
Liz was grinning. "Yay! You caught it!" her grin turned into a frown when he didn't stop running. When he hit the tree, Liz ran over to see if he was okay. "Bruin? You okay?" she asked, noting that he was obviously not okay. "Er, I mean... let's get you to the hospital wing! Sophia's amazing at fixing these things!"

Liz thought for a moment. "I'll have to carry you. A levitation charm won't give enough support to stop you from bending right over your injuries. Where does it hurt most?"
Bruin looked up and gave a half-hearted smile. "Ooooo Boy, that middle linebacker over there hits like a Mack Truck!!!", he joked gesturing to the tree. He took a couple of deep breaths and realized that he would be okay, sitting up gingerly, and then slowly getting to his feet.

"So, like I was saying...the most important rule in football, is always look where you are going!", Bruin groaned a little and then tossed the ball to Kiera. "Alright coach, what's next?"
Kiera smiled at the two of them. "Hm...Lets try to teach Lizzy here the basic rules of our sport..." She said to Bru. "Alright Liz once you have caught the ball you try to get it into your end zone without the other team tackling you. If you do that you score...Any questions so far?" she asked.
Ryan was very angry at himself for showing up so late but he ran down to the lawn and saw Liz, Keria, and Bruin already there " Hey guys sorry about being really late" Rya said " But i'm here know" he said with a smile " Hey hit me i'm open" he yelled laughing it felt good to play one of hi muggle spors again, somthing he was actully good at
Kiera grinned at Ryan. "Its no problem. Weve just been teaching Liz how to play. " She said as she tossed him the ball. She realized a little too late she threw too hard. Ryan didnt know how she threw and by her size would not be expecting that much force....
Ryan was impressed by Kiera's strong arm, but he was used to playing football so he raised hes arms and snatched the ball out of the air. " Wow you've got quite the arm Kiera" he said with a laugh
Wandering out into the open, Alicia waved at the others playing football. She was dressed in jeans and a tank top that read, 'Make doughnuts, not war.'

"Hey, guys! Sorry I'm late, but I came like I said I would, right?" She said smiling. "And sorry about my attire. I couldn't find anything else that I didn't mind getting dirty. I didn't expect to be playing football here," she laughed.
"Hey Alicia!" Kiera said with a grin. "Glad you could make it! Dont worry about your clothes theyre fine...You ready to play?" she asked with an evil smile. She caught the ball Ryan threw back to her.
"As ready as I'll ever be, I guess!" Alicia smiled.

I think... she thought to herself.
Alicia caught the ball, threw it on the ground, and pranced around it, hooting and hollering. "Like that, right?" She laughed.
Picking the ball back up, Alicia threw it back toward Kiear. Holding her breath, Alicia prayed it wouldn't hit the other girl in the face.
Ryan saw Kiera wasent loking and the ball was comming right at her, so he dove out infront of her and grabbed the ball, hitting the ground with a thud. Ryan laughed " nice pass Alicia, just try and make sure the person your passing to is looking" Ryan laughed tossing Kiera the ball " Here i think this was ment for you"
Ryan ran off after it, He jumped up and caught it with one hand showing off a little for the girls but after all he was fairly athlectic. Then he threw the ball back to Alicia, then ran back to them
"Good idea," Alicia chuckled, waving an apology to Kiera. She couldn't help being very impressed with Ryan's athletic ability. He was very good. Maybe I can get lessons from him.. she thought.

Jumping dramatically into the air, Alicia caught the ball. "Who wants it? I'm ready to get my game on," she laughed.
"Thanks" he said with a smile to Kiera, "wow its good to be back playing a sport from home, and one that i can actully play." Although Ryan had made one of the Quidditch teams " I'm open alicia!" Ryan said
This time Alicia wasn't worried about hitting Kiear. It was a nice feeling, not having to worry about causing people physical pain. Sadly, the ball flew over her head and landed about ten feet away from her. "Haha, oops. My bad."

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