Fourth Years, Lesson One

Landon sat back in his chair as he watched the newly fourth years enter the greenhouse. He had quite enjoyed teaching them all last year and was excited for this year where they would be learning some interesting stuff if they were willing to learn. Despite this, he was also going to be sad to watch them leave and pass them on to Professor Castillo next year and was eager to make the most of it while it lasted.

Landon quickly took the roll call before starting the lesson. ”Hello, fourth years! This is the final year before you begin your OWLs which is the second most difficult exam at Hogwarts.” The man paused as he smiled around at his students. "This semester we shall be focusing on St. Mungo's. I do not like to say this, but it will mainly consist of lectures. I will try my best to make it as fun as possible for you though, so don't fret!"

"St. Mungo's, or St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, is the only Wizarding Hospital in Britain and is located in London. Most would never guess that the there is a close connection between the hospital and Herbology, but they go hand in hand! Herbology supplies them with ingredients needed for their potions and ointments. This year, we will be providing them with the plants that we grow and harvest ourselves. Also, we will supply the school nurse with a small supply as well."
he said, hoping some of his students were interested in this. "For homework, please write a least a paragraph on what you know about St. Mungo's. If you're lucky, this will be the only assignment for the year, but I won't promise that. From this point onward I would like to see you all trying your best so you can hopefully do Herbology again next year. When you are ready, you may leave."


Assignment: RP the lesson. Do the homework assigned for extra credit.
Ten was excited about Herbology more than she had been during other years. After spending the last two in Scotland and having a taste for how it felt to be burnt out from taking every single class, alongside a desire to no longer put all her focus on potions upon realising it didn't matter what she did she'd never be Olive, that it was her love of plants that she came back to. When she was younger, living at home with her dad and brother, her room would be thick with leaves and plants in every corner, to the point where she had to be careful not to stand on anyone or anything in fear of damaging it.

As she sat in her first lesson of the year, unusually excited about the topic despite the last few years of stress that taking every elective causes, Ten couldn't help be a little disappointed that this year would be primarily lectures. That being said, she was looking forward to the prospect that what they did in class would be helping those in St Mungos. If someone had been faster for Olive, could someone have saved her too?

Homework said:
St Mungos.
St Mungos is a hospital for magical witches and wizards, and it's based in London. It's hidden from the muggle population through a secret door in an old department store, and treats various magical ailments. You have to train to be a healer at St Mungos, they won't let in any old person off the streets.

Once Ten was finished with her homework, she took the paper up towards Professor Carter to hand it in but lingered on the spot for a moment. If anyone was going to know about how she could use plants for more than just bedroom decorations, it would have been him. "Can you work with plants? As a job?" she asked, once the other students had left. Ten wasn't excited at the idea of working one day, but perhaps it wouldn't have been a bad thing just to see what was out there.
Despite his crazy timetable last year, Teddy was taking all the elective classes again this year. He was wondering though if he was overcommitting himself with all these classes and extra curricular activities one year before his OWLs. Only time would tell he supposed, but so far so good as he arrived in the greenhouse for Herbology. The lesson today was about St Mungos and the plants grown for medicines and potions. He expected that he would find this semester quite interesting as they grew plants to supply the hospital. He jotted down the assignment at the end of the lesson then left the greenhouse with his friends.

St Mungo's was founded in the 1600s by the Healer Mungo Bonham and is concealed from muggles. The hospital has multiple floors, each dedicated to different types of medical care. The medical care is provided by trained magical healthcare professionals known as healers.
Marley was excited for a whole new school year. She was glad to be back and was excited for lessons. The fourth year made her way to her Herbology classroom and took a seat in her usual spot. She took out the things she needed for the lesson before moving her full attention towards the professor as the professor started off with the lesson. The lectures started to grow on Marley a little more. She didn't mind it at all. The girl listened carefully to what the professor had to say, making sure to note down everything that he had to say. She also nodded along to what he had to say, showing that she understood the content that he was giving.

It wasn't long before the lesson had come to an end and they were dismissed. Marley made sure to take note of the homework they were given. Marley quickly packed her things up as well as her area. She said a quick but appreciative thanks and goodbye to the professor before heading out of the greenhouse with her friends and the rest of her classmates.

St Mungo's
St Mungo's or its longated name; St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, was founded in the 1600's by a healer named Mungo Bonham. The hospital is located in London, England. The hospital is hidden from the muggle population as they only heal witches and wizards. St Mungo's had plans of being in different locations, but it was decided to be placed in a muggle building. St Mungo's staff are well trained healthcare professionals. They aren't called doctors in the magical world, these healthcare professionals are called Healers.

Callie walked happily into the herbology greenhouse and took her usual spot in the room. She glanced towards the professor as the man got started, and nodded at what they would be learning about. She listened to what the professor was saying, getting down what he said about st. mungoes and then what they’d be doing within the semester itself. This felt a little counter-productive, given that all she knew was what the professor just said, but she packed up her things and then headed out of the herbology greenhouse intending to go work on the homework.
Enoch headed into the herbology classroom and took his usual spot in the room. He was rather eager a little, to be done with this professor, and this way of teaching. He didn’t really want his head of house as the professor but that had to be better than this. He looked up at the professor as the man began talking about st mungoes and then afte a very brief lecture, he just gave them some homework. Enoch rolled his eyes, packed up his things and headed out, he could definitely get to the homework at a much later point. He did not need to get to it yet.
Herbology, a subject Lucy rather enjoyed. Last year had been a lot of fun with the field trips. She privately wondered if there'd be more of them. Taking her seat, she settled in for a lesson, surprised to hear they'd be learning about St Mungo's. She supposed that was what her parents wanted for her - to learn about that sort of thing. It faintly irritated Lucy though, and she wasn't particularly eager to learn. She took a note of homework, supposing she may as well do it.

St Mungo's is a hospital in London. It was founded sometime in the 1600s. It's named after its founder, Mungo (who is apparently a saint?). There's one in New Zealand too. People who work there are called healers.
Veronica didn’t like the sound of fourth year Herbology as Professor Carter began to explain to them it would mostly consist of lectures, Millie would be in her element and suspected her sister would enjoy the year a lot more than her. Veronica listened and took notes as Professor Carter began to explain a little more about St. Mungos, Veronica was familiar with the hospital though she’d never been, not since being born there at least. Despite the fact the Hogwarts greenhouses supplied St Mungos with ingredients for potions, Veronica wasn’t sure why learning about a magical hospital was relevant for plant class. She listened, she made notes and at the end of the lesson she made note of their homework assignment then left the greenhouse.

There are two St Mungos, one in London and one here in New Zealand so I'm not sure why we're learning specifically about the London branch. The hospital treats a variety of injuries such as creature induced injuries (for all that helped my mother), magical catastrophes and spell damage related injuries.
Friday walked into the herbology greenhouse and took her usual spot in the room. She glanced up at the professor as the man got started, though she was not interested in this. She liked Herbology more than some of her other classes, but really not actually that much. She knew what st mungoes was but did take any notes. She knew enough and thus it was unnecessary for her to write anything down. There was absolutely no need. The teen then was glad that the lesson was wrapped up with just a little homework that she was bound to not actually do.
Classes were definitely the worst part of being at Hogwarts, and Herbology was high on the list of being the worst one. It was just so... dirty. Vanity hated getting dirt under her fingernails and hated how some of the plants were just slimy or gross, or dangerous. She headed to the greenhouse with some apprehension today, wondering what sort of things would be covered in the fourth year. She also pulled a face when she saw Amortentia was back. The school had been a lot better without her. Vanity took a seat in the back of the class and listened as the professor talked and talked. He mentioned something about OWLs as if that was relevant yet. They were covering St Mungo's this semester. While that was boring, she wondered if it meant less working with plants. That would be good. She was glad the lesson was short and quickly left once they were dismissed.
As Millie joined her sister for the first Herbology lesson of the new year her interest was piqued when Professor Carter told them that their lessons for the year would mostly be lectures as they started learning about St Mungos. She found it a little strange that the professor seemed to focus on the hospital in London, not the one in New Zealand where she and most of her siblings had been born but she wasn’t about to question it. She sat in the lesson and listened as he gave them a brief overview of what St Mungos was and the relationship between the hospital an the school, which was even more confusing if he was talking about the London one. Professor Carter didn’t say much more on the school, Millie assumed because he wanted to see what they knew themselves based on the homework assignment he gave them. Millie made a note of it and once the lesson was over she made her way out of the classroom.

St Mungos is the magical hospital in London though it also has a branch in New Zealand. The people who primarily work there and care for the patients are called healers, they treat serious injuries caused by spells, creatures and other magical incidents.
Dominic was glad to be back for his fourth year. He was mostly excited to play some more quidditch, especially now as he had a guaranteed spot on the team. He knew he had far to go however and so practicing was going to be his top priority, as well as classes of course. The Hufflepuff had his first week of classes for that semester to attend, so he packed everything that he needed before heading to them.

As Dominic entered the Herbology greenhouse, he smiled in greeting to the professor before taking his usual seat. The professor started the lesson quickly, firstly reminding them that this would be their last year before their all important OWL exams. He couldn't imagine they would be that hard, but the thought of it still stressed him out a little, but mostly because they were supposed to. The boy tried to jot down some notes as the professor spoke about St. Mungo's, which was going to be their prime topic this semester. As the lesson came to an end, the professor assigned them some homework and Dominic was quick to head back to the castle once dismissed.

Dominic Owens-Lee
Hufflepuff Fourth Year
Herbology Lesson #1

St. Mungo's Hospital

St. Mungo's Hospital is a wizarding hospital located in both the United Kingdom and New Zealand. The one in the United Kingdom is the original one and that is the one that we will be learning about. The one in New Zealand was where our mandrakes were taken after our second year after we helped them through their childhood and pubescent stages. St. Mungo's, both in the United Kingdom and New Zealand, rely heavily on potions which are made daily to treat St. Mungo's patients. These potions in turn rely on their ingredients, and plants are quite common ingredients that are used. This is why we are learning about St. Mungo's hospital in our Herbology class this semester.
Landon beamed as Ten approached him with her homework already completed. "Excellent work! 5 points to Gryffindor for being so quick and efficient!" he exclaimed, happily taking the piece of parchment off her. He was a little surprised at her question, as he had never felt she enjoyed Herbology that much, but nodded excitedly. "Yes, of course! I've known many people even start businesses selling plants. It can be easy money as well with the growing demand of potions, and with plants being an integral part to making potions, selling plants can get you far. You could even also spend your time researching plants. Many great discoveries have been made through plant research that have helped magical folk since before the renaissance!" He wasn't sure how much Ten was following him, but hoped that this new information could help her decide about her future a little easier.

@Ten Layton-King
Elodie was glad to be back at school, though she missed Byron and their dog dearly. Sometimes she felt like they were all she had- it felt like she had a hard time connecting with anyone most days. She brushed the thought aside- she had plenty of people she was friendly with, and that was enough. She hummed softly as she got ready for class, braiding her dark hair and straightening out her uniform before heading down to class.

Herbology that day was talking about St Mungos and talking about how there would be a lot of lectures. She didn't mind that, and she liked the thought of learning about something so important. Though she didn't really know much more than what the Professor said about it. She tool down a few notes, handed in her homework, and headed out, curious to see what she would be learning from the Professor that year.

Fourth Year Herbology Lesson One
Elodie Wynshaw

I don't actually know much about St Mungos, sir, aside from what you've told us today. It seems irresponsible to only have one magical hospital in all of England- shouldn't there be more? Maybe little clinics or offices throughout the country? But its nice that we help supply them, that seems like a noble thing to do.
Audrey was keen to get back to classes. She'd certainly missed having things to do, as much as she needed the break. At least the holidays had been a little more exciting than usual - Dion had taught her how to play a few different card games, she'd gone on a mini hike with Lucy and most importantly she had much beloved company in the form of her cat, Jinx. She felt a bit sad having to leave him in the dorms but he seemed quite happy to just curl up on her bed and snooze.

Audrey was surprised that the hospital would let students provide plants, but she supposed they had already done that with the mandrakes. Maybe beggars couldn't be choosers. At least they weren't getting the students to make the potions from the supplies. Audrey mostly just hoped she wouldn't have to go there too often. She'd been to a magical hospital once or twice as a kid from standard Quidditch injuries, but she'd been so young she barely remembered. Hopefully, she wouldn't have to go again. She noted down the homework and headed out of the greenhouse when they were dismissed.

St. Mungo's is a hospital for magical injuries. The original is in England, though there's one in New Zealand that they haven't renamed probably because the Ministry of Magic isn't very creative or maybe St. Mungo was just that important. I don't even know if they make witches and wizards saints any more because I didn't think religious people liked magic? Is there a wizard pope? Anyway the point is they heal more things that are magical in nature like spells or potions going wrong, but it's also probably a safer place for people with magic to go for health care. Like if you break your leg falling off your broom the healers will completely understand and patch you up really fast!

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