Friends, enemies, etc.

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So I haven't been very active with any of my characters lately, and I decided that I need to start becoming more active, especially with my more main characters. Especially Akihiro.
He's a Durmstrang transfer, and he didn't have any friends back at Durmstrang, he didn't have an interest in them. Considering now that he's going to be at Hogwarts for the rest of his school years, he wants to have at least one or two friends. Possibly more.
I know I already had a good guy friend for Akihiro, but I don't know if that's still up and what not. And it doesn't matter what age the person is because Akihiro is mature for his age, considering the surroundings he grew up in.

One of the most important part of his character is the fact that he's engaged to Kaede Okinawa, a second year who was at Hogwarts last year. However, Kaede has no desire to be with him, although she is his betrothed. He thinks he loves her, and only has eyes for her. He talks to other girls, but as just friends, and nothing more. There might be a little feelings for another girl, but they won't last very long.

Akihiro is generally a kind person, but when he wants something he goes for it, and is very stubborn about it. He's also very protective over Kaede, and her younger sister Yuki. He knows that Kaede can take care of herself, but Yuki he knows can do stupid, childish things, and is like a younger sister to him.

What else can I blab about him? xD
He's very tall, over 6 ft, although I'm not quite sure how tall I have him atm. I think it's like six foot two. Maybe...

Anyways, I would love to have someone RP with him. Granted, he won't be an extremely active character, but I'll make sure I reply at least once a day to an RP. If not, I'll do it as soon as possible.

Thanks everyone! If you have any extra questions you can message Akihiro or my main Kaede Okinawa for answers.
Hey you! :D

((Sorry, WAY too lazy to switch accounts))

I remember that Akihiro and Angela Marion had something in the unsorted section, so if you'd like to have them meet up again, that would be great. And it'd be easy since they are both in Ravenclaw. If you don't remember much about her, just let me know and I'll give you all the information you need!!
No I remember! I'm not that forgetful xD
But yeah totally! I was thinking about that to, but I wasn't sure if you were to busy or not. xD But sweet!
Do you mind starting the RP? If you don't want to do it I always can do it as well. ^^
... I can probably start it if you'd like. Just give me a few days, i have friends visiting :D

I have Imogen Day, who I can offer as either a friend or Love interest for the year.
There is a plot going for the love interest, so If you're interest I'll explain it then.
If not, then Imogen can be a friend.

She's really friend and kind and easy to get along with.
Lily- Cool. Akihiro could probably be a friend with Imogen, and she can be a sort of a friend that's friends with both Kaede and Akihiro. Plus, when Imogen is around it'll cause them to get a long a little for their friend. And the love interest plot, if you don't mind I'd like to see it. It all depends if the relationship would last or not. But I'd definitely like to see it either way. ^^

Well, it'll be short, only until about March, April time (HNZ time of course)
Imogen is already going out with someone, but they are slowly drifting apart as the year goes on. Immy will just assume she no longer likes him and they are no longer together so that would leave her single for someone else.
But Later in the year, she'll meet the current boyfriend and realise she still has feelings for him. She's 12, so her feelings easily move.
This would just be a short term relationship.
Maybe that could do something to Imogen and Kaede's friendship too.
Interested? If not, they can just be friends
I'm super interested. I like that idea! But what type of thing would happen with Kaede and Imogen. Do you think it would make them drift a little or like, maybe it could be a bump in the roller coaster ride of a friendship? xD
And so it'll be more like a spur of the moment thing instead of a "really like like" relationship?
Whatever you decide I'm cool with doing it. Because it's your plot. xD

I think a bump in the road of there friendship would be better.
And it would be more of a spur of the moment.
Would you like to start a topic? Or shall I
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