Open Food and Games

Professor Noel Waldgrave

DADA 1-4 | Loyal | Charming
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 13 Inch Alder Wand 13 3/4" With Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Noel wanted to start the year good. He wanted to meet up with some friends and had asked the house elves to make some food for an picknick outside. He figured they could play games or just chat a bit. A game he always had liked was Truth or Dare but also 30 seconds. And he just wanted to do something nice before he had to study hard again and focus on his Quidditch. It wasn't like first year anymore, where he felt free and just did what he liked to do. But Noel just knew what he wanted to become and how hard he had to work for that, and he was willing to do so. He had send some notes to some of the Gryffindors he knew and to Dainstree and the two Chloe's and Minnie but people were welcome. He walked to the Great Lawn and put down the food and went lying down for a moment. It was an beautiful day and he was happy to be back at Hogwarts. Feeling the sun on his skin and smiling for a moment. Hoping his friends would make some time to start the year good. And hopefully people could interact with eachother.
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Chloë had been glad to be back at school, although due to the chaos that she somehow always found the start of the year to entail she hadn't seen much of her friends yet. She was glad to have found Ajax on the train and had seen most of them around, but she hadn't had a lot more interaction with them yet than a few small conversations. This had been exactly why she had been thankful to receive a note from Noel. She wondered who else he had invited but knew they shared a couple of the same friends so figured they would easily have fun. Chloë had made her way outside as quickly as she could after receiving the note and it didn't take her long to spot Noel out on the grass. "Hey!" She happily greeted him as she plopped down on the grass next to him, eyeing all the food he had managed to bring for a second before turning back to him. "How you doin'? Had a nice break?"
Minnie had been a little surprised to be invited to something that Noel was organising, mostly she was always surprised when she got an invite to something, but she was also a little surprised to find she had almost decided to not go on the account that she knew that Eric wouldn’t be there. Minnie liked Eric and though the last time they’d spoken it had ended with Minnie in tears she still liked the boy enough. But she wanted to spend time with him, in the same way she wanted to spend time with Noel. Minnie just sighed and knew that she didn’t have a lot of time to spare, but it was important to go along to such things. She arrived with plenty time, but noted that she was. not one of the first to get there. She smiled at Noel and the girl, whom she didn't know, it wasn't someone in their year that was for sure, ”Hey, what’s the plan?” she asked.
When Chloe had been invited to something Noel had planned, she had been looking forward to it, wondering what exactly he had in mind. She had been a little surprised but quickly pleased that he had thought of her as one of the people to hang out with, of course they were friends but Chloe, despite being in her fourth year now, hadn’t managed to make as many connections as she’d wanted. So she figured that today could be a great place to start. She arrived to the lawn and when she spotted two familiar heads she approached, knowing she was in the right place. "Hi guys," she greeted with a small wave, wondering who the other girl was. Chloe had never seen her before, so she was probably younger, definitely not in her year or if she was she’d never noticed her. Minnie asked what the plan was and the Ravenclaw was wondering just the same. "I see food," she said with a smile. It looked like some type of picnic, and Chloe was curious to find out what exactly they were going to do.​
Noel was enjoying the sun on his skin and heard some footsteps close or at least it seemed like. And noticed Chloe siting next to him. He smiled to his friend, glad that she came. It was always good to see Chloe and unless that she was an year younger they shared a lot of same friends. He was keen to have her here and play an game with hopefully more. '' Hey Chloe!'' The Gryffindor said happy and went sitting straight again. He thought about his break for a moment and smiled. '' It was fun. Went to Sweden to spend time with the family.'' He than explained to her. Liam had been annoying him all the time about Slytherin winning from them. And of the game against Beauxbatons. Noel was happy for him that he found an place in an Professional Team. But would not miss the annoying confidence of his older brothere around here. '' How was yours? Did you do anything fun?'' Noel than asked the girl in return. When he saw Minnie arriving his smile and attention went directly to her. He was glad that people could meet eachother now, that was the point. He liked Minnie a lot and hoped Chloe would too. '' Hey Minnie.'' He said with an smile and thought of their ice cream meet up. He had been thinking of that a lot. He wanted to explain when the other Chloe arrived from Ravenclaw. He smiled to see her coming as well. He figured it would be fun for Minnie as well, to have an roommate and someone she knew. '' Hey Chloe.'' He than said with a grin and looked at Chloe from Gryffindor with a grin. '' We have two Chloe's.'' He than explained with a smile. But to answer Minnie her question he looked at her again. There was indeed food he had been taking care of that, food was always good. '' Just to have fun! Get to know eachother a little better by playing an game. Two truths and one lie. And enjoy the delicious food the house elves have prepared.'' He than explained and looked at Minnie. And figured that someone had to start. '' So who starts?'' He could but perhaps someone else liked. Noel expected some more people he invited but they could join whenever they wanted.
Chloë started plucking at the grass as soon as she had sat down, smiling at Noel when he told her what he had done over the break. "Sounds nice!" She responded, genuinly happy that he got to go back to Europe to spend time with his family there. She wouldn't even know what that was like, as she had never even met her family in France. "Nah, nothing special." She gave a little shrug when he returned the question. It wasn't that she didn't have fun during her break, because she definitely did, but her family never went anywhere too far out of reach of their hometown. Chloë looked up as not too shortly after each other two other girls joined them. She didn't recognize them and it didn't take long for her to realize that there was a big chance she was going to be the only third year there. Not too bothered by it she smiled at both of the girls, nodding at the one who she seemed to share a name with. "Hi! I like your name." Chloë told her with a small chuckle, before turning to the other girl. "Yours too, actually." She smiled, genuinly meaning it and not just complimenting her because she had, sort of, done so with the other girl. Minnie was a cool name and she liked it. As she listened to Noel explaining what he had planned Chloë wondered how many more people he had invited and when they would join. Figuring more people would arrive sooner or later she looked at the three older kids when Noel asked who wanted to start. She didn't know the game and, even though the name of it seemed rather self-explanatory, it would probably be better to have one of them start it off.

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