page "Bulletin Board"?

Lysander Summers

Expelled • Legilimens • The One To Blame
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
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Single (Bisexual)
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Straight 11 ½ Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Ashwinder Dust Core
June 20 2038 (24)

So I was thinking about this, and how easy it can be to miss event topics sometimes (at least for me, I'm terrible with it :p ). I brought this up in the last Bi-Weekly, and while Cyndi made a good point about PMing HoHs about club events/activities in the school/etc, there's always the possibility that these can be buried during high-activity periods. So I was wondering if it were possible to have something on the front page similar to the Trending RPs/Latest Posts/Profile Posts, that listed current on-going event topics? Anything from club events, club fairs, house meetings, tryouts, maybe shop events/competitions? Just a general OOC Bulletin Board of things happening on the site to improve visibility/traction for these topics that people might otherwise miss, or forget are up. I'm not sure if this would be difficult to do, or if there were a way to be able to tag things as an event/etc so that they could automatically appear there, but I thought I'd throw it out as a suggestion!
Hey Jesse,

This is an interesting suggestion, but we do wonder if having something else wouldn't just continue to result in things still getting missed. As of right now there are a number different ways of getting threads across to members of a club or the site, the first is by PMing people, the second is by plugging it in the plot development area, another is by staff doing shout outs in BWUs (which you can ask us to do) or do via plot highlight, another is the profile posts or even just tagging something as event would make it easier to find. Another IC way for club events specifically would be to ask HOHs or any club member in the house to have it posted on their house bulletin board. Any number of these could be used by event/club leaders to ensure the most amount of people are enticed to reply.

Something at the side of the board, might seem like a good idea, but there’s questions of the doability, especially in making sure those specific threads get picked up to be able to appear in something there, this for us as admin could be something we looked at, but it might just prove to be a bit impossible in the current board set up. Not to mention it might clog up the side of the site a little.

We can propose to do would be to connect the announcements thread to chatbox, like how the spotlight threads are, that could be an easy place for people to look in and see what’s going on, what’s opened, what’s closed and we could promote any events via that, if people send us a link to say “can you put this in announcements” we can definitely start sharing things there. If people would be interested we would definitely be happy to set that out.

Ohh I really like the idea of an announcements shouty! Or even just a bulletin board thread maybe that's pinned in the OOC/Plot Dev area perhaps would be easier?

I know I've def missed things like House meetings before cause I know HOH have their work cut out PMing every house member and profile posts get lost if you don't go check for new ones (which I've started doing).
The Announcements shouty room is now live! If you have anything you'd like to appear there, you should PM it to an admin. ^_^

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